"He must've been what i was sensing earlier." Rabbit said as he smashed a few NeoShadows out of his way.
King Mickey had decided to take the stairs from the Postern to the labryinth that went to Ansem the Wise's Room. He was walking and looking around, wondering if he would find anything that could tell him what exactly was going on. -------------------------------------------------- OOC: Is there anything special we need to find to fight Demyx? Or will he just arrive when we get to his battlfield?
After Luxord had faded away, a bright light came from where he had just been. Mickey slowly opened his eyes. He sat up and looked at where he was. He was in the center of a circular area. It had rails going around it except for the stairs ahead of him and the path behind him. He stood up with some slight difficulty and said: "Oof... I guess these constant fights are gettin to me... Hm....it looks like i'm in the Postern in Radiant Garden..." ------------------------------------------------ OOC: Thanks for the tip burnitup. And it's good to have you back.
Mickey watched as Xemnas whacked Luxord in the head repeatedly while Luxord was still impaled by Sephiroth's sword. After the beating was over, Luxord pulled himself off of Sephiroth's sword and began fading away. "Heh... you all played this game quite well..." Before Luxord was completly gone, Mickey shouted: "Wait! Tell us what's going on!" But Luxord only smirked and said with his last breath: "You'll find out...when the time's right...." He than faded into nothingness.
Luxord looked at Xemnas and said: "You'd all instantly die."
Luxord continued taunting Mickey and Xemnas, he was completly unaware of Sephiroth behind him.
Mickey stopped rubbing his head and said: "Yeah I'll be fine." Luxord than started laughing. "Time's almost up!" he said to the his opponents.
After Mickey die had landed on the ground, he turned back to normal. Mickey got up and was holding his head in agony. "Ouch.... That really hurt..."
Luxord hadn't expected Sephiroth to hit Mickey die back at him and took a direct blow to his head.
"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Mickey screamed as he headed straight for Luxord. Luxord saw the Mickey die coming at him and caught it with both his hands. He than threw the Mickey die back at Sephiroth.
Luxord saw Xemnas coming and put up one of his cards in front of him to protect himself. Mickey watched Xemnas as he got closer and closer to Luxord, than when Xemnas was in range to attack Luxord, Mickey shot an energy blast at Luxord's shiled card and destroyed it. Luxord was annoyed at this and turned Mickey into a die. "You've gotta be kidding me!" Mickey shouted.
i'm a boy *looks at name* ....it's kinda obvious....
Mickey saw Sephiroth go into a spinning nosedive towards Luxord and said: "That's gonna hurt..."
King Mickey was heading straight for Luxord. Luxrod threw a few cars at Mickey, but he hit them aside with his keyblade. (Not without getting a few cuts) Once Mickey was close enough, he pointed his keyblade at Luxord's face and shot an energy blast. Luxord blocked it with a card, but as he took down his shield he saw Mickey in front of him. King Mickey brough his keyblade down and smashed Luxord on top of his head. Luxord was sent plummeting into the table and broke it when he landed on it. OOC: Yay! I finished moving! Now i can come back here as often as i used to!
"Nice job, guys!" Mickey shouted as he lunged at Luxord and began swinging his keyblade around. Luxord received only a few hits, he then sent a long stream of cards at Mickey. Luxord scored a direct hit and sent Mickey flying onto the table in the Bizarre Room.
Mickey looked at Xemnas and figured out he was correct. "You're right, Xemnas!" Luxord just stared at Sephiroth, then at everyone else. He than snapped his fingers and clocks appeared under everyone. After a few seconds the clocks disappeared. Mickey said: "What was that all about?" Luxord laughed a little and said: "If one of you can defeat me before time runs out, you'll be able to go on. However, take too long and...you can guess what'll happen." A bunch of cards suddenly appeared around everyone. They were floating in the air, on the ground, and on the walls. "Don't squander your time..." Luxord said before disappearing. The cards than got up and began moving around the entire area. Mickey looked from one card to the other. He than shouted to everyone: "We have to find Luxord before time runs out!!!" OOC: By the way, Luxord is in one of the cards. Just like in KH II.
"I'm not sure..." Mickey said with a confused tone in his voice. Suddenly the three cards left their holders and floated in the sky above the group. The cards began to glow with a very bright light.
"All right! Let's do this!" Rabbit shouted enthusiastically as he summoned his keyblade, Dark Sanctuary, and followed Hiro.
Mickey laughed a little at this and said: "Looks like Sephiroth got to it before you, Xemnas."
OOC: Above the bookcase in the Bizarre Room.