when i was 6 a wild animal got into my house (it wwas either a wild dog or wolf, can't quite remember) and it chased me around the entire place. It eventually caught me and....messed me up pretty badly. I got cuts all over my body (13 of them became scars) and i also lost ALOT of blood. I also broke my arm when the dog/wolf tackled me. Yup, that's my story.
"Soooo..." Mickey said, breaking the silence between all of them. "Anyone specific wanna get the card?"
OOC: Just go on with the R.P. I'll come back from time to time. but i won't be around nearly as often as i used to. (especially since school starts again tomorrow -_-)
OOC: i know i'm not gonna be dead. But i'm probably not really gonna be doing anything while gone. So you'll just have to drag a frozen King Mickey around all the time lol (joking about the frozen thing by the way)
OOC: Ha, looks like a missed a few things while gone. --------------------------------------------------- Mickey had followed Roxas and the others to the roof. He asked Roxas: "So how're we gonna get that card exactly?" --------------------------------------------------- OOC: By the way people: I might not be on for a little while since i'm moving and it's gonna be alot of work packing and all that. But i'll drop by when i can. Don't get too far without me! ...I bet you people will be fighting the Enigmatic Soldier by the time i return lol
Rabbit took out his keyblade and followed Sky towards the castle.
Mickey looked down at Roxas and said: "Xemnas and me drank some of the stuff in that cup." He pointed to the cup that had the liquid that made him and Xemnas giants. "And Xemnas just suggested that the other cup should make us small. I guess it's worth a shot." Mickey than grabbed the cup and drank from it, he than began to get smaller and smaller. Until he was back to his normal small size.
King Mickey walked over to the door Sephiroth was behind and kicked it open. After that he turned around and asked Xemnas: "Uhm...how do we get small again?" OOC: What door was Sephiroth behind, again?
Mickey looked down at Xemnas and said: "Well, maybe now we can open the door for Sephiroth. Mickey than looked at the door on the other side of the room. "And that one as well."
OOC: I did. I gave it to Ienzo (Xemnas) to hold on to. ------------------------------------------------ Mickey than jumped out of the cup and landed on the table. "That stuff tastes weird..." He said. Suddenly he began to grow. "What the-?! What's going on?!" Mickey said as he began to grow 10 times his size.
Mickey looked up at the table once again. He looked at the cups and said: "Maybe those can hep us out." Mickey ran to the cahir, jumped on it, than jumped onto the table. He looked at the two cups and than jumped onto the edge of one of them. There was a strange liquid in it. Mickey yelled to Xemnas: "Hey! May-" He was cut off as he fell into the cup.
OOC: Maybe the doorknob is just a regular doorknob now.
"We don't know how to open the door!" Mickey shouted to Sephiroth. Mickey than gave the card to Xemnas and jumped down from the table onto the ground. He ran towards the door and looked for a way to open it.
"I'm just takin a guess. Plus, from the way the slashes sound, i'm pretty sure it's him..." Mickey replied. He walked out of the fireplace as well and looked around. He saw a very large char and table in the center of the room. "I'm gonna go see if there's anything on that table." Mickey said to Xemnas. He than ran to the chair, jumped on top of it, then jumped onto the table. He saw two cups on the table. Upon closer examination, he saw a card between the two of them. It had the Organization XIII sign on it, and there was a 1 in each corner of it. "Hey Xemnas!" Mickey called out. "I found something!" OOC: I edited my last entry as well so Mickey just hears the slashing.
Mickey looked at the huge door in the room and heard slashing coming from the other side. "Hey....that sounds like Sephiroth..."
When Mickey and Xemnas were in front of the entrance to the tree, mickey ran inside. As soon as he stepped inside, he felt like he was falling. He looked down and noticed that he was falling down. Mickey than took out his keyblade and shot a blast of energy from it to soften his crash. Whne he landed, he got up and noticed he was standing on a fireplace. Mickey looked at the room he was in and saw that it was WAY bigger than a normal room.
Mickey looked around for a few seconds and saw a hole mid-way up a tree. He pointed to it and said: "How about we try that?"
"Aw, man..." Mickey said in disappointment. "Well i guess we'd better start looking around this place..."
"Xaldin?!" Mickey said surprised. "When'd you get here?"
"Wow...this place is pretty freaky." Mickey than remembered about the Data Marluxia they just defeated. "Wait... Did that Marluxia tell us anything useful?"