Haru smiled at her and looked at Veemon and Wormon. Haru says," Guys our plan work!!". They jumped over the counter and walked back to the table. He gave them thier coffee and they started to drink it. When they were done Haru sat down at the table and stared at the window only to see something black flying towards the shop. Haru said," Veemon.. Wormon.. something is coming!". Haru got up from the table and walked outside with Veemon and Wormon next to his legs. He stared at the black thing heading straight to the coffee shop.
Haru started to laugh as Veemon and Wormon did a funny trick. He didn't mind that the people were staring at him so he countinued to talk with Veemon and Wormon while sipping his coffe. Haru asked," Hey guys do you want more coffe?". The both answered yes and he smiled at them. Haru walked up to the counter with his wallet out. He smacked the counter repeatedly seeing that he saw no cashier there at the counter so Veemon and Wormon jumped onto the counter and jumped behind it. Haru yelled," Guys stop it!".
Haru raised his eyebrow at the girl that passed her. He grinned as he said," Veemon.. Wormon... follow her!!". He started to run neck to neck with her while running to the coffe shop with Veemon and Wormon infront of him. Haru said," Hi! I am Haru this is Veemon and Wormon! nice to meet you!". He smiled at her again and he arrived at the coffe shop first. Haru opened the door and walked inside of the coffe shop and took out some money for the cashier at the counter. Haru said," 3 cups of coffe please..". The cashier gave him the cups of coffee and he slammed the money on the counter. He sat down with veemon sitting on another seat and wormon on the seat next to him so he gave Wormon a cup of coffee and Veemon a cup of coffee.
Haru sighed as he saw the digimon lift off of the roof so he coutinued into the resteraunt with wormon and Veemon next to his legs. The waiter said," No pets aloud!". Haru ignored the man and sat on a table while Veemon and wormon was looking around in awe at all delicious food. Veemon dived a cart of food because he couldnt wait any longer but Wormon just sat down at the table slowly eating a piece of cake which flew at the table. He ran at Veemon and gripped his body tightly as he tried to pull him off the tray cart with all of his strength. In a couple of minutes they were kicked out of the resteraunt and banned for life. He sat down on the side walk and rubbed his stomach slowly as he stared at the sky again.
Name:Haru Uzumaki Clan:Uzumaki age:12 Rank: Genin new or old shinobi:New appearance: bio:Haru is the youngest in the Uzumaki family he is shy just like Hinata but he also wants to become strong just tlike his father Naruto. if you were to be a Naruto character in this RP, who?:Shikamaru. theme song: (I just like this, but you don't gotta do it) what group:Leaf.
OOC: Did you know that Veemon has 3 digivolution lines The armor and Veedramon. and Exveemon oh and by the way.. Im gonna walk pass your restaurant. :D Haru was still hungry seeing that a small bag of chips didn't fill him also his father wasn't home to cook for him so he decided to go to a restaurant even didn't even fix up himself he just came in street clothes. Haru,Veemon,And wormon arrived at the resturant only to look up seeing a boy... and a ANOTHER DIGIMON! it looked like a biker man with three eyes but Haru countinued to stare at the 2 Veemon and Wormon did the same so Haru yelled," Hey!!!! is this a couple fight? I will leave if ya want me too". Haru started to laugh and veemon and wormon did too.
