no problem, thats what besties are for right? :D
for what its worth i'm am so sorry your having to go through this. but i think you should let other people know how you feel, EXPRESS YOURSELF...
im sooooooo sorry you don't know how bad i feel. i read your poem i think you should post it so everybody can see it, it is beautiful and...
oh my gawd!!! I am so sorry, if you don't mind me asking... what happened? -gives hug-
whats wong?
YAYS! I read something like this on here before, but i love to read different stories so YES i can't wait for the next chapter to come out! :D tee hee i love the SoraxKairi couple!!! this is very sweet and good job on the no grammer errors and etc... KEEP IT UP!
Ohhhh... mk thank yous :D yeah im sure they would get a different voice actor to play sora (even though i really liked his voice in KH2) because- wait how old is Haley Joel Osment? um oh well that doesnt matter, but he seems kinda old to play a sixteen/ fifteen/ or young sora lol thats alot.
ooooo dark and thats beautiful. i really like it :D
lol that is weird... what did you write?
what is it?
oh im sorry, but thats a good thing... being in a bad relationship isnt very funn! :p
tee hee yup i cant wait, what about yoos. have anyone in particular?
yup my boy friend, not to brag lol, is coming over to watch a movie. its a rainy day :(
oh nothing much lol deciding
hi moondance :D
AWW Alrighty i shall talk to yoo sooooon! :D
i think he will just get up to chewing your hand lol he is fine with friends of mine.
YEP my Cannibalistic Humanoid Underground Dweller!!! He is apart of my ugly family :D