Well, alot of people say "Ma-roo-sha", but I normally say "Mar-luk-sia". The rest are pretty much said the same way among all the fans.
Who in the world wants to go through an entire game as Riku exclusively? I mean sure, I loved Reverse/Rebirth. But Chain Of Memories was a side-game, tying the knots between KH1 and KH2. A KH3 without Sora probably wouldn't even sell adequately.
Sora is connected to Terra more than Ven, I believe. But Father, Brother, I don't think so.
Amazing, that makes perfect sense, especially if you've realized the correlation between "Another Side" and the themes of Organization XIII. So, who knows? I'm willing to bet there's a connection.
Maybe he won't even be the main character. Games that get this popular have been known to pull something stupid like that.
Maybe. >__> My Organization name would be impossible to pronounce, at least in the anagrams I came up with. Real name is Josh.
I wouldn't go that far. Everyone thinks Demyx can't fight, but we're comparing him to Sora here. The 15-year old kid with OCD who curbstomped every member, save for Xemnas, without breaking a sweat. Xigbar and Xaldin didn't do any better, and don't get me started on Luxord. Everyone overlooks how much he sucks. Demyx wasn't the best, but he wasn't some worthless pansy.
Well we must return to the issue of CoM Sora vs. KH2 Sora. There's no way Sora would have been strong enough to stop Xemnas in the first place, he wasn't even united with Roxas. Xemnas would obliterate Sora, then go and obliterate Marluxia, and that would be that.
It's....Marluxia. LOL
Marlu would have wiped them out in about 10 seconds flat. They can't even stay alive against basic Heartless, let alone a Nobody lord.
Oh, I thought there was some place everyone used to find them on the internet. But buying them works too.
It needs more fanservice. Everyone loves the fanservice. Also, the tackle-rape was not cool. I hated Sora for 3 days after that.
I'd like to know where I can find them. >__>
All humans are different on a genetic level, but on a mental level we are all very similar. There are people who can cope fantastically, people who can barely manage, those who hold it in until it bursts, and those who snap uncontrollably. I believe that from a very early age, children interacting with one another determines how they act around others for the rest of their life. No child is born 'dorky' or 'weird' or 'cool'. I think that when they see or hear things, they imitate them, or shield themselves fully. But as for the violence, the kids that can't cope, or are under too much stress to bear seem to be the ones who react with lethal action. But I'm no psychologist.
I think most of it is nonsense. I'm open to these ideas, but it sounds no different than that 06/06/2006 crap, that had thousands of people getting on their knees and shouting to the heavens for forgiveness. Apparently, most people don't give a damn about spiritual salvation until they're about to kick the bucket.
Humans are their most deadly adversary, we're the smartest and yet the most idiotic...we're destroying our own planet, and even the worms and birds realize it before we do. And when it starts falling apart on us, it will be too late to become hippies. Y'know?
Well if we're getting religious, it's probably because of all the blatant sin and disregard for his commandments. We're doing everything He specifically told us not to do. But we're lucky we don't live in the times before Jesus's death, or we'd be getting PWNED. Like tidal waves and great fires and earthquakes and crap.
My favorite? That's a hard one.
That is kind of weird, but its ability is maximized when you spam it like a noob. That's the key to beating Larxene. xD Just kidding. It takes timing.