and i thought it was sumthing good. (>_<)
you mean the pencils HB? : \
LILY FOR YOU - Due'le Quartz
Death note,my other love~ Im done with it. D= nuuu!! but i wont post any spoilers.... i know u peeps want to find out ur owns. ; D
ROMPE - daddy yankee
HOW YA DOIN'? - utada
Zetsu - GazettE
i dont love you - Utada
Lullaby- utada
my happy ending -Avirl
girlfriend- Avril
Alones - Aqua timez
Tekesuta kousen -An cafe
I go to school by bus- An cafe
Super Rabbit -AN CAFE
Escapism -AN CAFE
call me when your sober - Evanescence
lean like a cholo - down aka.
I remember you~ YUI
Happy days- Otsuka Ai