^ Is right. < Screams loud enough to break your eardrums. V Never played Kingdom Hearts before.
^ Really is insanity itself. < Should be posting where posts actually count. V Never knew I existed until now.
It looks cool. :) ___________________________________________________.._/ \______ ||==========||_______________________________/_._\__../ _.\__../__\ ||______.______||_______________________________|___\ ../___.\ ../__.| ||______.______||_______________________________|.___.U_____U___.| ||==========||=========================..............................| ||==========||=====================================| ||______.______|| ||______.______|| ||==========|| c) |. (c) ..\.. ..(c).. ....|.... ..o o.. ...O... My attempt at the Kingdom Key. xD
iluvsora&riku~ Thanks and I will. ;) Roxas_is_Hot~ Hehe. Those darned passwords. Grr... Anyways, thanks for the welcome and the cookie! Yum! :)
Thanks for all the welcomes. I think I'll have fun here. :)
Well, apparently, I'm new to the forums. I love Kingdom Hearts and I've been a lurker for a while, so I thought I'd join... ...and when I tried to log in, I realized I forgot my password already. So anyways, hi! :D