Haru was sitting on the roof of the building at his apartment with Veemon and Wormon sitting next to him. Haru was eating a bag of chips... Veemon was eating a apple and wormon was eating a plate of meatballs. When Haru was done with his bag of chips he threw it off of the roof and it landed onto the ground. He laid back with his hands laying on the back of his head. Haru stares at Veemon and wormon and asked them a question saying," Hey guys.. where do you come from?...". They both looked at him with a grin on his face and said," The digital world..". He didn't say anything else and turned his head back to the sky wondering if they can do anything else. He got up and ran down back down stairs to get some old dishes. He ran back up onto the roof and instructed Veemon to do something with these plates. Veemon ran at the plate and yelled," V!!! HEADBUTT!". Veemon slams his head through the plate destroying it completely. Haru says," Your turn Wormon!". Wormon says," I don't use my powers on such weak things". Haru stared at wormon blankey and sat onto the ground while staring at the street. OOC: Yep we are in the same timeline/
Haru was staring at the 2 digimon in great awe still shocked as it changed it's form!. Haru asked thier names but only the blue one answered since it was small and had a tiny blue tail with a blue body. It yelled," I am Demiveemon!". Haru stared at it blankly and said," Nice to meet ya..". He coutinued to stare at the little green creature in it's brown cocoon. Haru started to walk down stairs with the blue digimon on his shoulder and the green one floating in the air while his dad was just staring at him in a strange matter. It seemed like his father was gonna scream or something but Haru sat down at the table and started to eat his breakfast only to realize that they were hungry!. Haru father says," HARU!! WHAT ARE THOSE!?!?". Haru stared at his father and said," The blue one is demiveemon and the other one is.. I dunno..". He opened the fridge and took out 2 chicken legs which he fed to both of them. There was a explosion from outside of his building so he looked outside and 2 creatures were figthing only to see a huge explosion coming from the battle. He flew onto the ground and glass flew everywere and the force was so strong it knocked him out. A couple of hours later Haru woke up with the 2 beings staring at him but they changed! the blue one was the size of a toddler and it had a V on it's head. The green one was a worm and also had a V on his head but it was smaller so Haru looked at them wondering," Wow... what is going on WITH MY LIFE!?!?". So he wondered.. were they given to him for a reason?.... (( Ze end of my prolouge))
(( In digimon season 3 it had 2 boys 1 girl season 4 it was 2 boys and 1 girl and same with season 5.))
(( EH yea as you get older you start to like the things you didn't like when you were longer so anyway let's BEGIN THIS RP!))
(( I don't like jelly donuts.. but eh I get it. XD))
(( Ohhh Deathsight's character looks like he could snap and become crazy. XD))
Haru slowly awoke and then jumped into the air from the battle. He flipped into the air and started to fly around while his arms were crossed.
Haru was sitting on the step of his building staring at the sky wondering about new life. His father yelled," Haru get into the house! it is cold outside!. Haru sighed in great frustration as he got up and walked into the house only to see dinner on the table. Haru said," Dad im not hungry so im gonna go to bed early". Haru's father said," Alright Haru." Haru started to run up the stairs and into the room of his bed room thinking that he tricked his father so he can go on the computer since he was banned from the computer. He rubbed his hands together as he switched on the computer but nothing appeared on the but 10010101 numbers so Haru started to encrypt the code on his computer but it didn't work. He gave up and went to bed upset. As he was sleeping the computer started to glow a bright color of green and blue. The computer started to make a high pitch winding noise but Haru slept through that and then... A BEAM OF ENERGY! shot out of the computer making 2 digieggs of a bizarre design they were wobbling rapidly and then POP! they hatched revealing a small green and blue creature. Haru woke up from his sleep only to see 2 creatures on his leg hopping up and down. He started to rub his eyes to see if his mind was playing tricks on him BUT!! THEY WERN'T!. Haru rolled off of the bed and fell onto the ground scared out of his pants!. He gripped the computer desk and got up slowly. He saw one of them making a big pink poop on his bed and he stared at the blue creature with a blank look. He covered the 2 creatures wondering," Oh my god!! what is pops gonna say if he saw them!??! ok.. im gonna have to take care of them!". Haru sat at his computer staring at the 2 creatures playing with each other only to see them glowing a bright white color. Haru yelled," OH MY GOD THEY ARE GONNA EXPLODE!!!". They both started to grow and their body started to mold until one of them was like a worm and the other one was tall and had claws. When the white light dimmed the green creature had grown into a worm that was green and the other one grew into a blue minature dragon except with legs. He started at them in awe as he wondered what were they.
(( I Have Agreed To Deathsight.))
(( But I can't wait. XD))
(( Hexin I joined your Digimon rp.)) Haru coutinued to glide until he found the exit. He flew out of the void landing in a unknown area of some sorts. He looked around and sat onto the ground as he made his body freeze for a bit.
Haru flipped his keyblade into the air and then swung his keyblade making the yellow ball go behind Plague. Haru slammed it into Plague's back and a large explosion was made as Haru started to glide next to Phisoxa. Haru said," WHERE IS THE EXIT!!?!?".
Haru grinned as he dodged the arms with great speed. Haru teleported into the air and his keyblade turned into a kind of yellow gun. He aimed it at Plague as a big ball of yellow energy was charged so Haru looked through the scope and launched it at Plague with great force.
Haru once again flipped into the air and dived at Plague with great speed. He slammed his keyblade into Plague's body and the keyblade started to glow brightly. A yellow beam of pure energy fired out of his keyblade out of Plague's stomach. Haru laughed widly as you can see that he was having fun.