Meanwhile, Halmera was taken to a medical room where a man wih a syringe was waiting. "You need vitamins and a strngh shot" he said Halmera accepted knowing that if he refused they would kill him and his friends. After the shot he was sent to a room with a bed and so he went to sleep. In his dream he had been stabbed with a sword by a Vampire while a Fairy burned him and a deamon he knew to well but didn't know at all kept on scratching him. He woke wondering who these people were. Were they his friends. No. Friends were trouble. The organisation was his life now.
Meanwhile, Halmera was pushed into a hanger. A voice behind him said "She's yours" and the door closed. The lights in the hanger lit and there was the little red ship. But brandished on its side was a barcode not unlike his along with the ownership symbol of the organisation. He had his ship back, but his friends. They might be being tormented. The hanger doors were sealed and there was no way of opening them.
Halmera watched what was going on from the building before a gray figure apeared through a dark portal and pulled Halmera through. Halmera didn't try risisting as he knew he would just have the puncture sleep pushed in his back again. He came into a large room that was crowded with cloaked figures. "We want you to work for us." Said one of them "Or what!" Halmera spat at him "Or we kill Kyo, Donella, Kula AND Dark Lancer" and with a flash a tyed up Dark Lancer appeared, Saria holding her. "We know where they are. They shot down our diversion airship. We are watching them go up the mountain. The mountain that they think will hold Dark Lancer. That was the place Kyo though was our true base. He was too young and recless to know the true location. Join us and we will let your frends stay unharmed, for the moment, and we will give them a clue to Dark Lancers return. We won't ever really give back Lancer." He wispered something to the nearby men. Halmera noticed a child. "Fine" Halmera said "I don't wan't my friends hurt" The man brandished a type of cattle prod as a guy in a cloak lifted Halmeras left sleev and he jabbed it at his arm. There was a click as Halmera screamed. The man pulled of the prod and where it was pressed on his arm there now was a bar-code. "I, am the high preist!" announced the man as the crowed cheered
Halmera stood back away from them. Why was kyo being so helpful now? He looked towards the mountain. It shimered white in the light. No the mountain wasn't shimmering. "Airship!" he shouted as a stream of arrows, bullets and fireworks skimmed past them.
Halmera stuck one of his katyanas through the wooden walls. "I didn't wan't to be a hero" he muttered as a un-natural light enveloped Kula
(I'm just suprised at what we (4 people) have done in a week)
(Note: Dreamers gaze, you hit post 160 in 1 week!) "Let's follow him" said Halmera "He is probably heading for Dark Lancer at the areana"
"The organisation!" said Donella "Kyo... no" "I don't want to fight you!" Halmera said "Well what would you fight me with?" Kyo asked Halmera signalled the Donella cast a spell. Double Katyanas appeared in Halmeras hand, which he tied to his belt "Well I ain't got time for you!" kyo said as he turned into a bat and flew.
The Joy of falling was good before you realized you were falling above solid land with a fairy to keep you up. He turned round. The blimp was in the distance to the west. Below was Mormints and clearer, the battle arena. The ground was growing fast.
"I guess they are going to use sience on me and change my DNA. My blood type will shange to be able to work with magic and my body will be altered aswell. I will probably become a beast if it fails and something worse if it works. A real human zombie with magic." He shudered. "Can you see any stones around that area?"
The door opened and bright light came in showing Halmera and Donella each other and the room they were in. It was like a very large high seurity prsion cell with cages. Donella was at one side, Halmera at the other with more empty cages surrounding them. Halmera glared at the cloaked figure who came in. He couldn't see the persons face. "What do you want!" he shouted "We want some peace" said the man "What? wondered Donella "You have defeated our agants Halmera and stole our airship!" "Still sore about that. I won it Remhara!" "Ramhara?" asked Donella "I beat him in a competition" Halmera replied. "Well you have countlessly beaten our members like the 'Big boys' and the woman with a skipping rope that you thought was 14." "Eh?" wondered Halmera "And you Donella. You beat one of our higher ranks in that...forest!" "Saria?" wondered Donella. "She was with, the organisation." "Why would she have gone against the forest to turn it on our side. We gave her the powers that only special fairies get" "But how?" Donella asked "We have more technology than you could ever imagine. We needed the airship as a test for our new flying machine that would render ALL airships obsolete but stealing any old one would damage our reputation so we took what was officially ours. we used our advanced technology to 'edit' the genes of creatures. Seeing as Halmera is officially a species that uses no magic, we will edit his genes to see if we can get him to work. That is what's with the peak-pine cages" "What! Thats against nature!" Donella cried "We will go one better than nature!" "What is your real goal?" Halmera asked, strangly calm. "Our real goal? Ha. Our real goal is to receive the staff for our high preist so that he will become supreme! Sadly... Kyo wouldn't lead us to the staff and ran before we could catch him. Saria is currently trying to find him" "Kyo..the staff?" wondered Halmera "We are going to give you a night to prepare for the pain of experiments tomorrow. Best say goodbye to the pixie" "I'm a fairy!" she yelled "What are you going to do to her?" Halmera asked "When the high priest becomes supreme leader of Geonigma, we will let you and her go, if you don't die of starvation first" Ramhara walked out of the room "We better get out of here" said Donella in the fading light, "Quick" (Off topic: I might make a Half-Life 2 mod about this from Halmeras point of view!)
