A awesome skin and layout dudes!!!! Me too!!!!Happy 2nd birthday kh.vids!!!!!!!!!!Excuse ne for size...XP!!!!This skin is awesome!!!Fantastic!!!!!!Maybe,but I preferred the dark blue...but is anyway awesomeawesomeawwesome!!!!!!!!Good work staff!!! P.S.:with "the video links work..."do you mean that there was a problem????Oh!!!!I've finally understanded why don't upload my videos!!!!!!thanks!!!!!!
And enough guys!!!!That size is too big!!!!!We see all!!!!!We aren't blind!!I hope...X3!!!!!!
Gawsh!!!Thanks!!!!!!Is the thing that I'm finding...thanks!!!!Finally I've understanded how work the rank...I'd want to receive a premium!!!XDXD!!!!!!!!Then I can write a costum usertitle!!!!!X3!!!!!!!!!!Thanks again!!!
Oh...I'm happy to help U...X3!!!And how it means " noob"??Nerd?...XD
Is the second time, that I ask this for you but...nobody answer me!!!!I want only to understand how to work the rank in this forum!!!!!Like I had asked the other time...I know what is admin(adminstrator), but supermod???Merlin's housekeeper???I form one day to the other I've became merlin's house keeper...how do I do it???????Posting new thred???(to which nobody answer:crybaby:)Post in the different thread that the forum offers???Someone help me!!!But really!!!!!!...enough also a private message...:wacko:
What is this one???Russian??Well...then is dAsvidania...I've finished the game in the proud mode too, but you have done all secrets???That is the very difficult...I am (in the box at the end of KHII) 100%...to part in the gummiship flies!!!:sigh:
I've finished KH, I and II, two times...one time easy and one ti me standard and in all of them...I've really finished the game...I mean: to have the UW, to have finished all mini-games, to have done all cups, and other...more other...This game is the best in all the world XP!!!!!!!!
The rank on the forum.... I don't know if this question has been already made, but I'm asking myself for many times...how work the rank????An example:Admin=Administrator....but mod?Super mod???Moogle assistant?????Merlin's housekeeper????Wich is the tidy scale of these ranks????And how it pass of rank?:wacko:
I choose ultima too, but...I don't understand this poll...how can I answer Ultima or Fenrir????There isn't the option!!!!!!
The only person who can adopts Roxas is...Axel!!!!!And who other?
Chuck Norris is a stupid who can kick for all the time...but bruce lee is the symbol of KUNG FU!!!!!!!!!!!!He wins, there isn't contradictins!XD!(I ahevm't talk about the other bruce because...I never heard him!!!EHEH!)
So...I've voted "take it" because the time that I see a game, I buy it!Sure...many times not...because I don't spend all my money in videogames but when there is a game who I love...Kingdom hearts, for example Xp!...I buy it!!!!!Whatever now I try to use the emulator for try tha games before buy them...lol!!
I agreeeeeee!!!!I hate yaoi, yuri, hentai, anime XXX, all of them!!!!I find they a very ugly things!!!Because...nobody think what tetsuya feel for this "manga"???????Maybe he see him characters "doing it" and you don't believe that is a injustice???????Why all look these poors anime??This is the reason why I hate them....there is sex too much in the world...
But...guys!!!!!!!!!!Don't think about it all the time!The answer is too easy...CHOCOLATE BAR!!!!It Is the very best chocolate!!!!!Above anything!!!!!XD!
I agree!!!Sora is the best!!!He isn't for case the protagonist!!!And he is the chosen of keyblade!!!!! SORA SORA SORA SORA SORA...XD!
How do you say "linkin park sucks"????'Is the best group NU METAL that I've never known!!!!Their songs are one best of the other!!!!Sure, the last disc isn't too good than each other but...is ful of VERY COOL SONGS!!!!!Who stay with me??????YEAH!!!! Your signature is too funny....ahahahah!!!lol
The KH2 UW is the best...is better because:it is more easier to obtaine it and it has the ability MP hastega, and...it is more beauty!!!!Beauty and strong!!!
Why all say Sora????Is a male!!!Isn't female!!!!I've voted none of them...and OLETTE!!!lol!
How find the URL of the signature in the sites of Kingdom hearts?(example:khinsider) I have put the URL of a signature...i hope it does work.... It does work....but i want of Kingdom hearts..... Some people reply before I'll logout!!!!!!!!
Hi evilman....I can make a question you???About the codes.