A red electrical spark flickered where the light was. "A bit more with nature." said Halmera "The creaures that use this 'tecnique' will kill you instantly if you get to close. This seems to be an org failed experiment, put here to rot. Ask Kyo as he knows more about the org." The light grew in intensity as if it were agitated.
"Dont!" cried Halmera. Dawn stopped. "You know those fish that use light to lure pray, master is doing to same"
"Most of them try to help you. Some want to drain you so that they can return to there bodies" Halmera said "After hundreds of years" he muttered. I light apperaed down the corridor but not very bright. "Master" muttered Halmera
"The dart took me away from my body, so yeah." Halmera replyed, "The org have been researching the underworld. It seems master has acomplished his goal away from the org. He isn't a force to be reconed with. By the way master is nearby and is listning to you."
"STOP!" shouted Halmera to the fleeing outlines of people "KYO!" Kyo seemed to trip but he got up again. Halmera followed them, by floating. Floating? Halmera was dead.
"Thats not random teleportation man." said a familiar voice, "Yer just getting to know your powers" said Halmera as he walked out the shadows. "The org. have been keeping an eye on you, thats all" he said to Dawn. There was a flicker down the hallway and Master apeared. "Uh-oh" said Halmera as a dart was thrown from master and it hit Halmera. "I always get the painful bits." he muttered as he was covered in dark eletricity. "I'm starting to get used to ittttttttttttttttttt......!" (He screamed the 'it' bit as the portal of darkness pulled him away from reality) (What is Dark Lancers characters real name? In the bio at the start, it was said that we will find out the name later, and I think 615 posts is a bit later.)
The copy flickered as a ghost of it spawned next to the copy. The ghost became solid. The duplicate ran and grabbed Kula and brought it back to the lead copy, who was churning out 3 more duplicates. 5 Identical robo-halmera's which can instantly replace one if one dies. The duplicate struggled to keep Kula in his grasp and she finally broke free. The high-preist was smiling.
"Regeneration completed" said Halmera in a synthesized voice, "Clearing wounds" and the wounds started to disappear. But before they closed Donella could notice wireing beneath. "It's a copy!" she shouted disgusted. The high preist also seemed a bit startled. The copy got up like the wounds were a scratch from a annoyed cat. It seemed like one too. It's eyes refocused and changed to a red colour. "per·cei-ving" it muttered as it scanned the room.
The high preist disolved then appeared byehind dawn. He smaked the blunt end of his sword into the back of dawn's head, knoking him out.
And it still isn't. They are shots from a Jap magazine (I think)
Halmera's body came hurtling out from the shadows and hit Donella. She turned round to see a sword with the markings of the high preist through Halmera's cheast and a gunshot wound through his head. He wasn't breathing, it would be quite a mirical if he was. The high preist came out of the shadows smirking.
Meanwhile a Halmera copy was fighting the real Halmera in the main hall while most of the org were watching, including the high priest. "Where the hell did you get a copy!" shouted Halmera before he dodged yet another gunshot from the copy. "That shot we gave you, you know, the one that removed all memory of friendship and love, we also took out some of your DNA while concealed artists drew you from all sides. Cloneing is a quick prosess now" replied the High-preist Halmera pointed his gun at the preist and fired, it bounced of a magic forcefield and hit another member instead, who collapsed and stoped moving. "Where is Kyo and Dark Lancer, Donella and Kula!?!?" Halmera shouted "They went, Dark Lancer is still here" as he held up a chip "They probably used Kula's chip to revive her. Kula is probably dead or in a deep coma and Dark Lancer is probably a mix of Kula's abilitys and memories with Dark Lancers emotions and personality" Halmera threw a knife at the clone which missed, and just missed an org child hitting another org man, the guy who Halmera won the airship off. Halmera smirked then remembered that his clone was shooting at him.
"He looks like a subject, mabey like what they were gonna do with me, yer' know. Edit my DNA to give me magic. He could still be an org."
Halmera drew his swords and hit the guards on the head with the blunt end. He then cut the ropes on Kyo and Donella. Dark Lancer had been taken a different way. He then looked Lira and wondered what this was. Even the org didn't know what it was but he just decided to call it a Kugra like Kyo did. He grabbed them both and teleported them to the armoury. Grab a weapon of your choice if you want. IN the room were varios weapons, along with fake staffs, swords and pirate guns but specially made for the org. Halmeera picked up one of the guns that had a revolving six shot clip. He heared a door open outside the armoury. Halmera didn't know what was in it, all he knew that it had a number 4 on it.
Halmera saw the fairy throw off the cape. He then saw the face. Something clicked in his mind so he winked at Donella. He still had the organisations trus, he had just overpower the momory loss syndrome. "Tie them up" he said to the guards and clones. "The high priest may want to see them". Kyo looked at him so Halmera winked at him too.
"ALERT! CODE NUMBER 38 IN LAB 4!" Halmera shouted and the incubation tubes around the room came open. 13 more clones stepped onto the floor and walked towards Kula. A part of the roof opened and 4 agents came through. "A Vampire and a deamon are intruding. I am not sure about the fairy in the uniform" he said to them. The agents went to the doorway. Halmera walked to the doorway.
"Light Lancer number 36. Please may you check the hallway for intruders." The clone walked out the dooway and looked.
Halmera smacked her with the blunt edge of one of his swords. He then gaged her.
Halmera had seemed to have stopped the vampire that had stabbed him in the dream. Behind the vampire was the fairy from the dream but in a black coat so she was of no threat. Halmera grabbed the vampire and pushed him towards the fairy then he grabbed the woman in the coner and used his barcode to teleport to lab 4. The fairy had set his cloak on fire before he appeared in lab 4. There he tied up the woman and put some of the preserving liquid on his cloak to stop the fire. He heared footsteps coming down the stairs so he flung off the cloak and drew the katyanas.
The intercom in Halmera's room said there was a problem in lab 9 and he had to restrain the subject there. He went to the lab to see a woman much like the Light Lancer clone servants around the area but she seemed different. He knew this woman but..he didn't know her. (Note: The vitamin and strengh shot was a memory wipe that removed all knowledge of friends)