Better to read?
Okay, but the rest? I also added synchro summon with natural tune, is that good? And which would you change?
But, how to choose the right cards and build a competative deck, combined with staples? You would also need cards like: , etc. Which normal monsters you would use? I already made this: I also found that:
I thought again about the normal monster deck. I know a card which can speed it up dramatically. Another card: Also this card can help with some Xyz: Today, Normal Monster Decks have very much support.^^
Well, then combine it with stall and anti-meta. This is already a slow deck, so it wouldn't affect it that much.
Well, you could use a deck focusing onto discarding the normal monsters to summon them then with many cards which can be used for this. Could also be usefull if you use dragon's mirror and multiple dragons.
What do you think about this: Could this make lvl 8 normal monster decks viable?
This card is special, you can overlay 2 lvl 3 or 2 lvl 4, if you overlay 2 lvl 3, it is rank 3, if you overlay two lvl 4, it is rank 4. BTW: If you want to beat inzektors or wind-ups, play anti-meta:
If Elemental Heroes go Xyz, this would be my style for it.^^
1. Synchro I know many lvl 8 synchro monsters... 2. Normal Monsters + Birthright For Blue-Eyes, etc... 3. Galaxy-Eyes 4. Gadgets/Frogs 5. Ancients 6. Eatos
No Neos Wiseman? Sad... BTW: Seal of Orichalcos isn't illegal at OCG:
There are 15 of the seals in the world.^^
Spoiler My move! -Draw Phase- *Hand 6* -Standby Phase- -Main Phase 1- I play Pot of Greed! Hand: 7 I play another Pot of Greed! Hand: 8 Now I play the ultimate field spell card... The Seal of Orichalcos!!! [video=youtube;y0_up7G34ak][/video] Hand: 7 Then I play Double Summon! Hand: 6 Then I Special Summon 3 Guardian Eatos from my hand! Hand: 3 And then I play 3 Trade-Ins! And discard: Hand: 3 I activate Graceful Charity! And discard Hero Kid and Plague Spreader Zombie! Hand: 3 Next I use Destiny Draw! And discard Destiny Hero Disk Commander! Hand: 3 Then I Play Premature Burial! LP: 7200 And Special Summon Hero Kid from my graveyard! Followed by 2 more from my Deck! Hand: 2 And Now Behold! I Tribute My 3 Hero Kids! To summon... My Egyptian God Card!!! Obelisk The Tormentor!!! [video=youtube;S87r_6nhDgg][/video] Hand: 1 I play Pot of Avarice! And return: Hand: 2 And next I tribute my 3 Guardian Eatos to summon... The Winged Dragon of Ra!!! [video=youtube;9n38XS8l7Vk][/video] ATK/8000 Hand: 1 Now I use Another Pot of Avarice! And return: Hand: 2 Now I play Monster Reborn! And bring back Destiny Hero Disk Commander in Defense Mode! Hand: 3 I play Orichalcos Deuteros and Tritos: Hand: 1 I use th effect of Orichalcos Tritos to gain 1500 Life Points. LP: 8700 Now I set 1 card. Field: Monsters: Hand: 0 LP Counter: Me: 8700 You: 8000 If you've seen the anime you know what the God Cards effects are. And again, The default ones are the Anime Exclusive ones as a reminder. I've explained this before. I would've posted the images of the legalized ones if I was using them. And I'll explain their effects if you don't know them. Ra gains ATK equal to the monsters used to summon him and is immune to all card effects. Obelisk let's me tribute 2 monsters to deal 4000 Damage but I can't attack that turn and he too is immune to card effects. And if The God Cards are special summoned they die at the end phase. But I tribute summoned both of them. I wanted to summon Slifer too but I was too lazy to think of a way to summon all 3. This way it works.^^
I have changed something again. I added necroshade to have another way to summon neos. Because of that, i added darkbright to my extra to discard necro. I added dark hole, 1 more mst and added royal decree, to counter traps. Together with that comes starlight road.
Yeah, I didn't make the extra deck because that is not the main focus. You use Krebons to lower your HP at control. But..
I also have cards like mst or trap stun, which can help me against that. Deck: If you think, anything could be better, say.^^
Dragunities are no enemy.... A heavy storm at the right time and game.^^
He had Hornet on field and i destroyed. Air Neos beats inzektors.^^
Hmm, readed the rules and see that my deck doesn't work...