Vexen grabs the Replica. "Wait... what about Number Twelve?" Wait, why do I care about her anyways? Vexen wonders. I can't even care, anyways... right? I don't have a heart... I need more research... But first, I must get out of this place...
Vexen grimaces. "Great," he mutters. He pats the Replica on the shoulder. "Good luck," he says as he walks away before Axel appears.
3896 Chicken noodle soup, chicken noodle soup...
Vexen, who has decided to stay after all, glares at the replica. "Quiet down!" he hisses. "Do you want them to hear us?"
Vexen decideses the conversation is over and has a smart idea to get away before anyone sees him...
Vexen notices Larxene and Axel talking and decides to stay a while longer. He stands behind a wall a presses his ear to it so he could listen while staying out of sight.
Look, it's Larxne again! And that response was amusing... I almost spit out my milkshake. I was talking about the RP, since it was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw your name. *shrugs*
Hey, it's Larxene! O_O
Peachy-keen. :D How are you?
Konichiwa. ^_^ Just got back from my piano lessons.
Sowwy, Vawerie. :(
:D Of course I am. It's hedgehog hair... a.k.a. Axel... when he talks to Sora after Mickey jumps into the portal of doooooooom.
... lol. It's Sephiroth!
3886 Yay! *spins in circles* Numbers, numbers, numbers! *gets dizzy and falls down* Owie.
11111 1.........1 1...........1 1.........1 11111 1 1 1 1 1 O S T
Post... Post... Post... Post... Post-It... Post-It... Post-It... Post-It... Post-It Pad.... Post-It Pad.... Post-It Pad.... Post-It Pad.... Edit: YUM! COOKIES! SUGAR! *eats happily*
^ random. And wants to kill me.
We're all bored... or at least I am. Uh... DiZzy Whizzy... and I don't remember when. Some time after Roxas talks to Namine and she disappears.
Multi-tasking like me, maybe? ^_^
... *crickets*