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  1. wareya
    I believe that's Xehanort in some too. After all, his name can be spelled 'another' or 'no heart'. Wait... That other guy look like it is wearing KH1 Riku's heartless suit. And no heart/heartless...

    @Darkvincent I mean they dissapeared after Xemnas guided Sora.
    Post by: wareya, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. wareya
    He found it in the realm of darkness, remember? And in COM, there are three paths but 2 dissapeared because of Xemnas.
    Post by: wareya, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. wareya
    Yeah... I think you're on to something... I thing that each keyblade in in the graveyard is connected to the kingdom key, twilight key (way to dawn), and/or dark key (mickey's) with a keychain. Maybe their keys are connnected to the paths!
    Post by: wareya, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. wareya
    I have ideas that might help us get one. Some body made a keyblade a long time ago, people mimicked him and made their own, the keys of dead people were put in the graveyard, and then later, somebody made the kingdom key with magic, and could morph into any other magic keychains key. Then somebody's heart called on the kingdom key and they were the first Keyblade master and things went on-----yeah. I've no clue is what i mean.

    @dark vincent: Nomura said that 'Keyblade War' was to signify a battle between keyblades. But if there was one, that would explain the key graveyard.
    Post by: wareya, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. wareya
    Might I bring everybody's attention backto chasers (people who make keys), birth by sleep, and the fact that 99.999999% (<-exageration, but makes a point) of the keyblades shown in the scans and secret ending (normal) have no keychain?
    Post by: wareya, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  6. wareya
    That other guy has a dark soul outfit, like kh1 riku's. he's also holding a keyblade, the bond of flame. But, it has no keychain, so it has to be a chaser keyblade, a fake one that works like a real one. Chaser is used in KH as 'a person who makes keys'. Right?
    Post by: wareya, Mar 20, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates