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  1. NicknameMy
    Wait, I activate this card:

    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 7, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  2. NicknameMy
    Terra, I give you my secret card:

    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 6, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  3. NicknameMy
    Gustav max.^^

    Also MST at side.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  4. NicknameMy
    Well, yeah, you are right.^^

    And what you think overall over this deck?

    I think combining Uru's eff with malefics could be really fun-^^
    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  5. NicknameMy
    Endymion can't be destroyed if it has spell counters. And the tributes for the immortals can be timelord + malefic or tragoedia + malefic.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  6. NicknameMy
    I am actually testing a combination of malefics, time lords, tragoedia and earthbound immortals. Since nearly all are lvl 10, I can use them to Xyz-summon gustav max and do more crazy ****.^^

    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 5, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  7. NicknameMy
    I now made a little relinquished-deck. It is still far away to be competative, but it is very funny.^^

    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  8. NicknameMy
    eff pegasus?


    enemy ragequit because of rainbow dragon:

    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  9. NicknameMy
    Well, i still like crystal beasts, they are so fun with abundance.^^

    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  10. NicknameMy
    Well, I have to say, a combo of inzektors and wind-ups is the most annoying combo in the game.^^

    Post by: NicknameMy, Feb 3, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  11. NicknameMy
    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  12. NicknameMy
    Well, in any deck, if you draw the wrong cards, you loose. And this deck isn't inconsistant, it is just a bit slower than other decks. And this is no deck to just dish out all cards, it is a deck which you have to play smart. That is why you should only use skill drain, if you are absolutly sure you need it. Don't just play skill drain and destroy your own combo. And don't throw too much cards in your backrow, this looses you the game. If you can get worm linx on the field, you will easily outdraw the enmy and win the game by the right cards. And for continious trap cards, which make you problems, you can always use magic planter.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 29, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  13. NicknameMy
    I really think the anti-meta burn deck will get more popular:


    Because it completly negates everything the enemy can do and you win just by drawing cards for 8 turns.

    It is also very funny.

    BTW: Stall + Search Exodia without Skill Drain and Fiendish Chain:


    I also put out cyber valley because it has a major weakness, it has to be attacked. There are several ways to destroy a card at the field before attacking. For that, I put in swift scarecrow
    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 28, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  14. NicknameMy
    They not only help you against non-burn decks, fiendish chain can negate the atk so it stalls, while also taking out dangerous monsters (trish for example) and skill drain negates most of the eff. which can make you loose.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  15. NicknameMy
    Well, still, that is why fiendish chain and skill drain are in this deck.^^
    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  16. NicknameMy
    You can, for example, veiler electrum.^^

    (I think fiendish chain is a better version of veiler)
    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  17. NicknameMy
    Or Exodius.^^

    Well, if you can break the enemy burn loop, you win.^^ But for that, you could fill the side deck.

    Cards like d.d. crow, the light and the darkness mirror, snowman, fossil dyna, mst or even cards like rivalry of warlords / gozen match.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  18. NicknameMy
    Well, but to stall, you also need cards which defend your stall cards. And what you can do if an enemy starts an inzektor loop?

    Or the enmy plays a chain material loop?

    Or best, the enemy plays the wind-up loop?

    You lost... To win, you need to negate their loops. And defend cards which can do that.

    BTW: A good card for that would be defense draw, negates damage and you can draw 1 card.^^

    3 Cyber Valley are must.

    3 One Day of Peace

    3 Pot of Duality

    3 Skill Drain

    3 Upstart Goblin

    3 Threatening Roar

    1 Sangan

    2 Waboku

    3 Fiendish Chain

    3 thunder of ruler

    3 Emissary of the Afterlife

    5 Exodia

    1 Exodius

    3 Deep Diver

    1 Pot of Avarice

    Still, this deck has a major weakness, it is unconsistant and it is slow. And it is easy to defeat.

    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  19. NicknameMy
    So you want to stall + search, well, that is nearly impossible today. In a stall deck today, you want to play anti-meta with also negating the enemy effects and banish all cards. Cards like Skill Drain, banisher of light or something like that. But that would destroy the search engine. On the other side, a search engine alone can't do the job. You would still need enough draw power. I think, some combos with Appropriate could solve that problem.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground
  20. NicknameMy
    Okay, building an Exodia Deck. The best actual engines which you use are toon table + toon blue eyes + trade in, DWD + broww, cards of consanse + white stone of legend and broken bamboo sword / golden bamboo sword.

    Key card is Royal Magical Library

    With that, you also use all avaiable draw cards like upstart goblin, one day of peace, hand destruction, etc.

    Finally, Exodius.

    Post by: NicknameMy, Jan 27, 2012 in forum: The Playground