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  1. Bryan

    Naruto RP

    (( Can I keep my char?))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bryan
    Exveemon stared at the beam that was flying to him fast. Haru stared at the cannon beam firing at Exveemon but! Haru ran infront of Exveemon and stood in the path of the beam. He got hit but Exveemon got hit too but not that much damage as Haru
    suffered. Stingmon and Exveemon saw Haru's body falling to the ground all damaged from the head to toe. Exveemon and Stingmon stood next to each other as they stared at Tankmon with great anger.

    Haru said," Guys don't worry.. im ok". Haru smiled at them and fell unconcious.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Bryan
    Exveemon and Stingmon flew back into a wall and crashed into it as they got hit by the laser. Haru countinued to cheer them on
    even though they were losing. Exveemon and Stingmon had a plan that would probaly work. Stingmon got up slowly and jumped into the air as Exveemon ran away from the battle. He shot insects out of his torso as they flew to Tankmon with great speed while Exveemon ran back to the battle field and charged a V laser.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Bryan
    Im not suprised that nobody joined your rp because of the god-mode power.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bryan
    Exveemon jumped infront of stingmon with his hands in a X formation. He tried to block the attack but got knocked back leaving scars in the ground. He helped Stingmon up and they both stared at Tankmon with anger. Exveemon jumped into the air and yelled," VEE KICK!!". Stingmon yelled," SPIKING STRIKE!!". The both dived at Tankmon at a awesome speed.

    Haru started to skip around while cheering for his digimon. Haru yelled," YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME!!! KEEP IT UP EXVEEMON AND STINGMON WE CAN BEAT THEM!!".
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bryan
    Haru was walking down the road the in Kohona with his white hair flowing in the wind like. He went to the Ramen shop and sat onto the chair.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bryan
    Stingmon got hit in the torso and flew back with great speed. While he was flying back his torso started to open as insects flew out of it widly. The insects flew at Tankmon while Exveemon had his chest out charging a V-Laser. Exveemon launched the laser at Tankmon with all of his might. The attack collided with Tankmon but made a smoke cloud...

    Haru smiled hoping that it had worked so he cheered on for Exveemon and Stingmon,
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Bryan
    (( I gtg.)
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bryan
    (( Yayy When Shall We Start?))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bryan
    Haru grinned and said," It is time for desperate measures too!". Wormon jumped into the air and yelled," I am ready Haru!". He spun out his digivice and aimed it at Wormon. A high pitch winding noise started to get louder and louder was Wormon started to glow and expand. In a couple of minutes he grew larger and looked like a huge bug except with human features. Wormon yelled," STINGMON!!!". Exveemon dodged the attack but part of the attack had hit Exveemon's arm so he flew back a bit.

    Stingmon dived at Tankmon with his forearm out at Tankmon and he yelled," SPIKING STRIKE!". His shoulder spikes raised up as a needle came from Stingmon's forearm and it glowed pink. He dived at Tankmon and tried to slam the attack into it's stomach.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bryan
    Name: Haru Takashi
    Age: 16
    Gender: Male.
    Appearance: Long black hair with green eyes. Haru has a shortsleeved shirt that has plade on it with baggy jeans and nikes.

    Zodiac Animal: Dragon.
    Personality: Haru is very shy and quiet BUT! His hyper personality overshadows those two weak qualities. When he is hyper he gets really loud and annoying and wil not rest until he is very very tired so it is dangerous to give him chocolate.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Bryan
    A large light of yellow energy started to emit from the walls as a X laser shot out through the wall and to toy Agumon while Wormon shot a silky thread at ToyAgumon to try and hold him. Haru walked through the door with a grin on his face while saying," My plan has worked!".

    Exveemon then charged at Toy Agumon and yelled," VEE PUNCH!". Exveemon tried to punch ToyAgumon in the face while Haru had his red and black digivice in his hand.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bryan
    Haru coughed up blood as he got punched in the stomach so he spat at Matt's eye and then tried to punch him in his face while Ex-veemon was on the ground getting poisoned by the web. Wormon launched a sticky web at Arukenimon's body so she can't hurt Ex-veemon anymore.

