Yeah. I was along the lines of Wise Ansem coming back to life. Wait-----Xehanort was a heartless/nobody before kh1, so the theory I just got won't sound so wierd: Fake Ansem had an apprentice, and fake ansem is the bald guy, and the DA(dark armor)guy is his apprentice before Riku, like Ienzo's Heartless maybe. This would fit with the movie happening in the past and kh3 in the future, when you end up fighting Ienzo's(non-nobody Zexion) heartless.
Yeah, Roxas is #13 and is Sora's reflection, so 13th reflection.
Yeah, but everybody is speculating what KH3 will be here, and I couldn't find anywhere else to put it. I didn't know about here, though.
I was stuck between Roxas and Sora, so I chose Roxas because he gives half credit to Sora and still gets whole credit himself, where Sora doesent's give credit to Roxas because Roxas is part of Sora, not Vice-Versa.
Info on the FM+ secret ending & KH3 Alrighty, I have an idea. If people post links to information on Kingdom Hearts stuff we don't have a game to tell us directly about, more theories will happed and we will start figuring out stuff a lot faster. If this is in the wrong place, I'm sorry. Nomura Interviews: ONLY FM+ MIX
The chainless keys are chaser keys, fake keyblades. The chasers are not told who are. Edit:I agree with Ryu.
She might be a foster mom!
I think it's Rolud or Rould for Luxord, you could almost say 'Ronuld'.
True. The second is from Famitsu, and only has info on RE and FM. I just got something again, playing 'Passion' and 'Sanctuary' backwards, you hear the lines 'I heard I'd be eighteen' and 'I heard I was Ansem' respectively. Maybe, the machine really could do anything--turning Ansem the Wise into a Heartless and/or Nobody-- and when Sora (or Riku, who is a year older) are eighteen, they come out of Twilight Town(nobodies are born here) and/or the dark realm(heartless are born here), they end up at the crossroads and-------this goes against my theory of the movie and KH3 happening at different times, but what the heck. Somebody might get something from this. EDIT: Ansem(real) is warped to another realm, then finds a way back? It has to do with Riku or Sora, I know it. It's a Nomura interview. There's 'another'(lol) that's all on FM+, hang on a sec... EDIT:here:
That's It! I just got something! Nomura interview: That means that the movie happened in the past, but KH3 is in the future! Think about it! The soldiers could be related to the 9 princesses AND/OR Sora. And that's why they chose Sora to go to over 2 other key wielders (Riku, Kairi) and 1 master(Mickey). This just popped into my head, but wasn't there a card in COM called key to begginings? Like Roxas' Key to Destiny? EDIT:I just found another piece of info: There are three Kadaj brothers, right? And three ES's? EDIT:info again:
I've had the same feeling. Maybe those knights have the rest of Sora's memories, too, Castle Oblivion. And you have to kill the AU to get the data for fighting the org members.
Gnugh. It would completely suck if 'If they're the light, then we'll be the darkness.' that Riku said came true.
REMEMBER ABOUT ZEXION! The dark armored knight could be Ienzo's heartless.
That's a pretty good theory. Mine was that the person looking up at KH was actually look ing at the top of the cliff, like calling something.
The other is right behind? I dunno, the other is on the other side?
The dark knight and old man have something to do with Xehanort, the keyblade, and the alignment elements(light, dark, twi)\ @ libregkd: s/he/it does...
I agree. they probably aren't the chasers/key makers. The chasers might be the lost two, who might be the two who look like dark riku and fake ansem. @ karn: You're onto something too. Maybede the old guy is a fused heartless/nobody. and there is no soul, heart takes care of that.
I'll get right on the screens. And yeah, you're right about the no-keychain keyblades. =1 =2 Apperently they don't dissapear, but Sora is froced to follow one.
Roxas wields those keys because he is the nobody of the keyblade master, and the light/dark complete him, light, twilight, dark. And Riku had a strong heart.