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  1. danm36


    "The arena is almost ready! Group Xegroth please go into the arena. Group 'Big boys' will be here shortly" shouted the announcer
    "Lets go" said Halmera, slightly regretting this.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. danm36


    The 4th batle went very quick. The salamanders had the ability to blow fire like dragons (Which was odd) and the Reciptians nearly melted.
    "Salamanders win!" said the announcer. Just a quick note, the 2nd tire battles are currently:
    Group stalker against Kyo and his partner.
    Group salamander against the winner of the fifth battle.
    The fifth battle will take place in half an hour while we prepare the areana for the battle."
    "Prepeare?" wondered Halmera as a group of workers went to the roof to start dismantlling the roof window.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. danm36


    Halmera asked a nerby person "Have you noticed anyone that would use the group name 'Big boys'?"
    "No-body with a waist more that 40 qubits"
    "Hmmm. Maybe they arn't in the arena at the moment" he muttered
    "Group Salamanders and group Reciptians please go into the areana in 5 minutes for battle 4" said the announcer
    "Were after this on" Muttered Halmera
    Post by: danm36, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. danm36


    Halmera came in through the back door.
    "Whats going on?" he asked
    Post by: danm36, Mar 18, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. danm36


    "I'm tired" said Halmera
    "Really?" replied Donella
    "Our battle isn't till tomorrow anyway"
    "O.K. I will tell you who wins" she said "(I hope it's Lancer)" she mutterd as Halmera left
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. danm36


    "I really hate him!" shouted Donella
    "Come on already!" said another annoyed partner from some other Human
    "What is up with these people!" said Halmera, just loud enough so everyone could hear.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. danm36


    Halmera saw Kyo and Dark Lancer loking at each other with glaring eyes while the Deamon looked offended.
    "Team Stalker, get ready on the battle field. The battle starts in 3 minutes!" Shouted the announcer.
    "Time goes quick" said Halmera
    "I hate that announcer!" said an annoyed Donella
    Kyos partner didn't look to happy eather.
    "Is this area affecting anything not human?" muttered Halmera
    "What?" said the still annoyed Donella
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. danm36


    "We are 5th battle Donella" said Halmera
    "ohhh" cried the public croud as the Dogs from Hell went down.
    "Tomipuff wins!" Shouted the announcer, "Group Stalker you have 15 minutes to prepare yourself"
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. danm36


    "The match is about to start!" shouted the announcer
    "Good!" said Donella happily
    "The Tomipuff family!" shouted the announcer as a Human male, about 28 stepped on with a wooden sword. He wore a cloak like Halmera but he had and eye scar and short hair. He had no partner
    "The Dogs of Hell!" Shouted the announcer as a werewolf like guy stepped on with a dog deamon.
    "Lancer will be in trouble nomatter who wins" said Halmera glumly. "Ahh well"
    "3, 2, 1, go!" Shouted the announcer as the battle started.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. danm36


    The deamon turned into something bigger and it looked more like a deamon than a child.
    "If we are against them, we are in trouble"
    "15 minutes to go!" Shouted the announcer. "People not in the battle please go to the warrior stands.
    "Lets go" said Halmera
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. danm36


    "I would also need supporting magic and the such."
    The deamon child thing moved to reveal that is was a deamon. "Only one, thats good enough"
    And announcer stepped onto a podium hihg up into the seated crowed.
    "The battles will start in half an our. Finish preparing and such and get ready. The first battle will be group 'Tomimuff family' against group 'Dogs of hell'.This battle is an enterance battle as these groups were the last to sign up and there is only enough space for one. The second battle will be group 'Strider' against the winner of the first battle"

    "You know who that woman and the deamon are?" asked Halmera
    Donella flew towards them and came back, slightly white.
    "It's dark lancer! I noticed a few org guys around here in the battles!"
    "So what about the org."
    "They are after her! Lets hope they get knocked out before Lancer has to battle them."
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. danm36


    "Sure seeing as we can have 1 partner in this battle. You know how to heal?"
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. danm36


    Halmera steped out into the arena. He was near the bottom right of the boards against a group called "Big boy's". He saw the group Stalker near the left aginst another group and Kyo against "Shadow fox". The woman with the deamon child thing said "I dont know keep looking". She seemed irritated with the deamon child for some reason.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. danm36