    Exveemon slowly degenerated into Deviveemon. Haru got up and picked up Deviveemon and Wormon then he ran out of the store back to his apartment with great speed.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Bryan
    Haru got up slowly with his fist still clenched. He yelled into the air," STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!". The scream echoed through the air as Exveemon launched a Veelaser at Arukenimon again and then Wormon launched a silky thread at ToyAgumon to try and slow him down.

    Haru ran at the man who was attacking his digimon and tackled him onto the ground. He pulled back his fist and aimed at his fist while tears were rolling down Haru's face.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bryan
    Exveemon broke through the wraps and ran at Arukenimon with great annoyance. Exveemon pulled back his fist and yelled," VEE PUNCH!!". He unleashed a punch into her face with great force and then after that attack Exveemon launched a Vee laser at her body. Wormon slowly woke up and looked at Exveemon to see that he digvolved. He aimed his mouth at Arukenimon and launched a sticky net at her. Haru looked at Wormon and said to him self," Even though he didn't change.. he still tried..".

    Haru saw the fight as Exveemon pulled back his fist and leg and yelled," Vee punch!!". Exveemon started to unleash a furry of punches at Arukenimon.,
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Bryan
    Veemon and Wormon flew back into the counter knocked out. Haru ran to them and started to yell at them while crying. He turned to the man who was figthing them and said," WHY DID YOU DO THAT FOR!?!?!". He got up as something was making a high pitched wind in his pocket and he took it out only to see that IT WAS A DIGIVICE!. Veemon started to glow as his body started to grow larger.

    Haru was still hugging Wormon in his arms as he saw Veemon changing into a new form.. When the light dimmed Veemon yelled," EXVEEMON!". Haru stared at him in Awe as Exveemon charged at Toy Agumon and The spider lady at incredible speed. Exveemon aimed his chest at them and yelled,"VEE LASER!!". A X beam launched at the spider lady and Toy Agumon with great force.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Bryan
    Haru turned around and looked at the 2 digimon infront of him. He stared at them with great awe as they both shape shifted into a diffrent form. Haru smiled at Veemon and Wormon and said," Veemon hit the toy one with Veeheadbutt and Wormon hit the ugly one with silky thread!".

    Veemon charged at the toy digimon and yelled," VEEHEADBUTT!!". Veemon slammed head first into the toy Agumon with great force while Wormon did Silky thread on the spider to slow it down. Veemon jumped back and pinged forward to Arukenimon while yelling," Vee HEAD BUTT!!!".
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bryan
    Haru said," Veemon,Wormon.... do you want.. EXTRA SUGAR!?!?". He gave them a wide smile and they both yelled yea! so Haru said," Add alot of sugar to it!". He sticked his hand in his pocket to check if he had anymore money only to hear that his watch was beeping loudly. Haru said," Can you hurry up please!! I can't wait much longer!!". He started to jump up and down rapidly and his digimon did the same.

    Haru leaned back onto the counter as he was tallking to his Digimon about planet Earth and how beautiful it is but sometimes it has alot of violence. The digimon listened to Haru carefuly as he was explaining to them. He turned back around to the counter and waited for the coffee.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Bryan
    Haru crossed his arms and stared at the man with a serious and intense look. His facial expression then turned back into a childish expression and he smiled at him. He said," Why do you wanna know mister? ARE YOU GONNA MOLEST MY CREATURES!?!?".

    Veemon and Wormon started to laugh as they heard this joke. Haru got up from the table and walked back to the counter and said," I need another 3 cups of coffee please!".
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Bryan
    Haru walked inside of the coffee shop with Wormon and Veemon and sat across a man with a toy block. He smiled at him and said," Hello! I am Haru this is Veemon and Wormon!". He smiled at him and started to sip some coffee while talking with Wormon and Veemon.

    Veemon said," I like rice with curry!". Haru yelled," Me too!!!!!". Wormon also yelled," I like ice cream!". He laughed loudly as they were talking about food not knowing that the man with the toy block was across him with the women with white hair next to him. He stared at her wondering," How old is she?..."
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 14, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home