who brings what to the party? I'll bring the Beer, chex mix and stuff for smores!
dancing with myself in your pants
ill send a message to goimez
i dont know ether :blink:
poor pumkins and do you like my new avatar
i was born in october. I got the pupkin month. and the month the first star wars came out :star-wars-smiley-02 the only time i cryed was when the game was over (not really)
Am i invited to the wedding? If i was i was not informed
we wait till i say. (we need goimez and CtR)
i dont know i meant for it to not be planned.
hey guys i started a story thing and i want you guys to join me! if you could that would be cool http://kh-vids.net/showthread.php?t=16335
oh i thought you bought them. your cookies are way better than the stores'! They define pwnage Im sO sOrRy! WilL YoU EVeR foRgIVe mE?!?!?!?!?!?
Finaly i can engoy some store bought cookies. What kind of cookiie? i hope its peanut butter
THE WALRUS would make a good ninja. And i want more cookies and i dont know how to make them! SOMEONE MAKE SILENT WALRUS COOKIES OR ELSE HE WILL CRUSH YOU WITH HIS MASSIVE BULK!
IF YOU WAIT FOR A WHILE ON THE FIRST POST IN HERE GOIMEZ (sorry didnt see caps was on) has made sigs for each of us if you havent noticed. he will make one for you send me a message and i will tell you how to do it k? :noworries: and bagers.....long story. EVIL! i had the same problem with bit and i had to do the same thing
we are getting so many members joining us i cant keep track of them. when it was when i was new it was pretty easy but now.............. overflowing i think. but the more bager fighters the better.
i love confusing people! its my life!
sorry i meant to say zexion
the walrus doesnt dance :(
Cookies rule the earth! (aside from me)