And we could call the balb guy voldemort
Also the sith eyes give it away
i hope KHIII will have a character like axel that has a cool quote like "GOT IT MEMORISE" And Ansem's "One who knows nothing; can understand nothing" just a thought
Maybe thats keyblade world..... that where soras keyblade is when he not using it
it could be how sora met Xemnas in KH1 FM the chaser could be testing soras strength
looking at the vid khIII might have a T rating instead a E10+ because when the sith eyed guy choke one the chasers
i don't want a flame war it just i don't want to get flamed and flame back
could you wait 2+ years
we at lease say he a looks-a- like roxas so people like Twilight Deity Link get piss off and throw sharks at people
they seem good
*quickly block the karate chop*
the guy that got frozen at the end almost look like roxas
-when you actually BUY yes BUY your favorite final fantasy album
*axel comes in confused with all the commotion going on*
axel: *writes his name on nametag* "A-X-E-L got that memorize," talking to himself.
okay AXEL: *bring in application* hay everybody
can i join AXEL
-find a big tree branch that fell from a tree and pick it up and hold it like aaron
sorry check this site