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  1. SlvrmanX
    Mickey (while holding his head from the impact of getting thrown onto the ground) walked up to Xemnas's right. "Yeah. You should listen to him." Mickey looked at Xemnas and asked: "So, think we should make Zexion tell us what's goin on?"
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. SlvrmanX
    OOC: ...Ouch, talk about overkill XD


    Mickey looked at Xemnas, confused. "Okay, either you're Zexion...or you have some real attitude problems to work out." Mickey than decided on the first choice and held his keyblade up to Xemnas's face. He shot a pearl blast and got a direct hit to Xemnas's face.


    OOC: I hope that was Zexion O_O
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. SlvrmanX
    Mickey was surrounded by five Zexion Copies. They all copied his keyblade at the same time. "Aw, crap..." Mickey said as the Zexions charged at him. Mickey looked from side to side looking for an exit. Suddenly he thought of something classic. Mickey jumped into the air at the last second and the five Zexion Copies crashed into each other. "That was way too easy!"
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. SlvrmanX
    Mickey stood up after hitting the ground from leaving Zexion's book. Mickey shot a pearl blast at Zexion but he merely moved out of the way. A Zexion clone came up behind Mickey, copied his weapon, and swung at him. Mickey jumped into the air and landed on the Zexion Copy's fake keyblade. Mickey smiled at him and than whacked the Zexion Copy into a wall with his keyblade.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 3, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. SlvrmanX
    Mickey saw the real Zexion and jumped at him. Zexion saw Mickey coming and took one step to the left. Mickey missed Zexion and crashed into the ground. Zexion than came up behind him and copied Mickey's keyblade now. "Oh that's so messed up!" Mickey said as he flipped off the ground and swung his keyblade at Zexion. Zexion blocked Mickey strike and counter-attacked, but Mickey parried the Cloaked Schemer's attack and shot a pearl blast at him. It hit Zexion directly and sent him skidding a few feet back. "Hm...maybe you should join your friend..." Zexion said with a hint of annoyance. Mickey looked at Zexion, puzzled. Suddenly, a book appeared behind Mickey and snapped shut on him.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. SlvrmanX
    Mickey stared at Roxas and Zexion, who had just came out of Zexion's book. "Uhm...what happened in there?"
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 2, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. SlvrmanX
    "What an entrance..." Mickey mumbled.


    OOC: This is gonna be a fun battle... *Secretly hopes we all get sucked into his book XD*
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. SlvrmanX
    OOC: I'M ALIVE!!! with one uesless eye XD


    Mickey was about to answer Xemnas when he heard the young man's voice as well. "Who was that?!" Mickey said, summoning his keyblade.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. SlvrmanX
    OOC: But we don't even know what's going on ourselves! Hopefully burnitup will tell us so we can make Zexion tell us. Otherwise....uhm....anyone here have a REALLY good imagination?

    By the way, i might not be back for a while since i'm really sick right now. So everyone go on without me for a bit.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, Jun 1, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. SlvrmanX
    I TOTALLY forgot about that XD

    but wouldn't Axel end up killing himself by doing that, too?
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  11. SlvrmanX
    I think Saix would win. Since when he goes berserk his attacks have quite a range. Plus, when he does that annoying move when he shouts "All shall be lost to you!"
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 31, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. SlvrmanX
    Mickey opened his eyes to a bright light. He sat up and looked around. He saw a building with two golden statues of warriors. Their swords crossing across the other's. Mickey stood up and shielded his eyes from the light. "I guess we must've been in that dark cave for a long time. My eyes are really hurtin from the sunlight." Mickey heard a footstep come from behind him. He turned around and saw Xemnas standing there. Mickey took one step back and said: "You're not gonna attack me too, are you Xemnas?"


    OOC: .......Mansex XD
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 31, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. SlvrmanX
    OOC: You can kill him :D
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 30, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. SlvrmanX
    OOC: I think it should be a cliffhanger.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. SlvrmanX
    one of my friends just got this. It looks really nice in person. And it also hurts when you get whacked by it. :D

    hmmm....i bet they'll come out with Riku's keyblade next. Or maybe even a few Organization XIII weapons...
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 29, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  16. SlvrmanX
    OOC: I'M BACK! Sorry it took so long. I had a few issues to take care of. But i'm back now!


    As Mickey was sent flying towards the cave wall, he turned his body around so he was facing the wall. As soon as Mickey was about to hit the wall, he put his hands and feet out in front of him and let them hit the wall first. He used this as a chance to shoot himself back at Lexaeus. But Mickey saw the Organization member's tomahawk come flying at him. Mickey did some quick thinking, and grabbed Lexaeus's tomagawk as it flew towards him. He than held it out in front of him and crashed into Lexaeus while still holding the tomahawk. The force of the attack sent Lexaeus into a wall, along with Mickey.


    OOC: Maybe we should just kill Saix now. He's been alive FAR too long.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. SlvrmanX
    Mickey looked at Lexaeus with a questioning face. He than smiled and began to walk towards Lexaeus, ready to shake his hand. As soon as Mickey was about to shake his hand, he switched his keyblade over to that hand and pointed it at Lexaeus. "I'm sorry, but I don't trust you."


    OOC: I wouldn't shake Lexaeus's hand EVER. I would always be thinking: IS HE GONNA KILL ME???? WHAT'S HE GONNA DO????

    It also doesn't make it any better that Lexaeus happens to be the most physically powerful Organization XIII member lol

    .....i'm gonna smack myself if that's exactly what you wanted me to do XD
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. SlvrmanX
    Mickey knew if he didn't do anything soon, it'd be all over for him. He looked around the room and saw a few loose rocks above him. (They're still on the wall, just loose) Mickey had to decide to either hurt himself and probably save himself, or to just wait there helplessly for The Silent Hero to finish him off. He decided on the first choice. Mickey brought his head a little forward and than hit the wall behind him with his head. The impact knocked a few of the loose rocks from the wall and they fell onto Lexaeus. Mickey's headbutt damaged the wall he was bound to, enough so that he could loosen his keyblade and free himself. Mickey got out of the wall and rubbed his head. "Ouch...I ain't tryin that again."


    OOC: ANOTHER close call! This is gonna be a long fight Zexionazy. And if you do get another account, make sure you come back here!
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. SlvrmanX
    Mickey stumbled when Lexaeus pounded the arena and shook it. He saw Lexaeus heading straight towards him and knew he didn't have enough time to counter-attack, or even dodge it. So Mickey just put his keyblade in front of him to soften the impact.
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 26, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. SlvrmanX
    OOC: Very smart move, Zexionazy


    As Lexaeus swung his tomahawk at Mickey again, Mickey opened his mouth and bit onto the tomahhawk when it got close enough. Than Mickey was lifted out of the mud when Lexaeus moved his tomahawk. Mickey than let go of the weapon, and hit Lexaeus in the face with his keyblade. He followed up his attack with a pearl blast to Lexaeus's stomach.


    OOC: In all honesty, i couldn't think of that move for a while and i thought it was over for me lol
    Post by: SlvrmanX, May 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home