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  1. NicknameMy
    BTW: What do you think about this Red Nova Dragon Deck?


    I tested it very often and you can summon Red Nova most time very early, if not in the first turn. I think, Resonators have a better engine than synchrons at all.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 29, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  2. NicknameMy
    Level eater can also help that combo.^^
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  3. NicknameMy
    well, if you do that, you will face red nova dragon.^^

    BTW: I increase the base ATK to 3500.

    Also changed, that every monster used to summon it increase its ATK by 500, instead of only the tuner.

    For 5000 ATK you have to summon something big.^^
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  4. NicknameMy
    What do you think about this deck?

    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  5. NicknameMy
    Another deck:


    This one uses frogs to summon it.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  6. NicknameMy
    For that he is completly immune to every spell, trap and monster effect, this means he can't be destroyed without attacked. And if he destroys a monster, he destroys all enemy monsters, so he could attack a minor monster and destroy shooting quasar dragon with it. And finally, 4000 damage are very much.^^

    And if he is destroyed, you get your red nova dragon.^^

    And there are decks, you could easily include him, like T.G.^^

    BTW: For the god cards deck:

    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  7. NicknameMy
    My Next Card Creation: Jack Atlas monster which is on the same level like shooting quasar dragon:


    2 or more Tuner Synchro Monsters + 1 non-Tuner Synchro Monster
    Must be Synchro Summoned, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card's base ATK increases by 500 for every monster which was used to summon it. This card is immune to the effects of your opponent's Spells, Traps, or monsters. If this card destroys a monster. you can destroy all enemy monsters. If this card is destroyed, you can summon 1 "Red Nova Dragon" from your extra deck.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 28, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  8. NicknameMy
    Yeah.^^ But there is no search engine for super poly...

    So you have to get it on your hand first. It is not broken.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 27, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  9. NicknameMy
    You can use chain material + super polymersation.^^

    Like Yubel.^^
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  10. NicknameMy
    I actually also work on my OTK-Deck to give it more draw engine instead of stall engine. Appropriate can work there, too.^^

    Main Deck

    Elemental Hero Avian
    Elemental Hero Burstinatrix
    Elemental Hero Clayman
    3x A Cat of Ill Omen
    Elemental Hero Bubbleman
    Dark Hole
    3x Dark World Dealings
    3x Fusion Gate
    Heavy Storm
    Level Limit - Area B
    3x Magical Mallet
    Monster Reborn
    Mystical Space Typhoon
    3x One Day of Peace
    Swords of Revealing Light
    3x Terraforming
    3x Upstart Goblin
    2x Appropriate
    3x Chain Material
    Mirror Force
    Solemn Judgment
    Solemn Warning

    Extra Deck

    3x Elemental Hero Electrum
    3x Elemental Hero Gaia
    3x Super Dreadnought Cannon Express - Gustav Max

    Or you could build it like an exodia deck. With Trap Booster, this can be fun.^^ Without, too, because the enemy will expect exodia, not a damn facedown card.^^
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  11. NicknameMy
    I also found now a gadget deck which summons all 3 gods in one turn together with the creator of light, combined with xyz-engine. Deck list:

    Main Deck

    Green Gadget
    Green Gadget
    Green Gadget
    Obelisk the Tormentor
    Obelisk the Tormentor
    Red Gadget
    Red Gadget
    Red Gadget
    Slifer the Sky Dragon
    Slifer the Sky Dragon
    The Creator of Light
    The Winged Dragon of Ra
    The Winged Dragon of Ra
    Yellow Gadget
    Yellow Gadget
    Yellow Gadget
    Dark Hole
    Dark World Dealings
    Dark World Dealings
    Dark World Dealings
    Hand Destruction
    Hand Destruction
    Heavy Storm
    Into the Void
    Into the Void
    Into the Void
    Monster Reborn
    One Day of Peace
    One Day of Peace
    One Day of Peace
    Pot of Avarice
    Pot of Duality
    Upstart Goblin
    Upstart Goblin
    Upstart Goblin
    Call of the Haunted
    Call of the Haunted
    Ultimate Offering
    Ultimate Offering
    Ultimate Offering

