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  1. danm36
    "Your lucky he isn't here. I have no time to deal with you now!"

    Satoshi ran out the back door off the café into the shadows of the alley
    Post by: danm36, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. danm36
    Satoshi watches as Koian flys away. "Hmmmm". He turns round and notices Dark. "You!"
    Post by: danm36, Jul 16, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. danm36
    Satoshi walked in. The door slammed behind him. It locked.
    "Hiding your wings won't help you 'Koian Sikame'! I know all about you, demon!"
    Post by: danm36, Jul 9, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. danm36
    Satoshi glances out of his computer room window just in time to see a hoard of people fleeing from the café. Whats this he wonders. He leaves his room and enters the café.
    Post by: danm36, Jul 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. danm36
    Thirtheenth Anthology - Yoko Shimomura (Dramatica album)

    The device has been modified - Victims of Science
    Post by: danm36, Jun 18, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. danm36
    Found this. Click here to download the 13th anthology!

    Starts with Org XIII then the 13th struggle followed by the 13th struggle, 13th dilemma and Darkness of the Unknown combined in orchestral excellence
    Post by: danm36, Jun 17, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  7. danm36
    Otherworld - Bill Xtillidiex Muir (FFX)

    Pulse ~Whenever~ - Okiayu Ryuutaro (D•N•Angel)

    13th anthology

    In a loop. YEAH!
    Post by: danm36, Jun 17, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. danm36
    Max char limit?

    Name: Sephiroth

    Homeworld: Unknown

    Weapon: Masamune-Key
    (Stick a key bit at the end)


    Backstory: Sephiroth, along with many of his brothers, was created in a test tube by combining the magic of the keyblade along with the cells of many ultimate soldiers to create the most supreme soldiers. Sephiroth turned out to be the best, but soon he discovered how he was made. He fled from his now destroyed homeworld on a battle-gummi ship prototype from the same company that made him. He hid out in the caves of the Desert world and learned how to use magic of extreme darkness. Sephiroth journied back to his home planet and after a quick struggle managed to destroy it.

    Despite this, his anger grew to tremendous ammounts and was a leading soldier in the destruction of many civilisations and many worlds. Sephiroth journies in his gummi battle-ship to wipe out existance together by lending the help from the enemy sides of the war so he can destroy worlds ever quicker. He of course will destroy the enemy factions once he has no use for them.

    Sephiroth currently resides one of Bowsers many castles aiming to catch a princess off guard to pass Bowser's test and so Bowser aids Sephiroth in worlds destruction.

    Goal in the war: To eleminate all planets and people
    Post by: danm36, Jun 17, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. danm36
    I would like to request Sephiroth
    Post by: danm36, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. danm36
    I would like to apply.

    Name: Krad (Dark and Krad make a matching set called KokuYoku (Black Wings)
    Species: Angel
    Age: Physicaly 19-24, really 400+
    Powers: Light
    Weapons: Satoshi (Satoshi is the original 14 year old that turns into Krad, against Satoshi's will), white feathers of varying magic, self-grown wings, other magic.

    Name: Satoshi Hiwatari (The main body of Krad)
    Species: Human
    Age: 14
    Powers: Supreme intelligence (He has already passed college!), slight magical powers (Given by Krad)
    Weapons: Krad
    Notes: Despite Satoshi and Krad being the same person, they are mortal enemies. Satoshi hates Krad more because, unlike Dark, Krad can come out and create his wings at will, causing extreme preassure on Satoshi's body. One of Krad's aims is to use Satoshi's body permanantly to wreak havoc among the world.

    EDIT: When can we start?
    Post by: danm36, Jun 12, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. danm36
    Runescape and WoW. WoW as people have died with that game, Runescape as it's gonna make me die...
    Post by: danm36, Jun 6, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  12. danm36


    Halmera watched them smiling from the shadows.

    (Hmmmm. Kyo did the same on one of the start pages remember)
    Post by: danm36, May 21, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. danm36
    Sora X Kairi (Duh)
    Roxas X Namine (Watch the bit very near the ond of KH2)
    Sepiroth V Cloud (Note the 'V')
    Pete X Malificant
    and all the rest everyone else said
    Post by: danm36, May 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. danm36
    Does Xemnas' laser hands (Whatever) count?

    Anyway, marlxuia's scyth but in red. :D
    Post by: danm36, May 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. danm36
    Lixaden. Can you find my true name?
    Post by: danm36, May 16, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. danm36
    Favourite: Sora & Jack (Halloween town)
    Least favourite: World of chaos

    Favourite: Sora (Lion form)
    Least favourite: Demyx (That battle was harder than Xemnas!)

    Favourite: Ven, Aqua & Terra
    Least favourite: Old guy
    Post by: danm36, May 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. danm36

    Reasons why I picked heartless
    There are many split into 2 catagorys (Proper and Ansems creations (Emblam))
    Some look cute
    C'mon, their sign is cool!
    Most are easy
    There a tons
    Nobodies are hard, annoying, and you only find them in Twilight town and The world that never was.
    Post by: danm36, May 16, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  18. danm36


    (I wanna be evil now }:-) )

    Halmera stood up and pointed at Dawns orb. A crack appeared and 2 reapers drifted out. These looked more solid than the others and seemed to have a shield of blue sparks, which Halmera had created.
    Post by: danm36, May 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. danm36


    8 soul-reapers drifted in along with something that looked a lot more hideus. It was eating a body. It then looked at the group and through the somehow burnt body on the floor. The creature smiled and said "I am the high priest! Master has altered my body into a more truer form!" It pointed a device and pressed the button. Kyo suddenly went alert. "Kyo come. I need your soul to reveal my true form and make me find the Staff of Geonigma!" Kyo obayed and followed the demon priest out the room. The reapers stayed.
    The charred body moved.
    "I am alive. I am Halmera!" it muttered. It pointed upwards and blue spakes enveloped the body, removing the burning. "I am Halmera, with MAGIC!"
    The reapers stirred and inched closer to the group.
    Post by: danm36, May 7, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. danm36


    Halmera drifted through the wall and casually turned to the others.
    "I thought you guys had forgotten me."
    He faced where Dawn was pointing
    "That lane is trap heaven."
    He turned back
    "I could try drifting through the area to set the traps off, and cause I am dead they wont hurt me, but there are a few resetable traps. You now like the previous blades. You decide what I should do."
    There was a flicker from the corridor.
    "Dawn. You can test out some of your toys on those reapers"
    Post by: danm36, May 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home