Aww... y not ?
If anyone wants to they can be my Lieutenant just saying need someone to do my bidding.....
Squid stood laughing.. "wat else could u possibly have?"
K got it Squad 2 Bankai power:Drains water within a 100yards and makes 46 Water clones that destory on impact: Water bombs.
Edited: How about Squad 5 Captain? How should it be?
Challenge Accpeted!
It did finally... am I good then to joinor do i have to modify it?
Did my post not go through?.
Sooo i lose my secondary but keep my kunai?
Name:Tyler Gender:Male Age:23 Location: Store that we just run out of supplies Appearance: Spoiler Weapon:Katana and .45 revoler Character Background:Tyler was born in Texas, he kept to himself n watch other have fun. He watch his loved ones be taken way from him during the plague.
Squid looks around n see everyone face light up.... "He ours Get him"
Squid Smiled and moved slightly away from the party. "Lets get this party started!.... Hey you with the Face!" Skill: Rakunda - 8 SP
So just Survive... no limitations?
Ok im kool with one kunai ill just retreive it thanx
Username: Cuttlefish Name: Tye "Coon" Wallace Gender: Male Age:21 Appearance: 5'9" 185lbs, lean look,Black hair, Green eyes,lightly tan, faded baggy blue jean, Black nikes, Black shirt with a purple smiley facein the middle of it. Personality: Quite,Sneaky,Michevious, Wouldnt do anything unless it catches his interest, and has a thing for saving women. Bio: Did all the physical activities he could. Did parkour with his parkour group, did mma training with (soap), learning how to be stealthy from his "unstable" retired navy seal neighbor who was kinda stuck in the war. And when he wasn't doing that, it was work and school for him, with a video game here and there. Specialty:Scout Primary Weapon: Katana Secondary Weapon:Machete Other: Throwing Kunai How will I die?:
OOC I didnt die.... just saying
Squid see this and pulls out his draggers. "Soap......You Idiot!!" Squid rushes in to help his idiot brother. Prepared to attack and also get attacked.
Squid looks at Claw and kinda just smirked. "That maybe but to me it slow everything to me.... Makes my more aware or my surroundings. And besides it was my last one soo now im done for the year......So just wondering something how do we get back to the dorms, Imkinda ready to play rock band soon its been a awhile.." Squid looks around the room noticeing that no one has a single clue on how to get back.
Squids eyes open widened n his mouth hangs open a bit ....... Shocked . "Thats our teacher? ...... Man talk about a late start." Squid slowly walk up to Plum and slow extends his hand. "Hi, I think you are my teacher nice to meet you."
Cuttle looks at Plum and stares "Dont mean to be rude but you dont look soo tough n i dont even know ur name, so im going to tell you mine instead..... Its Cuttlefish or Squid both are fine with me,... Squirt" Squid inhale deeply on the cigeratte then blows a puff of smoke towards Plum.