i guess harry potter will be there too lol
yeah like the thread title just imagine if this game could talk about chasers in the secret ending of KHIII like how chain of memories did kingdom hearts: Memory of Chasers- i know this is fake and i made it up
3607 ya still doing this
do i like walk around and battle any person on my computer screen.... like in the pokemon gba games
Did you check here mycoke.com *I EDIT*
i once dreamed i was fighting ansem with the keyblade and woke before he could finish me lol
thanks for saying it
i don't see whats wrong here this is the spamming section and im not offended
they are going to make it like lord of the rings 3 movie 3+ hours long
"omg black things appeared.... no not black people" lol XDDD
how about Demyx playing DDR
im not going to get it because i know they will be silent parts of the game where its going to be in japenese like in kh final mix 1
oh thank you i beat him 5 times and gave up
hello i wanna know how could i get other opponent in the mini game struggle i'm stuck at Hayner
when you think about it disney never may these kind of commercials for kingdom hearts 1
you have to think if disney make kh into a show they would turn it to a high school musical or their other sucky show
i like it... check my vids http://www.youtube.com/profile?user=scatterblast they are all naruto AMVs i plan to make a kingdom hearts amv soon
this is good
i just want to share this http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPJXKcQGwXo this is a real drink