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  1. sadde211
    I like this one a lot. But I'm waiting for the next chapter and it's killing me... keep writing! Your really good at it!
    Post by: sadde211, Oct 21, 2007 in forum: Archives
  2. sadde211
    Please ignore this post....
    Post by: sadde211, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. sadde211
    It's not finished, and that's what I get for trying to finish this on my grandmother's computer. Here it is:

    Chapter 3-

    I watched as Sora jolted suddenly in his bed and sat up. I raised my eyebrows at his sudden clumsiness, not unheard of. “You okay?” I asked him.
    “Yeah.” he said strangely, making sound more like a question than a statement. “I just felt…. never mind.”
    I put down my notebook, the one I had been writing in ferociously before Sora’s rude awakening. My creative talents had improved a lot sense I had blended with Naminé, I had been writing about out journey for a while now, from Sora’s perspective, and I had been interviewing him for a while now. Most of the time he was happy to share his journey’s story with me. But when he chose not to talk about a subject, I wouldn’t push it. Not until later, anyway, when he was tired. It was much easier to get answers from Sora when he was sleepy.
    He had been happy when he had gotten on the gummi ship, because Donald and Goofy happened to be at Traverse Town for the King. Sora always was happy in their company. And the company of the other’s at Traverse Town. For him, this journey was a blast. Another adventure. Time to spend saving the world.
    And this time I was going with him.
    “Are you sure?” I asked, arching my head.
    “I feel…. Whole.” he said strangely, looking out into the distance.
    “And you didn’t before?” I said, my eyebrow’s raised again.
    He shook his head. “I didn’t notice it before.”
    I sighed and dropped the subject, and, as I he would, Sora did too. “What are we eating?” he asked. “I’m starved.”
    “We still have some of the fruit left over from the island.” I told him. “And the meat from the castle.”
    He only nodded his approval. Sora was very quiet lately, I had noticed. It was strange to see the perky happy child I had known for so long in such deep thought about something. But then I realized, I was doing the same thing almost all the time. I wrote almost every day. He must be making up for that, I reasoned.
    Or maybe I was just trying to find an excuse.
    “I think I’ve got some chocolate left.” I said, trying to sound remotely happy.
    He looked at me strangely. “Is that healthy?”
    “No.” I said, shrugging. “But it’s better than dried salty meat and pruned fruit.”
    He chuckled, and nodded his agreement. “Chocolate it is.”
    I smiled, seeing, finally, the Sora I knew, and reached into my bag to grab the chocolate bar I had taken from Destiny Island before we left. “what’s the matter, Sora?" I asked knowing something was bothering him.
    “Just thinking about Roxas…” he muttered. “How is it, being joined with Naminé?”
    I thought for a moment. “Well,” I said slowly, breaking him a piece of chocolate. “I can feel what she felt, I have dreams of what happened with her and Roxas and I remember what she felt at the time. It’s typical, really, like knowing every detail of another persons life, including the feelings.”
    Sora scoffed and looked down. “Typical….” he chuckled quietly. “
    How could you have it so easy, Kairi?”
    I stared at him for a long while as he munched quietly on the chocolate. Have it easy? What did he mean? What was it like, being joined with Roxas? I could tell from Namine’s memories that he was irrational and emotional, he let his anger guide his thoughts. He also seemed to be incredibly loyal, considering. Much like Sora in a sense, only in an aspect that Sora never showed.
    “Five minutes until arival at Traverse Town.” the ships mechanical voice said and Sora looked up.
    “I’m going to go and check on the ship.” he said and turned.
    Out of the corner of my eye I saw a shadow, someone dressed in Organization XIII robes. Someone familiar, I vaguely recognized him but before I could blink it was gone.
    I stood dumbfounded on the ground and suddenly remembered something. I grabbed my notebook from behind me, the one with the drawings and flipped through it furiously, trying to find the page with the picture. That one picture…
    Finally I found it and stared open mouthed at the resemblance. It was exactly as I had pictured him. It was exactly as I had seen him in Namine’s memories. It was Roxas, in Organization XIII robes and Sora as well, blended together with charcoal. It was exactly as I had just seen him. As I had just seen the both of them together.
    What was happening with Sora?

