I was fighting against the Chocobo Eater & then while I was fighting, it pushed me off the cliff (I hadn't play FF in a long time so I suck for now), which party members should I use & commend them to do?
I knew it would be Aeris' death! Well I'm a fan of Cloti not Cloris so not even crying or almost crying I'm like "...........". Besides Cloud & Aeris gets to meet again.
I agree. He actually scares me a little because he's kinda obsessed w/ Yuna. O_o
Here's a site to watch the vids without downloading: http://youtube.com/view_play_list?p=53F3D78087E40F76
And if u need to see what's it look like then GoingCrazy201 (youtube) can always help u with FF games. Here's her profile link and click her playlists to find walkthrough vids & the part where after Yuna's wedding is part 51. Link: youtube.com/profile?user=GoingCrazy201
Yuna,Rikku, & Lulu.
Mansex!!!!! JK! Axel because why would he die? He's my fav. Org. XIII member.
I watched it on youtube. It was awesome! -Cloud kicked Sephiroth's ***. -Great battle of the party kills Bahamut (is it?). -CloudXTifa & CloudXAeris moments! Just great!
I luv Hollow Bastion skateboarding because you can skateboard forever.
When Donald is talking non-stop to Merlin when Queen Minnie wants the party to go to Hollow Bastion. Lol.
Light, if I choose the darkness I'll probrobly be obsessed w/ the darkness like Ansem (KH1).
I like this the best: http://youtube.com/watch?v=bXi6CGRB8GU
Suteki Da Ne, Yuna's Ballad, & Real Emotion
Yes it does. I was stuck at Besaid Island (I suck at this game cuz it's my first FF game & I don't have 2 FFs games.). Plus I lost the CD. So yeah.... ^^;
Candy Pop- Heartsdales featuring SOUL'd OUT
That's like my friend's.
My real name is Elizabeth.
Dora The Explorer Theme Song, GAH!!! GET THE DANG THEME SONG OUTTA MY BRAIN!!!
Mine's tommarow since I live in CA. Which my school saved my spring break, WOO-HOO!
Namine & Tifa. Tifa is da best character in Final Fantasy 7 & Final Fantasy:Advent Children. And I feel so sorry for Namine` since the Org. XIII pushes her around. Kairi sucks eggs because she's inmature in KH1. But I like Y.R.P (Yuna,Rikku, & Paine) too because I also like FFX2 & X.