Bryan opened the classroom door of his starter class and sat in a empty seat in the front. He opened his book bag and took out 2 books and 1 pencil but something shiny emitted from his book bag as he slowly zipped it up.
Bryan had his book bag on his back as he also started to walk to his starter class with a smile on his face.. even though he seems innocent he is thinking of a way to cause mischief in class so he can get out early..
OOC: Can I accidently find the lab? XD
Bryan finished his daily boxing. He wiped the sweat off of his forehead causing the little sweat drops to hit the ground. He wanted to jog around the school campus as it was a thing he never done before so he started to run and tripped over something.
Bryan got up from the cafeteria seat with a smile on his face... getting ready to REALLY! start his day off... first he ran outside and stood infront of a tree and he started to punch and kick the tree rapidly.
OOC: Can I like.. Accidently find the lab? XD
Bryan was sitting in the cafeteria staring out the window... his eyes then adjusted to the sky wondering if there are any other worlds besides our planet..
OOC: Sowwy I haven't been that Active.. I just have a question.. Are you gonna allow digieggs? XD Haru was jumping up and down inside of the concert hall while Exveemon and Stingmon was just dancing in the sky listening to the new music they are hearing for the first time in thier life.
Hahaha Fail Topic.
Haru was leaning on the wall of the concert wall with a trench coat and sunglasses with a entirely diffrent hair style.. it seemed like he used a lot of gel for this hair do. Exveemon and Stingmon was up far in the sky looking down at the concert hall just in case anything strange goes down.
OOC: How does I start off?
Haru was on his way to the cabin.. until a steep slump made him dive at the wall of the house. He started to dived at the house and then... he slammed head first into the house and then rolled inside with Snow and Debri on him.
Haru laid down onto his stomach and pushed him self to the slop where Phisoxa and the other dude slided down. He pushed him self off causing him to flip into the air. He landed on his butt and slided down.
Haru skidded across the ground but flipped and landed back onto his feet. He flipped into the air and pulled back his fist saying," Don't touch me dude I DON'T KNOW YOU!" He unleashed the fist into his face.
Haru walked into the portal and landed on his feet next to them. He looked down and said,"Looks like im barging into some buisness here.... hehe."
OOC: GAWD I LOVE DEATH NOTE! Haru glared at the man who wanted to give Phisoxa a high five. He got annoyed by this and made a grunt noise.
Haru looked up at Phisoxa and sticked his tounge out at her. He turned his head and said," Why did you do that!?!?!"
Haru was sitting on a certain road with his keyblade. He yelled," AHH!!! IM BORED!!!!"
Haru rubbed his head and said,"Oh..." He sat back on his chair next to Matt and said," Why are ya so cruel Matt? you should like be happy and live to the fullest! WHEN I GET OLDER IM GONNA SKY DIVE! BUNGEE JUMP! AND DO ALL OF THE EXTREME STUFF!" He jumped out of his seat once more and jumped onto the table.
Ooc: Amg Love I Lub Joo!!! Im Your Fan Boy. :3