Well, they can swarm the field and completly negate enemy spells and traps, with the right cards. Otherwise, they have a big death draw potential and are rather luck based. Gateway of the Six is limited...
So, they should create E-Hero Tuners, E-Hero Synchro Monsters and E-Hero Exceeds? Oh, and E-Hero Synchro+Fusion Monsters, for the unlimited combo.(Or even XYZ-Monsters+Fusion Monsters) Yeah, that could be fun.^^
Dark World still uses one of the fabled to activate the effects.^^
Thats not cheating, that is clear mind and heart of cards.
There are cards out there which can beat a burn deck, you could put them into your side deck.
What do you think about the inzektor deck, what could be better?
My new Deck on DN: If you can't avoid them you have to pick them.
What do you think about Roaring Express Train Rocket Arrow in a dark world deck? Because you have to discard all cards from your hand at the standby phase, you can easily summon the dark world monsters and swarm the field.
They should limit Inzektor Dragonfly [Damsel], Inzektor Centipede and Inzektor Hornet... This card combo is totally OP...
I'm online at DN.^^
I have made a new speed version of my otk deck: It now also uses Cyber Valley and Blaze Fenix. And Bubble Illusion for the FTK.
I mean, Rienzel could have played honest.
No Honest on the hand?^^
Somebody want a duel against me at DN? I will use 1 of my 2 decks.^^
2 xyz-monster. Nice...
So all inferno's should get that attribute? BTW: I win sometimes in short games, sometimes in long games. Even if I have a bad start hand, I win.
I fought multiple duels at DN and I can say, both of my decks work very well, if the enemy doesn't have a direct counter to it. Resonator Red Nova and Gustav Max are both consistant and win me nearly any game. Also, Gustav Max + Gravity Bind/Area B is also fun.^^
This card could be also a field spell with 1 more effect.^^ A very badass card. You could include it into many decks and it helps to make a delta accel synchro. Also, this+Brionac is just unbeatable... or Scrap Dragon.
Well, I know some cards which can beat him. You could Tribute him for Lava Golem or something like that. My Soul burns in this card!
I changed it from extra deck to graveyard.^^