    Extra Deck

    Ally of Justice Catastor
    Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
    Stardust Dragon
    Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier
    Daigusto Emeral
    Daigusto Emeral
    Daigusto Emeral
    Lavalval Chain
    Lavalval Chain
    Lavalval Chain
    Number 16: Ruler of Color - Shock Ruler
    Number 39: Utopia
    Number 39: Utopia
    Steelswarm Roach
    Steelswarm Roach
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  12. NicknameMy
    I actually think about a deck which could easily summon:

    I think about a deck which works with RFG to use return of the different dimension or other cards like that. You could return 5 cards, 2 of them are slifer and obelisk and then summon ra by tributing the other 3 monsters.

    Could you think about which cards would work for that?
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  13. NicknameMy

    What do you think?
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  14. NicknameMy
    Gaia is the one which recycles Electrum and Gustav Max. Without him, the combo doesn't work. You also need Gaia, because Gustav Max is an earth monster.

    And better read chain material again. You can't attack with the card summoned by it and the monster which was summoned is destroyed in end phase.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  15. NicknameMy
    Well, you don't need Trap booster if you can activate chain material from the field. A Visual combo:

    This is your end. You have no cards in your hand or in the spell trap card zone. I activate Dark Hole:


    You loose your last monster on the field.

    Now I play Fusion Gate and activate my facedown Chain Material:


    Because of this, I banish E-Hero Avian, Burstinatrix, Clayman and Bubbleman to summon E-Hero Electrum. With this one summoned, I can return all 4 E-Heros back into my deck. Now I summon another one.


    Now, Overlay, XYZ-Summoning, Super Dreadnought Cannon - Gustav Max!


    Now I detach 1 Electrum to activate his effect, you loose 2000 lifepoints.(6000)

    Now, I banish the electrum in the grave and gustav max to summon E-Hero Gaia. Now I banish Gaia again together with the other electrum to summon another gaia. Finally, I summon another electrum from my Extra Deck. This means, my 2 electrum, gaia and gustav max return into extra deck. Also I summon another Electrum


    Now, Overlay, XYZ-Summoning, Super Dreadnought Cannon - Gustav Max!


    Now I detach 1 Electrum to activate his effect, you loose 2000 lifepoints.(4000)

    Now, I banish the electrum in the grave and gustav max to summon E-Hero Gaia. Now I banish Gaia again together with the other electrum to summon another gaia. Finally, I summon another electrum from my Extra Deck. This means, my 2 electrum, gaia and gustav max return into extra deck.


    Now I banish both Gaia on the field to summon another Gaia. I also summon another electrum.


    Now, Overlay, XYZ-Summoning, Super Dreadnought Cannon - Gustav Max!


    Now I detach 1 Electrum to activate his effect, you loose 2000 lifepoints. (2000)

    Now, I banish the electrum in the grave and gustav max to summon E-Hero Gaia. Now I banish Gaia again together with the other electrum to summon another gaia. Finally, I summon another electrum from my Extra Deck. This means, my 2 electrum, gaia and gustav max return into extra deck.


    Now I banish both Gaia on the field to summon another Gaia. I also summon another electrum.


    Now, Overlay, XYZ-Summoning, Super Dreadnought Cannon - Gustav Max!


    Now I detach 1 Electrum to activate his effect, you loose 2000 lifepoints. (0)

    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 26, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  16. NicknameMy
    Well, I have to go to bed now, see you tomorrow or today? Well...

    Then we can continue our duel.
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  17. NicknameMy
    Well, have veiler on your hand first...
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  18. NicknameMy
    I play:


    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  19. NicknameMy
    Nice first turn, well, that doesn't help you: I draw 1 card

    Hand: 6

    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: The Playground
  20. NicknameMy
    Formula Synchron is limited...

    And you can't use 2 tuner....
    Post by: NicknameMy, Dec 25, 2011 in forum: The Playground