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  1. Bryan
    Exveemon and Stingmon slammed into the ground hard. Haru ran to them yelling," GUYS GET UP!! DON'T GIVE UP! YOU HAVE TO WORK AS ONE!!"Haru's digivice started to glow intense like as Exveemon and Stingmon shot into the air with a Green and blue tail. Exveemon yelled," EXVEEMON!!!!" and Stingmon yelled," Stingmon!!!". They slammed into each other and shot further into while twirling around each other. They both yelled," Exveemon,Stingmon dna digivolve too!!".

    They shot back into the ground as a crater was formed in the impact.As the smoke cleared a digimon that looked like a combination of Exveemon and Stingmon was standing in the crater with a smirk on it's face. The new comer said," Hmph... paildramon.."Paildramon aimed his claws to the Crabmon and said," Cable catcher!!"His claws shot out of his hands and wrapped around the Crabmon while releasing wires to contain him.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bryan
    Stingmon flew down to the ground and slowly put Haru on the ground. Exveemon dodged the bubbles but got hit in the arm. Stingmon flew into the air while yelling," Spiking STRIKE!" Exveemon shot a x laser out of his chest as it was heading to the crab digimon Stingmon was flying to the crab digimon with his forearm out to slam into it's head.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Bryan
    Haru heard alot of noises while he was sleeping so he woke up and looked outside to see Renamon and greymon battling a crab like digimon.He woke up Veemon and Wormon and said," Come on guys!". They rubbed thier eyes and ran out side of the apartment. Haru spun out his digvice while Veemon and Wormon jumped into the air while Haru yelled," Lets do this guys!" Both of them glowed brightly as thier body molded into something bigger and larger.

    Veemon yelled," EXVEEMON!!" Wormon yelled," STINGMON!!"They both flew at the crab monster at a high speed while Haru was on stingmon's back.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Bryan
    ooc: Eh emz can I teleport to where Nuthura and Hexin ish?
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bryan
    Haru was sitting in his room with the computer on playing video games. Veemon and Wormon were playing video games with him
    while the digivice was next to the computer. Haru said," Guys im tired.. lets countinue to play tomrrow." Haru walked to his bed with his pajamas while Veemon and Wormon started to play with the computer.

    Haru said," Guys turn off the computer or turn off the speakers." They turned off the computer and they both laid next to Harru while he was under the covers.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 1, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bryan
    OOC: What is Matt gunna do?
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 29, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bryan
    Exveemon flew back to the roof top with Haru's on his back. Stingmon countinued to float infront of the 3 with out saying anything until Exveemon slammed into Stingmon while snickering. Stingmon yelled," HEY!!!" Haru started to laugh loudly as he saw the boy on the roof top doing a hand stand.

    Haru jumped off of Exveemon's back and onto the roof top while smiling so he did a head stand and flipped back onto his feet. He said," I AM HARU!!!" Exveemon and Stingmon stood on the roof top with their arms crossed.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 27, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Bryan
    Haru jumped right on Exveemon's back as Stingmon and Exveemon started to take off to the sky. They started to fly slowly knowing of Haru's injury so they slowly flew past a roof top with a person and 2 digimon with him. Haru turned his head and said," Hello." As exveemon was flying past him.

    Stingmon stopped infront of the roof top and stared at the 3 that was sitting on top of the roof.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 26, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bryan
    (( Nu Soxas.))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bryan
    Haru started to float in the air saying," Long and close range figther.. I don't really use magic..".
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bryan
    Haru raises his hand to Soxas and says," I am.."
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Bryan
    Haru saw somebody walking into the training area but he got annoyed easily because he wanted to train by him sellf. His keyblade flew back into his hand and he sat onto the ground to meditate.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bryan
    Haru arrived in the training room as he saw the targets sprining out at him. He threw his keyblades at the multiple targets and started to move his hand around controlling the keyblade from a long distance.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Bryan
    Haru said to him self," Eh.. im gonna go train instead.. ". He slowly walked to the training the room while the shuffling of his armor got louder and louder as it was obvious that they didn't really fit him.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bryan
    Haru put on back his Armor torso with his Helmet and walked back inside as his Armor made loud shuffling noises as he walked to his room.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Bryan
    Exveemon and Stingmon laid against a wall as Haru stood infront of Eiki. Haru stared at Eiki with a very intense look asking," Are you sure dude?". He smiled at Eiki and then said," I forgot to ask for your name dude! I am Haru!!". He jumped into the air and did a little pose while in the air but as soon as he landed back on the ground he gripped his stomach and yelled. He took out a bottle and took out 2 pills as they seeemed to be pain killers so he took out a bottle of water and tossed the pills in his mouth as
    he drank the water. He wiped his mouth and said," Thats better".
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Bryan
    Haru was sitting in his house while kneeling on the ground. He looked left and right with a mischveious grin on his face as he poured diffrent kind of chemicals in a random plastic container. He accidently dropped a kind of salt in the experiment and a loud explosion occured that could have been heard from all directions. Haru yelled," SHOOT!".
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bryan
    (( Gonna answer my question?))
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Bryan
    Haru was sitting outside of the Enigmatic knight base with his helmet and the armor Torso off. Haru was staring at the sky saying," Im so bored...... I WANT TO GET INTO A FIGHT!". Haru yelled loudly as he laid on the ground with his arms crossed wondering if anybody heared him so they can actually come up to him and have a quick spar with him.
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Bryan
    Who goin start it off?
    Post by: Bryan, Feb 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home