Welcome!! :)
yep exactly, i try not to brag about my soccor talent but its kinda tempting lol. anyways since in sick im gonna try to go to bed "early" tonight....
So do you guys just sorta talk about random stuff? It's really cool :)
yesh well your really good. if had half the talent you had i would brag about it to everybody... but i don't lol :p
welcome :D i was looking at the pictures that you made and they are amazing!!!
awww i will talk to you, if that makes you feel any better :)
Why whats up?
home sick :( with the flu so i've been in bed all day long.
YAY YAY YAY! -gobbles it down- :D thank yous!
HEY Riku! whatcha doing?
YAY! thank yous for your honesty :D i know it was short but it was just something i came up with really fast, and i've been thinking about making a story for a while so i decided i would post this and see if people liked or not. I don't even know if i will keep it, but if I do i will definatly spend lots of more time on each chapter to make sure it's great!
Yay finally finished it. If alot of people like it, i might consider going through with the whole story. :) The first couple of chapters are about my made-up character. Sorry, I wouldn’t normally do that if she didn’t have a big role in the story. Hope ya like it :D *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* I was sitting there, curled up in a ball, in the ruins of the house I was once staying at. My friend... he had gone away with the rest of the house. I was in tears from the reality of it. It had all crashed down on me so fast. I didn’t know what happened to Riku, Sora, or Kairi. It felt like my whole life had been torn apart. I looked up at the gray sky it was turning a little blacker because with each passing minute, this world, the world I lived in my whole life was turning into nothingness. *-----------------------------------------------------------------------* 1 WEEK EARLIER_ I woke up in the warmth and comfort of my bed. It was a cold and crisp October morning. I got out of my secure bed and went into my small bathroom. I looked at the person in front of me and almost gagged at the sight of her; messy long black hair, plain puke colored eyes, and ghostly white skin. With nothing but a gray t-shirt and white undies on. I stepped away from the full body mirror on the back of the door, went over to the cluttered sink and turned on the faucet. The water was cold on my once warm face. When I was done I dried my face on the scratchy towel hanging from the shower railing and walked back into my room. I walked up to my lonely window and pushed it open. Chills ran down my spine causing me to shiver when lots of cold wind barged into my room. (a/n – I didn’t really know what to say there, so I just left that corny sentence) “Stupid window.” I muttered trying my hardest to shut it. I decided it was hopeless and went over to my closet door. Opened it, got out a pair of jeans and went into the hallway. On the walls were lots of pictures of my mom and me. The pictures of me when I was little seemed… happier. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and got out a bowl from the cupboard. “Good morning Aria.” I jumped 10 feet into the air and looked behind me. “God mom! You scared me. Don’t you know not to sneak up on someone?” My mom was leaning against the table in her pink robe, her brunette hair was just as messy as mine. She looked like she stayed up late working again; as she had big purple bags under her eyes. “So I was thinking if you maybe wanted to go get some lunch this afternoon. We never really do stuff together anymore like we used to…” She said. I looked at her sadly; things sort of just fell apart after dad died and we grew farther and farther away from each other. She had her work to keep her busy and I had school to keep me out of the way. “Oh um… I don’t know mom. See I have this homework I need to get done. But maybe some other time?” I felt guilty lying to my mom, but I would do anything to keep me away from another awkward conversation. “Um I’m gonna go back upstairs now.” I gave her a weak smile. “But what about your breakfast.” Mom said looking at the empty bowl I had just gotten out. “Well I’m not really that hungry right now-“ I said slowly walking back to the stairs. “-see ya later.” I walked through the hallway with the forgotten pictures and back into my room. *--------------------------------------------------------------------------------* comment because i wanna know what you think :)
ummm i like making new friends :)
lol, anyways im getting tired so im gonna go to bed. night night :)
yep! she and her sister have there own room its like a closet type thing... and it has blankets stapled all over the walls and the celing, and...
well this is the 2nd time i've had to pull my cat off the celing lol
BACK! lol my cats new nickname is spiderman
lol...brb i gotta take shower.
lmao, swrew them for ruining our lives!
ME TOO! i swear if i ever meet this person who invented homework im going to strangle him/her!!! lol