    Halmera watched a woman and something like a deamon walk into the areana. Her silhouette seemed to remind him of someone. Then he remembered the bat. It had gone but standing where it was a minuter ago was Kyo. He talked to a woman then went in. He ran up to the woman
    "Name and group?" She asked
    "Halmera. Group of the Xegroth fighter family"
    "Your their son arn't you. I knew your parents well before the... accident. They were nice people" You can go in but there are people under the age of 23 so no class 1 or 3 weapons. You'll have to leave your swords here."
    "Sure, I got my staff anyway" He placed the Katyana's in the locker and went into the battle chamber. Kyo was walking towards the scoreboards. The woman was there aswell along with the deamon or weird looking child. The seatings were filling up. Halmera walked into Preperation room 13.
    "Unlucky for some" he mumbled as he put his armour on and trained against the Human sized dummy and the floating Deamon one, which smashed unto lots of wooden peices. He heard the scoreboards turn over to show who was fighting who. He placed 5 silver coins for the replacement dummy.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. danm36


    When Donella smiled she disappeared. Class 1 weapons were sharp things (Swords etc) Class 2 were Demons and other pets and class 3 weapons were guns and crossbows. Not many peole had heared what a gun is except that pirates had them.
    After some confusion about Donella they lit the lamp she was sitting on then Halmera went into the areana preperation area

    Halmera had to fight against:
    A old man with 2 clubs
    A boy of 18 who wanted to impress people and
    A person of a species he had never seen before.

    Halmera won in the semi finals. Amazingly his competitor was a 14 year old girl who like swinging skipping ropes at people.
    "Here is an amature tournament peice" said the receptionist, "You will have to enter the tournament in Remoran, Cavada and Morimints before you can enter the Skilled tournament." He then handed 250 silver coins to Halmera.
    "Thanks. Which one is nearest?"
    "Cavada. But watch out. I heard they had some feirce competitors there"
    "Thanks for the warning"
    "No problem"
    Donella appeared on the same lamp then screemed when she noticed it was lit. A smell of burnt wood came down. She flew out the door. Halmera followed to notice a bat following someone, which was strange as bats didn't follow people or come out at day. The person wasn't visble at the moment (Behind some buildings) He looked round for donella. She had disapeared again. He decided to follow the bat hoping he wouldn't get noticed and attacked.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. danm36


    Halmera walked up to the battle receptionist.
    "You can't bring class 1, 2 or three weapons" he said
    "Eh?" Then Halmera noticed that the receptionist was looking at his swords
    "Oh them, they are for protection. I will use staffs agains the begginers and amatures"
    "Good" Replied the receptionist who glanced up. Noticing the little wood fairy.
    "That pixie with you?" He asked
    "Pixie, where!?!?" replied Halmera and he turned around and noticed Donella on the lamp. She smiled.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 17, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. danm36
    Seems the GUmmi ship is unpopular. I better think of something else. (Does anyone want to turn this into a HL2 compatable model for GMod. If not then never mind)
    Post by: danm36, Mar 16, 2007 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  18. danm36
    Does anyone know how to get those codes on the XPloder cheat system?


    XPloder V5 media centre version
    Post by: danm36, Mar 16, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. danm36


    "Greetings" he said but she was gone. Dark Lancer walked over and studied Halmera.
    "What brings you here" she asked
    "I came here to look for more people. The villages up north are a bit underdeveloped as the low ammount of people but I heard more people are arrriving, hopefully," He replied. "I feel a bit weird," He said.
    "It might have been that 'pixie dust' or whatever" She said.
    Halmera noticed an sparkle in the distance as Donella sneezed on Jon Long. Halmera looked back but Dark Lancer had gone.
    "Ahh well" he said and he walked towards the amature battle areana.
    Post by: danm36, Mar 16, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. danm36


    A airship appeared on the horizon. It was small. Its envelope was a shade of dark red. The cabin was small with an engine on each side. It flew above Donella and the running Kyo before it landed in a nearby field. Halmera Xegroth stepped out, the hilts of his Katyanas glinting in the sunlight. Dark Lancer walked towards him. Jon Long went into a Armour stall in the village
    Post by: danm36, Mar 15, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home