    There you have it, the chapter two. By the way, when I was reading this I was watching this music video and it pertained to it very well. hey, it needs publicity anyway:
    [​IMG]Click here to see Video
    Post by: sadde211, Oct 11, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. sadde211
    I don't care, I've got people looking at it. And by the way, I'm adding the chapter labels in. And plus I've got the second part to Riku's Chapter 1

    Chapter 2: Riku (cont.)-

    The boy behind him stopped short and Riku turned completely around to face Sora’s nobody. “Long time, no see, eh?”
    “Last time I saw you, you were trying to capture me.” Roxas said coldly. “In fact, you did.”
    Riku shrugged and let his Keyblade fade. “Apposing intrests.” He said slowly. “But not anymore. I’m pretty sure you have something you want, don’t you?”
    Roxas said nothing, and averted his eyes, making sure not to look into Riku’s seductive blue eyes. His two Keyblades appeared in his hands.
    Riku rolled his eyes. “You might want what other Nobodies want, to be whole again, but you did that already. But I know you also want to be your own man, to do as you wish without being forced to do another’s bidding. More than you want to be whole, you want to be separate again. I can do that. You’ll never have to what Sora wants again.”
    “I’m me.” He growled.
    “You’re anything but that. You see people don’t think of Sora as Roxas anymore, not with the Organization destroyed. He’s just Sora. The Keyblade’s Chosen One. But you, you’re the opposite of that, aren’t you? I’m sure you’ve heard them talking about you. You’re always Sora’s Nobody or a Nobody. Never just Roxas. Even your name betrays you.”
    “What do you want?”
    “I want you to help me, Roxas.” Riku said quietly. “Then we’ll talk about you being yourself again.”
    Roxas was quiet for a moment and thought, the Keyblades still in his hands. He reached up and pulled his hood down.
    “You’re right.” Roxas said, looking him in the eyes. “I do want to be myself. But I also want to be myself with someone else. Someone who doesn’t want that. Someone who doesn’t want to destroy Sora and Kairi’s lives.”
    “You’ll give up what you want for Naminé?” Riku scoffed. “How very noble. How very… Sora-like.”
    “I’m not afraid of being joined with my other again.” He said quietly. “I’ve done it. I’m whole. I’ve done what no Nobody has ever done before me. So now, I’ll do what Sora can’t do. And he’ll do what I can’t do. We’re part of the same whole. We work together to do what must be done. To stop you from trying to destroy us.”
    “You silly child.” Riku said shaking is head. “You don’t understand anymore than Sora would. I’m not trying to destroy you. My plan is much bigger than just the Keyblade warrior and his Nobody. Much, much bigger. I’m not trying to destroy you….” Riku passed and looked to Roxas curiously, wondering if he’ll really understand. Silently he held his hand out and a portal was made. “I’m trying to help you.” And with that he stepped into the darkness.
    Roxas charged for the portal and launched himself after him and appeared in another part of the World That Never Was. The same place where they had fought last time.
    “Recognize this?” Riku called down, and Roxas looked up. Riku stood on top of the building, the wind flowing all around him. The rain started to fall gently. “This is when we were on opposing sides. I fought for Sora’s survival. You fought for your own. Not so different now is it? You’re fighting for the survival of both you and Sora. And I’m fighting for my own.”
    Roxas growled and Riku held up his hand to the lightning in the sky. He was struck and took the energy of the lightning and shot it out in all directions. Calling the heartless to him.
    Roxas knew what was going on. Riku wanted to repeat history, only this time, he was powerful enough to win. This wasn’t going to be easy.
    He slashed at the heartless madly, an endless dance that seemed to never end. He had to get up to the building. But he knew what Riku would do when he got there.
    He would jump.
    Riku watch him, knowing he was trying to find a better ending to this that what he had found last time. But Riku knew he couldn’t. Roxas would be anticipating his every move, but Riku would be doing the same.
    He was as good as dead.
    Riku jumped, and slashed his Keyblade at Roxas, trying to reach him. It was, exactly like repeating history, and that was what Riku wanted. But not entirely. Not the end.
    Roxas cried out when the Keyblade hit him in the chest, and he fell. Riku soared passed him and landed on his feet.
    Roxas didn’t.
    It felt like becoming whole again, only backwards. So, he fell, an endless drifting, a dark subject to the will of the universe. A Nobody. Riku watched, saddened as he saw his best friend's nobody almost shatter into a million pieces before hitting the ground. He turned his head and felt the pieces brush past him, like pieces of glass. It was done. for now. Roxas wouldn't bother him until Sora needed him again.
    Sora... how could he do this to him? Seem to betray him this way, how could he leave his friends alone, wondering if he was good or evil? He didn't even know himself.
    All he knew was this. He was Riku. The wielder of Oblivion. He was oblivion.
    And he liked it.
    Post by: sadde211, Oct 8, 2007 in forum: Archives
  5. sadde211
    I was a little worried that Riku was too evil, but I tryed to think back to what happened with Ansem, and basically pretended he had taken him over again. How would he act? I'm glad you like it, and I'm happy that 10+ people have read it sense I posted last night.
    Post by: sadde211, Oct 8, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. sadde211
    Awesome! I'm glad you like it. I love Riku and wanted to do something unique, so I thought I would combine an idea I had about a book series I was thinking of writing, and Kingdom Hearts.
    And plus I've never seen anyone write about Kairi in first person. Get inside her head. I'll be sure to write more now that I know somone is reading it!

