Well, I have KH2 Final Mix. But I meant the way I felt when I first tried it, not knowing what would happen or anything.
Saix was a total pushover. If anyone should have been second in command, that'd be Marluxia. (No I'm not a fanboy, honest! >.< Let me explain!) Since XI has three forms, and all. But fighting two multi-formed bosses in rapid succession would kind of suck, I guess.
I swear I almost had an orgasm when I laid eyes on the Final Xemnas battle. I wish I could re-live that, it was the most awesome moment of Kingdom Hearts ever.
Two Acrossing Destiny It's the Final Mix exclusive keyblade you obtain after defeating Roxas. I also like Ultima Weapon, it's just awesome. And Decisive Pumpkin, its the key to doing the most damage possible in KH2.
Larxene, thumbs down. That was one hateful [insert common name for a female canine] Next, maybe Saix. He's kinda...cold.
When he returns to his true form, he has his cloak and blindfold on. Afterwards, he removes the blindfold and the cloak, going with Sora to fight Xemnas.
I'm going to throw something out there, and assume you're an atheist? Anyways, this place is called "Intelligent Discussion". Which means discussing things intelligently. Not "LOL guess wut Im atheist n gods not real, u guys r nubs" If you don't believe in God, don't bother coming to this thread, since that's what its about.
It's not a keyblade. Seriously. Its Riku's darkness welded into weapon form. Way to the Dawn is Riku's keyblade. And that line you're quoting was against Roxas, not Riku.
I think the better word to use is "intimidated". Depending on how much they intimidate/impress me, I love a character more. Terra definately intimidated me after I got KO'ed in one hit. Same with Marluxia's Re:CoM Final Battle. And Xemnas' Final Battle. But no other bosses have really done that.
Sleeping? You lost me.
D: I wanted to be quoted... ;_; Now, I wonder how member XIV got in there.
Hmm....that's an interesting point of view, assuming that entity is an actual person. Because the word on the street is, he's just a guardian. Like that scary-looking Mr.T poser behind Xehanort's Heartless, and that massive fallen-angel with an attitude behind Marluxia. All the final bosses normally have them. The Nobody Dragon you fight alongside Xemnas 2 and 3 seems to be something he bonded to, like Xehanort's Heartless and the World of Chaos at the Final Battle of KH1.
Hey hey, don't misunderstand me now. A game with Riku solely is fine, but Kingdom Hearts III, the CONTINUATION of a Sora-centered series should have Sora. Not Riku only. Get it? Riku? No power? Check the cutscenes. He gets slammed in CoM the whole time because he's afraid to draw on his power. When he sees the vision of Kairi, he realizes that he can use the darkness without using Ansem. That's when he owned Zexion, and later, Ansem. In KH2, he was one of the most reckoned with forces. He beat Roxas by calling on his power, and saved Sora's sorry you-know-what three times during the Final Xemnas battle. If Riku was any stronger, the story would have to be centered on him.
You have to look at every detail. Its actually nothing like Anti-Form. Dark Sora (KH1 Boss) was a manifestation of Sora's darkness, I believe. Anti-Sora (KH2 Form) is, continuing on the above theory, when his heart becomes weakneed and it succumbs to the darkness temporarily. When driving, you call upon the light within yourself and your party members to transform. The closer you are to light, the stronger your darkness becomes, as KH1 said.
I'm utterly astonished that Nomura says Xaldin was one of the strongest. I thought he was below Marluxia and above Xigbar. But 3rd? He didn't do ANYTHING. Axel wasn't even backing down to him, but when Xemnas got in his face he left. I rarely go against the creator of something, but that statement doesn't make much sense to me.
Forgive me but... You made it past Repliku Four, and can't beat Axel Two? Wow.
I can't believe I neglected a point I used to argue before. Xemnas was totally haxing. So maybe Sora did stand a chance, who knows?
You don't say? Aw hell, I just bought one too.
Well some stay true to the Japanese pronounciation, in which L doesn't exist.
If Marluxia was really that close in ability to the Lord of Naught, wouldn't he have taken him on alone? That is, unless he's just a cautious person. I'll tell you what I find funny though: People going on and on about "Axel would hav pwnt Marly lololol"