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  1. Bryan
    (( Ok so what happens so far?))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bryan
    (( So we start out in our OWN house? or in Shagure's or Sohma's house?))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Bryan
    (( When do we start?))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Bryan
    Exveemon and Stingmon landed onto the ground with Haru on Exveemon's back. Haru smiled and waved at Eiki and Skylar. Stingmon and Exveemon also waved at them with a smile. Haru jumped off of Exveemon's back and look at the 2. Haru said," Awww is this a date?".

    OOC: Writers Block.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bryan
    Name-Haru Francis.
    Personality-Haru is a very loud person with a big heart. He is caring and will do anything to help his friends and family even thought it could kill him.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bryan
    Name: Haru
    Age: 12
    Description: Haru has long hair black hair but infront of the hair it is short and the color is yellow. He has silver armor on his body but it is kinda baggy for him since he is so young so his skin is Tan like Xheanort. (( Forgive me if I spell the name wrong.)) and his eye color is just the same.
    Keyblade:His keyblade is called the Devil keyblade. The keyblade is red and the hilt is like horns but they are blue. His keyblade form looks like the Oblivion but it is A little shorter and wider.
    Group: The Enigmatic Knights
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bryan
    Haru,Veemon,and Wormon walked out of the hospital. Haru says," Well guys lets go!". He said as he slowly put his hands in his pockets. Haru started to walk to a dark alley while Veemon and Wormon was following him.. but Haru got a little dizzy of walking
    because of the pain killer medication he had to take to dull the pain.

    Haru said," Can you guys transform so we can like... fly around?..." He smiled at them as he said that. They nodded thier heads to the question while Haru took out his digivice and pointed it at them. A bright light shot out of the Alley right into the air where everybody can see it. Their body started to grow bigger and longer and in a couple of minutes they were Exveemon and Stingmon. Haru jumped on Exveemons back while Stingmon started to take flight. Exveemon and Stingmon started to fly around the city until he saw the 2 people he saw in the coffee shop. He screamed at them from the air saying," HEY!!".
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Bryan
    Haru was laying on the hospital bed while he was staring at the ceiling he saw Veemon and Wormon walking into the room. He smiled at them as they both started to run to him. Haru had put his hands out to hug them both but they jumped on his stomach
    were the stiches were and He let out a loud scream.

    Veemon and Wormon jumped off of Haru and sat in the chair. They both started to talk as Haru said," You guys were so cool figthing him! I LIKE YOUR TRANSFORMATIONS!". He started to smile at Veemon and Wormon as he countinued to admire them about thier battle.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bryan
    Name:Haru Takashi
    Bio:When Haru was small he died of a disease which was Cancer at the age of 4. His soul wondered the earth until he met a Shinigami and the Shinigami sent him to the soul society. There he trained to be a shinigami and is now on earth in a gigai.
    Weapons:Otaku (Zanpaktou)
    Powers:Haru has his bankai and shikai.
    Other:Vairzard. (( Can I be a vaizard?))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 20, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bryan
    (( Nobody won't even visit Haru in the hospital. D:))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bryan
    (( OH NUUU XD I didn't read the post.))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Bryan
    Exveemon was right behind Tankmon with a grin on his face while Stingmon was diving at Tankmon again. Exveemon tackled Tankmon from behind and trapped him into a full nelson. Exveemon started to chuckle in Tankmon's ear as Stingmon yelled,"SPIKING STRIKE!". Stingmon started to dive at Tankmon in amazing speed with his forearm out infront of him.

    Stingmon was still diving at him and he finally got close up to him to make the spike on his forearm slam into Tankmon's stomach. Stingmon landed infront of Tankmon while he had launched the spike into his stomach. His torso opened up and bugs flew at Tankmon's face.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 19, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bryan
    A large portal opened infront of Mixt as it emmited a strong bright light. Haru walked out of it with new clothes on and a new hair style. He stared at Mixt as a big grin slowly formed on his face.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 18, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Bryan
    Haru was walking back to the Ramen shop where the girl was but it was a diffrent person. He ordered some ramen and a old man slammed the ramen on the table while Haru took out some chop sticks. He started to eat the ramen slowly so if he ate it fast he would get sick.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bryan
    Exveemon and Stingmon jumped into the air trying to dodge the attacks. Stingmon dived at Haru scooped up his damaged body . Stingmon started to fly away with Haru in his hands as it seemed that Stingmon was crying. They arrived at the hospital so Stingmon slammed into the hospital door and slowly lays Haru on a chair while the nurses and Doctors were staring at Stingmon with great fear. Stingmon says," Give this boy medical attention!" He said with a deep voice.

    The doctors picked Haru and started to run to the emergency room while Stingmon was flying back to the battle scene. The doctors changed Haru into patient clothes as it seemed that he had a large Gash across his stomach that the clothes were hiding. The doctors started to do surgery as it was lucky for Haru that it didn't hit deeper. They started to sew up the gash.
    When the surgery was over Haru was asleep in the bed.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Bryan

    Naruto RP

    Haru slowly awoke from his nap.He started to strectch while saying," That was a good nap". He got up from the ground and started to walk back to Kohona's main area.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Bryan

    Naruto RP

    Haru sat onto the ground and leaned on the log. He stared at the sky as he slowly started to doze off. His body fell onto the ground making a loud thump noise
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bryan

    Naruto RP

    Haru was breathing heavily from running fast from the girl. Haru says," Time to go the training grounds!!". He grinned widely and started to walk to the training grounds. He arrived at the training grounds as it seemed that other people were here but he ignored them and walked to a log. He started to punch the log rapidly and then did a flip kick.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Bryan

    Naruto RP

    (( Wait wait where is everybody?)
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Bryan

    Naruto RP

    Haru was sitting at the ramen shop talking to the pretty Ramen girl while repeatedly ordering Ramen so he can get out of paying it. Haru said," I will see ya later!". The girl said," Wait right there! pay up!". Haru frowned as he looked at the girl but he smiled and ran away as fast as he can.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home