    I'm sorry these chapter's are extremely short, I'm planning on having them get bigger as time goes on but for now...

    Chapter 2: Riku-
    The crash echoed throughout the room as Riku chuckled. Yuffie panting on the floor, Leon next to her. “Such a simple game.” He said, shaking his head. “Now tell me, where is the Book of the Keyblade Wars?”
    Leon said nothing nor did Yuffie, Aerith cried out from the corner, and Leon winced.
    “Xsanort spoke of it in the organization, in it lies what I need. I must have it.”
    “The Book is hidden.” Leon said finally after hearing Aerith cry out again. “Hidden deep within the dark realms. But you’ll never be able to get to it. It’s guarded by a door, a door that only opens to the Keyblade master.”
    “And who was supposed to be the Keyblade master?” Riku said with a smirk. “Thank you Squall. I guess I should set you free…” he held up he Keyblade and looked it over with great care, looking into the inky blackness surrounding the other half of the room, trapping Yuffie and Leon inside. Aerith sat in the corner, Riku’s hand around her hair. He looked up at them again. “Then again maybe I won’t.”
    He threw Aerith down and walked away, his black cloak whipping around behind him. He closed his eyes and smiled, remembering before when he had to fight Sora’s Nobody in order to wake him up in The World that Never Was. In a second he was there, the dark power radiating from him like smoke.
    The World that Never Was was in ruins. The buildings were in shambles and the heart shaped moon was only a faint outline in the sky. He guessed Maleficent had done a lot of damage when she fought all of those heartless.
    A piece of broken glass cracked under someone’s feet from behind him. He paused, rapping the cloak from the Organization around him completely and looked behind him, regarding the boy there with a calm serenity.
    “Hello, Roxas.” He said smiling slightly.
    Post by: sadde211, Oct 8, 2007 in forum: Archives
  7. sadde211
    Kingdom Hearts: Riku's Redemtion

    After Kingdom Hearts 2, Kairi, Sora, and Riku got a letter from the king, who requested that they should come to his castle because of something he had found out. When they went there, he was grim, but told them that he had to say it to each of them seperately. The first to go inside was Sora, who had a grim but determined look on his face when he left. The second was Kairi, who was told that because of what had happened to Riku and because Xsanort’s heartless had pushed both darkness and light in his heart out of balance. Because of this, he would go from the dark side, back to light then back to dark and so on. She emerged crying.
    The last to go inside to talk to Mickey was Riku. Sora and Kairi heard a crash and when they went in, the only found King Mickey shaking his head and looking at a gash in the wall, the wind blowing in. “He’s gone.” Was all he said.
    And so, Kairi, and Sora set off to find Riku and attempt to rebalance the darkness in his heart. And Riku, alone, sets off to rebalance it himself, and try not to hurt anyone with his power.
    Chapter 1-
    Riku is sick.
    Oh how I hate those words. I’ve heard them to many time to count. I can’t wait to erase them from my memory forever, and I’ll never have to hear them again.
    Ansem gave Riku this sickness. He took the light and darkness in his heart and basically shoved an elephant on one side of the balance beam destroying his good nature, corrupting him for a time. Last time I saw him, he seemed almost too good. If my theory is right, than it’ll only be a matter of time before it’ll be shoved the other way again, teetering until he gets himself killed.
    No, I couldn’t think about that. It would be to painful to see him killed, and most likely by his best friend. But I trust Sora. I have complete faith in him. The only thing I’m worried about is…
    Will it get me killed in the process of trying to keep the balance of my two best friends? To have to choose between the one I love, and the one who loves me?
    That’s not a choice. That’s a damnation.
    “Kairi?” Sora said spinning around the corner. “Are you okay?”
    I smiled, a fake, forced smile, and Sora knew it.
    “We’ll find him.” He said encouragingly. “I promise.”
    A small flash of stars raining down all around me, each of us on two different sides of the island each slowly being pulled farther and farther apart…
    “I know we will.” I said slowly, looking down at my feet.
    He hesitantly moved on passed my room so he could go and drive the gummi ship King Mickey had lent them.
    This was hopeless. Even if we did find Riku did it mean he would be the same Riku that I remembered? Or would he be different, like when the darkness first started to take over his heart?
    I shook my head, feeling like I was going around in circles. We were going to Traverse Town now, headed to talk to Leon and the others. Maybe they knew what was going on. Maybe they could help us cure Riku of the darkness.
    If anybody could.
    Thread by: sadde211, Oct 7, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: Archives
  8. sadde211
    Holy Crap please tell me you didn't just leave it hanging like that. And Riku is in the next chapter so we won't even get more for two chapters. Ouch. And now you've got a new reader! Congradulations!
    Post by: sadde211, Oct 7, 2007 in forum: Archives