KairixRiku~ It's a good video. Better than mine... :o This is the only video I've uploaded on youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28Vjm-VKUOM
Vexen snorts. "Okay, fine, I'll be normal." He turns to the next customer and says in an eerily sweet voice, "How may I help yo-ou?" It turns out the next customer was a rather attractive-looking girl. Said girl slaps Vexen across the face, leaving a very distinct red mark. "Don't you dare try to flirt with me again!" the girl yells and she storms out. Vexen turns to Larxene meekly. "Okay, it wasn't my fault this time!"
Vexen stares at Larxene as if she's grown another head. "Drunk? Me? I think not. I am merely being logical. I'm a scientist; it's what I do."
My parents watched it with me and they got so lost. No surprise, I guess.
Vexen sighs and says, "Next." The next customers come up... they are two teenage girls. "Two 6-piece Chicken Selects, extra-large fries, and two large sodas, please," the blonde one says. Vexen nods. "I have been told not to inform you of the ghastly things these foods will do to you, your health, and your figure, and I have been told not to inform you of the horrendously disgusting and untimely deaths it may cause you, so I won't." The blonde looks disturbed and the brunette who is with her looks disgusted. "Nevermind," the blonde says. "We'll go have Juice It Up." They run out of the store. "HAVE A NICE DA-AY!" Vexen sings after them.
I like the part Cloud smiles, too. :) When I showed it to my sister, she said, "That's not a smile! That's a twitch!" So, of course, I had to defend his smile and me and my sister had a sibling squabble. >.<
Vexen snickers. "Why don't you get back to your post, Larxene? I'm sure the customers are waiting...."
I'm...z isz veryz boredz!
The lil watcher is ba-ack!
Vexen gives Larxene the most innocent look he can... it is very creepy. "I'm not scaring them away... in fact, that is such a harsh term. I am merely warning them of the consequences of their less-than-healthy eating habits."
((*is being Vexen and hoping no one already took him*)) "Next," Vexen says boredly from behind the counter. "Uh... one burger, some large fries, and a large soda..." a chubby-looking customer says. Vexen's eye twitches. "Don't you know how bad that is for you? Eat that every day for a month and you will die, I promise you." The customer stares at him oddly and says, "Shouldn't you be promoting your food, not trying to stop customers from buying it?" "Fine. That will be 25 munny," Vexen sniffs haughtily. "What kind of soda do you want?" "Coke," the customer replies, handing Vexen the money. Vexen calls to the back, "One glob of grease, greasy potatoes, and a large poisonous liquid called Coke!" He smiles at the customer, a smile meant to be nice but instead turning out creepy. "Have a nice da-ay!"
Hehe. I get back from dinner and it's so quiet in here. ^_^
^ YAY! < Loves pink bunnies! V Loves pink bunnies, too.
Dinnertime! I bid you adieu. *gives HisNobody the rest of the popcorn*
Hehe. Well, I'm just going to watch you guys until I go to dinner. *grabs popcorn and stares*
You're all a little... different. :sweatdrops: Not in a bad way, of course. :sweatdrops again:
So... do I have a right to be scared reading these posts?
Advent Children is one of my favorite movies... but at the top of my list are the Star Wars movies. Don't ask why... I'm just kind of a Star Wars freak. :o
... wow. I would never in a hundred years have gotten that. I'm so dumb. >.<
Barbie Girl in your pants. ... ew...