Owchies -gets up with face filled with dirt- eeww -spits it out- hahahaha i've gots a better idea... LETS GO PET C.H.U.D.!!! :D
-pulls parachute- YEE HAW! haha arn't yoo glad :D -minutes later, gets close to ground- Ready Moondance? -falls flat on face- lol
YAY yes oui can hehe will shall have tons of fun! we leave now ready 1... 2... 3! JUMP YAAAAAAAA-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Ugh nothing much bored out of my freakin mind haha, i think i shall go sky diving :p
Hey! :D Pretty name mines so boring lol Brookelyn, but people here call me Unmei!
In Kingdom hearts 3, or Birth by Sleep... who will be Sora's voice for USA. Will it still Haley Joel Osment? I'm asking this because im just curious :D
hehe hiya! :D
"oompa loompa doompadee doo" im gonna have that song stuck in my head all day! lol
yay I LOVE the candy too! :D
blood moon?
good... im actually working on an essay blah. how are you?
welcome. so what are you doing?
great! i got over my cold yay :D and i finally got to go on a date with my bf. how bout you?
Hello Riku :D
cool im spinning around and around and around and around. :D
okay thanks :)
thanks for changing the name :D and im still sort of a beginner at writting but i want to become a novelist and have my own series of books.
yeah well i just sort of edited it. because alot a people said it was too short so i made it longer.
if you read it... sorry for it being about my made up person. i will have sora kairi riku in he next one maybe. but overall how did you like it?
i added stuff to my story if you wanna check it out. -A new beginning- blah ok.