Ooh! Ooh! It's Kingdom Hearts 1 and... Mickey? I think... :|
3881.00 Wheeeeeee! I like sugar. Sugar is good.
Um... Someone says a quote. You have to guess who said that quote and when. I think. :p
BOO! Never played World of Warcraft before, even though all my guy friends want me to. :D Edit: Yesh, I'll play da quote game. Be forewarned, I'm terrible at it.
Ha ha. The "I am your father" line comes from Empire Strikes Back, like Jade mentioned in the first post. *points* :)
My favorite is A New Hope because it started the whole series and it just gives me fuzzy feelings every time I watch it. A New Hope has this "magic feeling" for me. The Force was like a special thing (not only in that, but in episodes IV-VI) and then it reached the Prequel and it seemed like millions of people had it. So... that's why I like A New Hope best. I also like it because of the part when the stormtrooper bonks his head on the door... but that's not a real reason. :p
^ Scary! Scary! Run Away! (:p)
^ likes to chat ^_^
LOL. Well, I'm off to bed now. Talk to you guys tomorrow (maybe). Night night!
Mwahahahaha! Barney shall rule all! Alongside meh pink bunniez, of course... Edit: And to think 10 pages ago I thought you guys were weird. >.< I'm changing into a Kadajian...
"I wonder where the others are," Vexen mutters as he goes outside for some air. He suddenly stops, remembering Order 63. "Ah well. Number Twelve can handle that."
LOL. Wow... But, you know, Cloud, just for that... Barney is a dinosaur from our imagination, and when he's tall he's what we call a dinosaur sensation...
Vexen laughs sardonically. "Work? I'm on break, now... Have a nice da-ay!"
Kinda quiet... anyone want to say anything before I start singing Barney songs?
I ish alive!
Okey-dokey-artichokey. *goes off to look for the stuff*
Hehe. Thanks. :) Do I have to PM anyone about this? Sure. Or you could call me Sica, even though it has nothing to do with my username. It's just my username on other sites. *shrugs* Go figure.
LOL. Thanks, guys. And I think I'm going to join your Kadaj...ites. Kadajians. Kadajes. Kadaj-somethings...
I like your video. I think the scenes you used really matched with the song lyrics. :D KairixRiku~ LOL. Thanks. I was kinda sugar-high when I made that. =|
I hat this fast food thing... Vexen thinks to himself as he turns to the final (thank God!) customer in line. "Order," he says stoically. The customer, a tall, nerdy-looking teenager, says simply, "Caesar salad and a small drink." Healthy! He orders something healthy! Well, fairly healthy... Those salads aren't that far off from being another glob of grease, in my opinion. In fact... Vexen shakes himself out of his thoughts. "15 Munny," he says to the customer stoically. "What kind of drink?" The customer pays, tells Vexen what kind of drink he wants, and Vexen says in a monotone voice, "Caesar salad and a small Sierra Mist." Vexen turns back to the customer. "Your order number is 63. Have a nice day." After the customer sidles off, Vexen asks Larxene, "Happy now?"