Good. And yourself?
*knock knock* Hello in here! :D And strawberry Pocky is the best. XD
Yup. 7th grade all the way... *or to the end of this school year, at least*
4003 ... pickles!
What? You're in 7th grade? Because if you are, I never knew that... O_O Well it wouldn't be much of a surprise that I didn't know, actually. *cough*
Here goes... Reading: 100 Math (Algebra): 98 Language: 99 History: 100 Science: 100 Spanish: 100 P.E.: 100 Computer: 100 Uh, yeah... Kill me now. >.< Then again, I'm not even in high school yet. This is 7th grade, so... I wouldn't think too much of it. :o
Vexen watched Larxene as she left. "Interesting, he murmured. Then he got back to his job. ((*OOC: I am utterly and completely insane. Yeah... thought you should know that. Okaythanx. :D *))
"Hm?" Vexen glanced at her. "Oh, ah... nothing. Now, as you were saying...?"
I'm sorry to say I haven't read any of those books before. :( I have been wanting to borrow Eragon from my friend, though, but he keeps forgetting to bring it to school for me to borrow.
Vexen snorted. "They're supposed to be. It's natural for humans--Sombodies and Nobodies alike--to have pink nails. It's not my fault that mine are pinker than they're supposed to be." He paused for just a moment. "And you seriously need to learn about genetics."
Well, we have a "What song are you listening to?" thread, don't we? So tell me what book you're reading, who the author is, and any random comments about the book. Right now, I'm reading The Last Command by Timothy Zahn. All I have to say is... Poor, naive little Luke. :p What are you reading?
Vexen smirked a little at the Replica's comment. "Ah, yes," he said. "I've been wondering about how the offspring would look, myself." He spoke casually, examing his fingernails as he did so. Examining his fingernails?!?! Vexen stopped the motion as quickly as he had started and looked back towards Larxene.
Vexen raises his eyebrows at the odd display before him. He couldn't help but wonder what the Key of Destiny was up to this time. Ignoring it, he returned his attention towards Larxene. "A reason?"
"I haven't done research on that particular topic," Vexen said coolly (there he went, being scientific again), "but from personal experience I would say you can. May I inquire as to why you're asking me this?"
Vexen flinched at her question. She didn't know, of course. There was no way she could have known about him and his life before. "Love is..." he began, then stopped. "It's hard to explain, really. You feel it... and it's something you never want to let go of." He eyed Larxene carefully. "That's not a good thing, you know. Much blood has been shed over love."
"Love?" Vexen repeated. He actually softened a bit. "Yes, of course I do. It's nothing we can feel now, but I've had... experience... in the past."
3940 Oh yeah, we all totally forgot how to count! WOO! XD
Vexen poked his head around a corner of a wall to look at Larxene. Unless he was mistaken, she had just called for him. "Yes, what do you want?" he asked.
I'll join. Just gotta go get myself a partner. :D
Vexen pauses. "Good point. She's the one who bought this Paopu-forsaken place, anyways. Back to your post. I'm on break." ----- ((*OOC: 'Kay, I'm getting off now. Night, rikurep. It was fun RPing with you. :D*))