do I have to make a new character or can I use one of the original z fighters?
war bringers? simbiosis? garage heroes? those are some good alternative rock names, although im not a fan of it. How bout "sonic distortion" ooh that sounds cool.
ive never been in a long distant relationship, nor do I think I want to be in one, I can be a friend, but never in a long distant relationship. And I dont think just talking to someone from msn or pm makes a relationship, I think a relationship means to see each other every day, not on a forum or webcam, real relationships have real kisses and loving hugs, not smileys or images, and quite frankly, I think the people you think you know, turn out to be something way diffrent in real life. Im surprised that the girls in long distant relationships havent thought of this as creepy...I am sorry if I have offended you, but im just speaking mind, and sorry if this is spam.:p
can I be xigbar?
wow, I dont know you or anything, but you have a messed up mom, and life. No offence. but um, things could be worse, atleast you have plenty of friends here. SO I wouldnt miss you, maybe if we knew each other better, but many others would.
hmm, a game that looks like an anime...hmm, oh I know... FINAL FANTASY!!!
umm, they dont know I watch anime, so uhh, I dont know. But my sister thinks im gay for watching animes like naruto, FMA, and chobits...WHAT MAN DOES NOT WATCH CHOBITS! yea, my sister thinks im gay for watching anime.
mulan land of drgons and of course the famous.....gorsh!(goffy,I think)
im really sorry to hear that, well atleast you have her kitties to remember her. I know you dont know me or anything, but im actually sorry that your cat died.
Modest mouse in my pants...I know its the bands name, but this is funny as heck.
I cant remember, it was either Cin, Shikamarus shadow(or back then vivi's darkside), or fayth.
here goes! The Bi*ch Is back in my pants (I apologize if anyone is offended) Mother in my pants.....gross thunderstruck in my pants....youch! Roxanne in my pants....I apologize to all Roxannes. I shot the sheriff in my pants...wait what? lick it up in my being perverted today... I better stop before I get in trouble....
my power would be to make the person turn into a mutant monsters whenever I touch like cuts or wounds, then they will eat nothing but human flesh, brains,guts, and pancakes. The mutants would be my slaves and I would use them to take over France! MUHAHAHAHAHAH!.....ummm, this can be alchemy right?
I use to like to doing these in the old forum.:p so heres my boss. Name:yo momma.....just kidding. Name:future sora(like 30 years old) meet:when you beat everything in twilight town and walk around anywhere, a ball of light will explode infront of sora and a cutscene will show sora in the dark dimension where roxa and sora fight, but instead of roxa, the future sora will come out and he'll say, "this is freaky..." then sora says "yea....who are you?" "someone you know quite well...well, maybe not that much." then he will attack. description:he's taller than sora in kh2, same hair, has an eye patch, wears clothes similar to Leons, and carries his old keyblade....and rikus aswell. difficulty:hard bars of health:10 attacks:ragnarok. arms arcanum, dodgeroll, warp slice, doom, final mix. Doom:he multiplies into 5 and each starts slashing you constantly. Final mix:future sora starts glowing in a gold color, then there will be a a crest underneath you, that will turn you into your old kh1 form with the old abilities. when or if you beat him, he will say, "I knew I still it." sora will get mad and yell "who the heck are you!?", "im just the little voice in your head that says dont forget to tie your shoes..hahaha...well, see ya...hahahahahah!"with taht, he dissapears. obtain:repeat: ability to split into 2 for 10 seconds. cool huh?
heh, thx, you dont think the intro was a bit too exaggerated?
ok I tried it, but it say the file doesnt exist anymore, it just shows the yellow frog...:(
ah yes, Craig right? anyway, thx for the welcome.
I put the url in put it keeps saying: Remote file is too large
here are my favorite bands: Iron maiden Metallica(the old school version) megadeth Anthrax Kreator Testament 3 inches of blood Dying Fet*s Deicide Metal Church Pantera Dragon Force Warrant Dir en Grey Black Sabbath Ozzy Osbourne Ted Nugent SLAYER!!!! Nirvana Gorillaz White Zombie Rob Zombie Dio Motorhead Cannibal Corpse Exodus those are some of my favorite bands. Not all of them, I can't remember the rest...:D
hey thx for the sig, but when I tried to put the sig in my CP, it says: Your file of 42.0 KB bytes exceeds the forum's limit of 1,000 Bytes for this filetype. can you help me solve this problem?