but then i get the whole page and a link no image of just the sig
i have the picture save but i cant get the image to come up. just the words
i cant get it to work. how do you get just the image? and no extra words and junk?
how do you get the picture into your siggy?
k got it how do you get it in?
username: silent walrus name of character: Takashi zodiac: Eagel age: Unknown Family member: Can I be a ho-bo guy? gender: male why i want to join: random family people told me to. all fixed!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh where are you guys getting these cool sigs? i want 1
dont dis the irish. Im irish!!!!!!!!
But I am the smartest because im a walrus! :) i wonder what the person he was fighting was thinking.
evil!!!!!!!!!! what kind of cookie?
oh ya now you can go tell all your friends that you have a talking walrus as your random family pet!!!!!!!!!!! they will be so jealous! we have cool pets here. p.s. look out for the evil bagers of doom. the familys arch enemeys
The random family is a wonderful experience of randomness. I am silent walrus. the familys pet walrus. :-) (the smiles didnt work)
I want to rock in your pants
dance dance in your pants it rymes!
hey i was on some of the other sites for kh and they talk about these translators they used for final mix 1 and 2. does anyone know where i can find one?
its called "sweet Child o' mine Beat it in your pants
i will never learn another langage. :(
the silent walrus creeps pu on to the unsapecting people