if guests look at us they my start an accunt and then join us to fight the evil bagers of evil!
the walrus engoys eating cookies. especialy the peanut-butter chocolete chip ones. :guiltygearXpc37: its cool
our org. beats them by a long shot because you guys have "THE WALRUS!" oh ya! :guns:
highway to hell in your pants
welcome to the random family of randomness. i am silent walrus. Call me SW or THE WALRUS or just plain old silent walrus
really, me too. (inside joke)
OH. and the chosen 1, that geocities, your g-book is full
i thought CtR was someone's screen name. Why are you called CtR?
who took long enogh? ( most likely me?) god im stupid
i was at summer camp. And by the way, Beware of smelly porta-pots! EVIL!!!! who is CtR? i hear gomiez talk about her but have never seen her screen name apper anywere.
Hey eveyone! sorry i wasnt on and posting. I was at summer camp. I had lots of fun and I typed up a whole entire report about kingdom hearts. Its really long.
want to see something amazing? click the link its so cool. http://youtube.com/watch?v=b6wHxbuwb1s
catch the rain
sweet Vids
some people say the man is a boy, some say a girl, some say mish, then they must be a he-she! but who are they?!?!?!?!? or it......
fighting them
hello. was up. schools out i take it. and in your sig with catch the rain, where even is catch the rain? http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?p=426321#post426321
the pole was to attract people but other than that nothing. So are you going to join?
are you going to join the story?
yes i am!!!!!!!! dont dis me. "the walrus" could crush you with his massive bulk so look out from now on!! :D And im posting now so ha!!!