Halmera heared a voice. It seemed like 20 meters away but it sounded like 100 miles away. He had a headache. He went back to sleep thinking it was a wise-mouse or something.
Isn't the spider-man-warrior-guy-thing weilding the keyblade you get after Axel dies (Forgot the name) PIC: Also isn't Bald Guy wearing Xenahort's (KH1 Ansem's) general clothes but with a Nobodie/ Chaser (?) symbol tieing the cape together instead of the Heartless symbol? Discuss EDIT: Also doesn't spider-man-warrior-guy-thing look like the MGS ninja?
Halmera woke on the cold floor in a cage similar the Donellas except for the size. (They probably thought he could do magic tricks aswell). The room was dark, he couldn't see far beond the bars. His memory had gone then a pain hit him in the back. He remember. He felt his back. There were small holes in his shoulders and just above his hips. Running down his spine were very small holes. He wasn't bleeding though. He heard crying that sounded near but also far away. Like in a next room. But he couldn't see any walls. His Katyana's had be taken along with his shoelaces and his Neck-chain. Did they want him alive or did they not want him to cut through the bars. He sat down and started to think. He couldn't tell if it was day or night.
The man holding the cage Proded her with something. She went quickly to sleep, sceaming at the same time. They dragged Halmera to a waiting airship with a red envelope and a small cockpit. They hung Donellas cage on a coat hook as they flew them the the Organisation headquarters. Dark Lancer stared at the airship as it left (She was herself again). Kula was still scared.
The man picked her up and placed her in a sort of brass bird cage decorated with peak pine leaves and locked the door. "No magic for you." he said "Peak pine and Xensit brass combined remvoes magic power to the person, or creature, surrounded by it." A cloaked hand grabbed Halmera and something was pressed into his back. A spike went through each of his shoulders and the above his hips. Miniature spikes jabbed into his spine. He felt drowsey "Night night..."said a fading voice. Dark Lancer blurred, the world turning black "You and you pixie are coming with us" "Lancer!" cried Kula Halmera saw the figure say something to Kyo, Saria and Dark Lancer before he blacked out.
"Over there!" said Halmera. "That man over there is controlling her with that... device!"
Her eyes changed to a colour of red. Her wrist blades came out and she looked at Donella with a evil looking smile. The nearby crowd screamed. Halmera looked around the areana to a person in dark clothes sanding up holding a odd device. It looked a bit like a crossbow without the bolts and buttons instead. He was aiming it at Dark Lancer.
Halmera came running in. "Donella! My airship has been stolen by a guy in dark clothes!" "The organisation?" said Donella "I'm... not sure." he said sadly. Some people from the audience in dark clothes or cloaks stood up and walked out. Dark Lancer didn't seem well. "You O.K?" asked Donella
(Off topic: The idea I had was that because the roof window was taken down that the big boys cane through the roof (They were to big for the door.) anyway) The larger of the two swung with his fist just missing Donella. Halmera swung the staff on the smaller persons head. It moved then wings sprouted from its back. It was a deamon! Donella used a fire spell which stunned the big guy so they could go after the deamon. Halmera swung his staff andgain and the deamon rolled sideways. It then took to the air. The crowd screamed in horror as it flew towards them. Donella cast a freezing spell on the deamon (It fell like a stone) and hit the bigger guy. They were both knocked out. "WINNER!" shouted the announcer. Halmera went the the winners seating while Donella flew along. An airship rope came in and lifted the 'big boys' out. "Wahay" said the happy Donella. "The next 12 battles are of no importance to use. Our battle is in 2 days." said the equally happy Halmera