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  1. Bryan
    Haru turned his head away from Matt while a frustrated look. He took out some kind of small ball with greenish liquid in it. Haru looked at Matt and said," Watch this..." He threw it at the chalk board and it popped on contact causing the classroom to stink.
    He got up and yelled," IM SORRY I FARTED! MAY I USE THE BATHROOM?"
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Bryan
    OOC: You guys need some OC'S UP IN THIS SHIZZLE!

    Name:Bryan Francis
    Race: Whole
    Side: Light
    Weapon: Wrist blades.
    Bio:Haru is a shy dude but likes to fight alot..When he was small he used to get in alot of fights but dosen't give out his secrets to his closest friends
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Bryan
    Haru leaned him self on the table with his bookbag next to him. Deviveemon and Moromon popped out of the bag and waved at Matt. They slipped back inside while Haru gave Matt a creepy look.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Bryan
    Haru walked into the class room with a smile on his face. He couldn't wait until the linkin park concert came. He spotted Matt and knowing that he is kinda the bad guy he decided to try and make peace with him so he walked to the back of the room and sat next to Matt.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Bryan
    When everybody was leaving Deviveemon and Moromon jumped off of the ceiling ledge and landed in Haru's book bag. He walked out of the classroom looking drowsy and lazy. He couldn't wait until he reached his final class so he can go home so he started to run.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Bryan
    Haru was sitting in geometry class as Deviveemon and Moromon was sitting on the ceiling ledge.. but.. Deviveemon stomach started to rumble rapidly and.. something PINK! fell from the ceiling and landed right on Haru's desk making a thump noise. He said to him self," This might be my chance to get out of class!" He gripped the pink poop and threw it across the class room causing it to slam against the wall making a bang noise.

    As everybody saw this they started to scream EWWWW!!! and glared at Haru. He waved at them and sticked his hand up to the teacher asking," Can I use the bathroom?"
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Bryan
    OOC: Hey Overload can my char hijacka pod and like go to you guys planet? XD
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Bryan
    Haru bumped into Eiki's back as he was running from the security. As he was running Deviveemon waved at Eiki from Haru's book bag as the security guard tried to tackle Haru but he was too slippery... it was like.. he was a slippey deaf guy who was covered in grease... but he lose the security and slowly walked to his locker and typed in the combination. It opened but he saw a ticket.. he grasped it and it was a Linkin park ticket. Haru started to jump up and down with excitment.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Bryan
    Haru looked up at the king and smiled but he started to frown also. Haru says," I never had any friends.. they always use to run away from me because I used to destroy a alot of things when I was angry.."
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 3, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Bryan
    Haru,Deviveemon,Moromon was running the halls while a security guard was running behind him. The digimon jumped into Haru's backpack as he started to run close to the lockers with such great speed. He ran on the lockers and as he was running on them he made a loud banging noise as he was running on them and then he ended up running on Skylar's and Luka's class door.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Bryan
    Haru started to do a awesome pose in his bedroom window in his school uniform thathe was happy that it was school. Haru slipped on his back pack and started to run down stares while Deviveemon and Moromon was sitting on his shoulders. He said," BYE DAD!!" Haru ran outside while Deviveemon and Moromon was enjoying the ride.

    They arrived at school was everybody was staring at Haru and the 2 digimon on his shoulders.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Bryan
    OOC: BALLZ and what are you guys doing?
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Bryan
    Haru looked up at the matt and said," Dude.. if I wouldn't be able to use it... I wouldn't be able to find the weak spot of your stupid Digimon" He started to grin as he said this. Deviveemon and Mormon jumped onto his shoulders and did a little pose but they fell off of his shoulder.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Bryan
    Haru stopped hugging his digimon and saw Matt standing where Boromon was. Haru waved to him and said," What about me!?!? I FOUND HIS WEAKNESS DUDE!" He crossed his arms while his 2 digimon was also upset since they didn't get a reward for battling this monster.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Bryan
    Haru bowed down to the king with a smile on his face. He said," Hello king of Vegeta! I am Haru!"
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Bryan
    Haru said," Eh." Haru walked into the throne room and saw the man and the king of Vegeta speaking to each other. He started at the king with Awe
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Bryan
    Haru looked at the man infront of him with great fear in his eyes knowing that he is a soldier of king Vegeta. Haru yelled," LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" He ran at the man infront of him and slammed into him shoulder first while running into the castle with great speed.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Bryan
    Haru walked to the saiyan castle door and started to knock on the door. He got annoyed by waiting at the door and started to knock on the door harder but knocked it down by accident.
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Bryan
    OOC: Do LSSJ'S start with LSSJ? O_o
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Bryan
    OOC: I wunna come on the mission. XD
    Post by: Bryan, Mar 2, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home