OOC:2010 people Name:Wes age:21 gender:Male apperence: side: rebel weapon:has a necklace that he never takes off,it is dark blue in the center and as magical powers, some that he doesnt even know about.
"No! Find her! Save her!Dont let him kill her! Noooo..." Wes fades out as he passes out. all of a sudden his necklace glows and the dark needles come out of the dragon's skin. they drop onto the ground and vanish.then the necklace fades out
Wes falls out of the sky as to seem to be coming from nowhere. He hits the monter in the back and falls to the ground trying to get up.
how do you make day 1 files?
OCC: I'll be glad to join! Name-Wes Age-16 Gender-Male Creature-? he thinks human, but he a has a creature that always seems to follow him around and stands on his shoulder called Dragonork (hamstery little dark thing with wings) Bio-Wes doesn't know his past, he just seems to remember that his parents are dead. Wes has a black necklace that he always keeps on that is belived to have powers. One of wes's eyes is red, the eye holds a long lost secret that wes learns later on.
would this work at all? Infinite Jump (for normal sora ONLY) 2CPU-NPFV-TVATZ XZXB-Y20Y-WBCEQ 2019089C 00000000
the first one is a test cause if that works ad you get spears then the second one will, the second one is aurons blade, but if the first one doesn't work then i need to do something else, try both and tell me what happens
found it: have the kingdom key equiped before you use it. Kingdom Key 11CEF10C 0000???? try doing this digit first 0845 then try this one 02C0
the xaldin spears aren't working, they worked before for me im using this code when i have the ultima equiped Ultima Weapon 11CEF160 0000???? and digits 845 and i get bsod'd, even when i use a differnt save
we're waiting for someone who knows how I found the codes for FM+, so if anyone could port them? Emperor: 11c4fc20 Lod chests: Small: 11c4f24c 11c4f28c 11c4f2cc 11c4f30c 11c4f34c 11c4f38c Large: 11c4f3cc 11c4f40c Save: 11c4f124 Soldier 1: 11c4fa64 Soldier 2: 11c4fb44
use the ucm digits for the digit. so put the first part of the code then 0000 then the digit of ucm I found the codes for FM+, so if anyone could port them? Emperor: 11c4fc20 Lod chests: Small: 11c4f24c 11c4f28c 11c4f2cc 11c4f30c 11c4f34c 11c4f38c Large: 11c4f3cc 11c4f40c Save: 11c4f124 Soldier 1: 11c4fa64 Soldier 2: 11c4fb44
no, port, like from fm+ to regular kh2 I found the codes for FM+, so if anyone could port them? Emperor: 11c4fc20 Lod chests: Small: 11c4f24c 11c4f28c 11c4f2cc 11c4f30c 11c4f34c 11c4f38c Large: 11c4f3cc 11c4f40c Save: 11c4f124 Soldier 1: 11c4fa64 Soldier 2: 11c4fb44
omg, do you know how many times that i've wanted those ported? ill repaet them too to help until someone helps port it.and mods and admins, dont think im spamming cause a bunch of people have wanted this I found the codes for FM+, so if anyone could port them? Emperor: 11c4fc20 Lod chests: Small: 11c4f24c 11c4f28c 11c4f2cc 11c4f30c 11c4f34c 11c4f38c Large: 11c4f3cc 11c4f40c Save: 11c4f124 Soldier 1: 11c4fa64 Soldier 2: 11c4fb44
sure, this is a good one, this is the one i wanted to get to work for me, but it doesn't work, can anybody help? http://youtube.com/watch?v=s94yGHuOgVI&feature=related
guys the xaldin spears aren't working, they worked before for me im using this code when i have the ultima equiped Ultima Weapon 11CEF160 0000???? and digits 845 and i get bsod'd, even when i use a differnt save
i asked everywhere and everybody tells me to ask somewhere else, can you guys port these from kh2FM+ to regular KH2? Hall of the Cornerstone Save point mod for the hall of the cornerstone: 11C533E8 0000???? Skateboard mod: 11C535C4 0000???? Or these Emperor: 11c4fc20 0000???? Lod chests: Small: 11c4f24c 0000???? 11c4f28c 0000???? 11c4f2cc 0000???? 11c4f30c 0000???? 11c4f34c 0000???? 11c4f38c 0000???? Large: 11c4f3cc 0000???? 11c4f40c 0000???? Save: 11c4f124 0000???? Soldier 1: 11c4fa64 0000???? Soldier 2: 11c4fb44 0000????
if you can whine then i can whine, convert mine, its a few post up! anyways, jk. here ya go 11C95618 0000071A although it would be nice for someone to convert my codes
can you guys port these from kh2FM+ to regular KH2? Hall of the Cornerstone Save point mod for the hall of the cornerstone: 11C533E8 0000???? Skateboard mod: 11C535C4 0000???? Or these Emperor: 11c4fc20 0000???? Lod chests: Small: 11c4f24c 0000???? 11c4f28c 0000???? 11c4f2cc 0000???? 11c4f30c 0000???? 11c4f34c 0000???? 11c4f38c 0000???? Large: 11c4f3cc 0000???? 11c4f40c 0000???? Save: 11c4f124 0000???? Soldier 1: 11c4fa64 0000???? Soldier 2: 11c4fb44 0000????
here ya go: 01CB99EF 0000000E 11CB99F4 00003131 11CB9A14 00003131 21CB9A34 00010002 2037B890 61786F72 2037B894 00000073 1033FFB4 0000002A 40340C9C 00130001 10100100 00000000 by the way is there a code to make you automatically drive into a form? Like when you start the game? cause i can't drive with people in my party other than donald or goofy
cause the code he put on there is final mix, and does anybody know if we can change cloud or leon's stats?