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  1. Cuttlefish
    *After what? defeated all the shadows, cuttle took out his lighter from his pocket and lit his cigeratte and tossed the lighter to his brother*
    You know, for my first day at school, it's going pretty well.<puts a smirk on his face thinking about all the excitment he's going to have here>
    Post by: Cuttlefish, Mar 25, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Cuttlefish
    Arcana:Hanging Dragon
    Weapon:Duel Draggers

    "My name is Cuttlefish and in this contract, I hereby affirm that I chooseth this fate of mine own will."

    I am a friend of Soap n I was wondering if I could join ?
    Post by: Cuttlefish, Mar 24, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home