Squid stood in the door frame laughing watching his brother get abused, then walk with his brother down stands to see Plums.
Squid kinda stood there stun that in Soap's bed was a girl. He blinked a few times and finally said.... "You know, I thought I would ever be able to say this but here I go........ Soap finally got a girl in his bed impressive." He look a Chie and ask her "Why she was in Soap's bed and Soap wasn't? And i thought Wingly was suppost to be in Soap's bed...."
Tye heard his name and slowly bounce around to see who it was, but he had already knew who called his name. "Hey... and nah man told you about the girlfriend break up........." He took a deep breathe while still jumping and started talking again. "Remember...... She dumped me becuase I'm Heartless...... I called you twice but since you... Didn't answer I asssumed you where here....." Tye finally realize he had lost count and did 23 more jumps and stopped. He inhaled in and held it, then slowly let the breathe escape. "Wanna spare with me... If not I'll get Jerry to...."
Squid walk back up to his room. As he open the door he heard a scream, it came from Soap's room, he dash acrossed the living room and open the door. There sat Chie in the fetal position. He turn his head side ways and asked.. "Are you ok...?"
Squid walked around the block of the apt. place and then decided that he would go farther. Thinking to himself ... "It's Such a nice night I wish it could last forever...... But then again i like to see a bit better too." He then walk down an alley then disappeared.
Squid turned a asked "Didn't you just have Ice cream?" And then he pointed behind her on the counter. "Theres a stack of pizzas there it a mixature of them tho so hope ur not picky.."
"She can have my bed, I'll sleep on the couch.. if she wants that is?" Squid strech out his arms feeling like a kink in them, he walk to his dorm saying.. "You guys can decide in the hall I'm going to my room to play Rock Band, or Gears I'm not sure yet......" He walked off wondering what he was going to do.
Squid look to his younger brother and smiled. "I'm ok with it as long as Soap kool with it ....."
Tye finally reached the gym. He turn off his motorcycle, took off his helmet, and walked in. "Hey Jerry, how's it going ...?" "Could better like always, and yes Zack is here, by the way have you heard about what's going on outside?" "Ummm.... kinda, but I have no idea what's really going on, do you?" "I hear it's the govermnents fault...." "Right...don't you know it's always the government's fault." They both laught and Tye walked towards the changing room then turned around and said. "Oo.. hey Jerry wanna sign me in please?" Jerry just nod, Tye had changed into his work out attire, black shoes, black shorts and no top. He plugged up his headphones to his IPOD and decided to do jump with jump ropes for a warm up.
Squid looked up and saw his borther talking to Chie and decided to but in,.... "Since Plums isn't feeling good or anything n im still kinda new how about you crash at our place,..." He then realized how weird that sounded then replied. "Just until Plum is feeling better and can assign you a room, and I'll make sure Soap doesn't do anything to you. Only if you want to though. " Squid smiled to reassure Chie trying not to make thing awkward. He then kinda just laught at the idea.
OOC: No was messin being that it two ppl talkin Squid looked at Krown and said that's our teacher right.... Krown replied saying yes. Squid looked confused n just replied he will be fine. After that conversation a kid walked up, asking what's going on... Chie fill him in on the ice cream situation. Squid pulled out his wallet and realize that the ice cream trip could hurt, he kept a calm look on his face and smile. As they all walked to the mall, and the wondered what she was gettin look over at Squid to make sure he was paying. If Squid didn't know any better, he thought she looked like a fox with the face she made.... "I said I was didn't I" Smiling from ear to ear. And now instead of two others now its three. Squid laugh and order his ice cream, and told the cashier.. "I'm getting the Sour Apple Shebert, and what ever they want......"
OOC: the couple i am talking to is Chie and Krown Squid sat and watch poeple play Rock Band for hours. Atfer deciding that he was bored he walked down the hall, PAst a couple then stopped. He looked at the girl and notice she had been crying. He looked at the couple and asked ... " YAll wanna come with me and get some ice cream i'll pay....?" Squid wonder to himself if the couple making goo goo eyes at each other were agrueing or just goo gooing each other. Squid felt awkward, like he intrupted something special.
Squid looks down at his passed out brother , he kneels down beside him, pick him up then looks at everyone. "Who's up for some Rock Band, pizza, and coke?" He fireman carries his brother back to the room with the people also follow him.
Wandering around his home, Tye wondering what he was going to do Today. He flipped through some channels on the tv, realizing there was nothing interesting on. He flips past a channel that was talkin about cannibalism, and continue pasting through channels. He then realize that most of the channels that were talking about cannibalism were the news channels. "Weird, I wonder what going on....." Tye said to himself. Tye picked up his phone, went through his contacts, down to Zack and dialed his number. It ring then went straight to voicemail. Tye tried again, same thing again: Voicemail. Tye questioned himself "Where would he be, If hewasn't answering?" Tye thought about then it dawned on him.. "Gym....duh...." Tye grabbed his motorcycle gear and headed towards the door, grabbed his keys and the door. He walked down to his Garage, got equipped, and hopped on his motorcycle and drove to the gym. On his way there 3 ambulance flew by him while stopped a red light. "Dang this canniblism thing must be serious ....." He looked to the right and left of him. He stared at the left a person was sprinting toward him he continued to stare, until a loud honk came from behind him. He look up and saw the light change green. He drove off thinking to himself. "That was weird never seen that before sprinting like a lion at something.... hmm......"
