Pretend he's not there and then he might stop. If not, make keyblade and hit him. XD
Ignore him. Kingdom Hearts rocks! ^^
Hi and welcome to kh-vids! Have fun posting!
ooc: yea i know it is Sora took the whistle and put it in his pocket. "I should be alright if I use drive. If things get too hard I'll call you." Sora then turned to Terra. "There should be a gummi ship waiting. Are you ready?"
Hows the graphics?
"Yumm...I was in the mood for ramen but this works too!" Sora ate two slices and was ready to go!
"heh, ok sounds good! When will we be leaving?" Sora asked Melody. "but before we go..can we get someting to eat? Im starving!" OOC: I have to go for now, but I'll try to be on in an hour or so.
"Nobodies don't have any hearts...It's sad but it's the truth. Well, what are you going to do now?" Sora asked.
I like it! Great job! The text looks normal though, but the rest is good.
"Hey! I'm not a stalker! (hehehe) Anyways, Melody told me about you. Do you know her?" Sora asked Terra.
"alright," Sora said. "I'll go and talk to her." Sora walked cautiously up to her. "Um, hi! I'm Sora! You must be Terra right? I didn't mean to startle you if I did."
I'd go with Sora cause Roxas wouldn't actually be there if Sora wasn't alive.
"alright, no fights, gotcha." Sora said. Sora then turned to Melody saying, "Is that Terra, over there?"
"Organization XIII's memory huh? Doesn't seem too hard. I've fought them before and I'm ready for anything!" Sora said. He then turned around and saw someone who he never seen before...
Sora opened his eyes. "I guess she teleported me to twilight town. Now where to first look for this Terra person. Maybe I could ask around." Sora started to ask people in the streets, but no one knew. "Ahh, this is hopeless!" Sora decided to sit down and rest for a bit.
"Alright sounds good! I'll head to twilight town!" Sora headed toward the darkness, but then turned back saying, "Umm, how do you get back anyhow?"
Jack sparrow cause he's a pirate and he's very funny too! XD
"Other keyblade wielders huh. Is there anyways to talk to this Terra?" I guess that one of the organization members is behind it right?" Sora asked.
I'd say Sora cause he has a keyblade. Donald and Goofy just follow him around.
"I don't really recall that name," Sora said.