Disclaimer: This RP does not follow the anime or manga in any way. The only occurring characters from the anime and manga are Death, Stein, and Sid the zombie. This rp will be a different universe from the one that is the anime or manga (maka, death the kid, blackstar, all of them do not exist). The Story: “Welcome to Death Weapon Meister Academy. More commonly known as the DWMA. It stands as a defense against the forces of evil, which would plunge the world into chaos and drag humanity into the very depths of fear and madness. The demons known as Kishin, and their eternal hunger for destruction. To ensure that the Kishin never regain their hold on this world, this Academy was founded by the Grim Reaper, Death himself. So basically we're an organization that serves to protect and preserve peace! I guess it's not exactly a typical school. Oh well, that isn't important! For now, lets roll up our sleeves and get to work!” All students at the DWMA (Death Weapon Meister Academy) all competing to make the Ultimate weapon that Death himself would use where the students, and their weapon partners learn and train together to achieve this goal. The way the Weapon Meisters and Weapons do this is they gather 99 corrupt souls or also known as Kishin, and the soul of one Witch. During class one day, Death had made annoucment….”Attention all students, I have a grace announcement to make. My last scythe shin, who was on assignment Germany, has been eaten by a kishin, and now that kishin has grown to unimaginable power, and has declared war upon us with all the kishins under his control and he has the help of the witches as well. It is our job to stop this new threat at all cost, before he destroys our world. And as you all know, that my soul protects this city, I can’t go and stop this threat, so I’m trusting you all to do this for me, so good hunting out there, Chow!” It is your first day at class, and this what happens; Looks like this semester is going to be one hell of a ride… Explanations of stuff: Weapon Meisters: Students who attend DWMA who work with their weapons to make the ultimate weapon for Death Weapons: Weapons or Demon Weapons are humans who have to the ability to transform into weapons. They are paired up with the Meisters to gather the souls of kishin and witches to gain ultimate power. Kishin: Kishins are the result of a person, consuming the soul of another. They then become Evil souls who want nothing more than to feast on more souls to fill them. Kishin souls who lose themselves to madness have become nothing but pure hatred and only want to destroy everything. These kishin rival the power to that of Death. Witches: Witches are people who can use the Dark magics or black magic, most of the time for evil purposes. They are the Sworn enemies of the DWMA as their souls are needed to make the ultimate weapon for Death. Soul Wavelength: The Soul wavelength, is the wavelength that carries the characteristics of that person. It is them, it is who they are. Soul Perception: The Ability sense another persons wavelength. Soul Resonance: Soul Resonance is the ability where a weapon meister and weapon combine their souls and perform a very strong attack, known as Witch Hunter. Rules: 1. No Godmodding, powerplaying and the like 2. No playing other players characters, unless you are given permission from them 3. Be Active! Check the rp occasionally and post regularly. 4. No one Liners! Minimum 3-5 sentences per post. 5. Keep to KHV’s rules as well. 6. Keep language and sexual stuff to a very minimum 7. No Blackblood for any characters 8. You can have multiple characters, no limit, but if you can’t keep up with all of them, I will ask you to get rid of a few. We’ll get started once we get a few different Meisters and Weapons OC Meister Form: Username: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance (pic preferable): Bio: Personality: OC Weapon Form: Username: Name: Age: Gender: Appearance: (preferable pic) Weapon Appearance: (pic preferable) Bio: Personality: And I will pair up all weapons and Meisters when we get enough players, or if you want you can team up with a friend just PM about who it is.
Username:Cuttefish Name:Sozen Sanada Gender:Male Alliance (Soul Society or Espada):Soul Society Age (you can just put how old they look):Early 20 Appearance: Spoiler View attachment 31681 Division:2nd Rank:Captain Bio: One of the best students to ever pass through the academy, but never applied himself to any of his studies. He had the smarts, but never wants to give it his all. He personally doesn't perfer to fight, he would rather talk it out, but if their is no way around it, he will pull out his sword and fight to protect soul society. He has had a outstanding rivarly with Mugi since they were in the academy. They have always been trying to out due each other. Obtaining Bankai before each other, becoming lieutenant, and finally becoming captain. Personality: Laid back, always trying to avoid doing his captains duties. Will avoid conflict with everybody as much as he, especailly women. He enjoys the easy life and would rather go out and have fun, rather than work. Can be found anywhere expect his office or the battlefield. Most of the time sleeping where he can't be found. Other: Zanpakuto Name:Benzai-Ten Sealed Appearance (if nothing special, put "Normal Katana"):Normal Katana has Purple Sheath Spirit Appearance: Spoiler View attachment 31682 Release Command:Mizu Shikai Appearance:Amethyst Blade, Katana gets 2ft longer, and the hilt ribbon purple, hilt guard turns into a heart. Shikai Power: Throws a blade of water that cut through steel. Bankai Name:Bezai-Ten Bankai Appearance:Drain all the water within a 100 yards drains all water within its radius even living things, then makes 50 exact copies of the user to help fight and they explode on impact. Hollow Mask: Spoiler View attachment 31683 But purple markings
When I saw it, my theatre were a bunch of teeny bobbers screaming at scenes that were not even scary but the end I did enjoy it resolved, kinda of it own happy ending in a way. Wish tho the teeny bobbers did ruin most of it but it was all right kinda slow for my taste.
I read book one to find out the differences and i gotta say the book was a whole lot better in my eyes...... i dont like how they jacked with everything in the movies. Spoiler I really wanted them to go into detail with threshes kill n the mutts but if I didnt read the book it was be pretty awesome movie
I dont c how carl's mother being pregant his fault js...