"Ha.... just hold still." Liao popped the top off her water sack and began healing him. "This could sting a bit, I'm not that great but it gets the job done, And you look old that why am going to call you old man." Liao smirked, and continued healing him.
Liao bump into an old man after rounding a corner. She got up and snarled at the old man. "Watch where you are going Old Man!!" She pushed passed the Old Man, then stopped. "How many cuts do you have on you?"
Liao dodge the shot but just in the nick of time. After she recovered saw a man running at her, while throwing fireballs at her. She was quick to dodge them and stood grinning. The fire bender look at her and asked, "What are you smiling about?" Liao then broke out in a laugh, "Well I hope this will be exciting don't wanna get to bored." She took a stance in the Octopus form and started the offence. She stiked at the fire bender but he continued to dodge, she was starting to get alittle angry. The fire bender continued to dodge, then started throwing more fire ball at Liao. Liao blocked the fireballs, but didn't notice that he was right up on top of her, she Stood in shock. "Crap...." the block the hit from the fire bender but it hurt her but not as bad as she thought it would, but right before she hit the ground the created an Ice dome around the fire bender. " Got you!" she smiling at the work she did. The fire bender laughed then roared the ice dome was melting. "Now it time to stop play childish game don't you think?" She looked at him, in the lost of her smile slowly dropping. "Ok," she said, then stood forming water pinwheel around her. The Fire Bender smiled "Impressive didn't know kids could do that." Liao start throwing attacks after attack at him, she realize he was backing up into a wall, she continued until he bumped the wall. The Fire bender eyes widden then saw the girl attack, he duck then round house kick with fire into Liao gut. Liao kneeled on the ground grabbing her stomach in pain. The Fire Bender slowly walk up to her and said "Silly girl what made you think you could beat me water has always been lesser compared to fire." He raised his left foot up over Liao head "I guess this is the end for you." Liao look at the man smiling "Maybe for you!" She formed ice around her hand, then striked upward in the man gut. She pulled out her ice covered hand and watched the man fall. she looked around and saw she was still out matched. she the took off to the outskirts of town.
Liao heard a scream, she turn and saw puff clouds of smoke black as night. She look a Draco and said. "We need to go help, people maybe in danger, Mi Mo go the out skirt of the town I'll catch up later." She patted Mi Mo, then Mi Mo took off. Liao took off running in the direction of the screams and fire. As she got closer she saw two Fire Nation soldiers, she smirked popped open her Water Sack, she motioned it to go up and over. The water turned into ice and she slid on the ice up and over the two fire soldiers. "See you later, I've got more important stuff to do." Liao motioned the ice to turn back and go back in the sack. She continued to run until she made it to the middle, she stopped and noticed a women, it looked like the daughter of the fire nation.
Liao growled as the man walked by. She turned back to Draco and said, as she rubbed the polar bear dog's ear. "My name is Liao Pei, but call me Liao, and this Fuzzy little guy is Mi Mo." She kinda sighed, stopped petting Mi Mo, and looked up. "You know somethimes, I wonder if people even care about their own lives and being ruled by a Tyrant?"
Liao took a step back, raised her eyebrow and pointed at him. She was confused, but it soon shook her to after hearing a kid say the resistance was futile. She took a step toward the kid, and said. "What would you know old man, united people are stronger, then individuals........." She look at the leader of the resistance and asked. "Hey I didn't get your name what was it.... ?"
Liao didn't get any information for the earth benders, they just shugged at her. She heard a kid, look to be her age say something about it being held outside of town. She turn and asked him.. "Hey, are you sure, I need facts not just rumors, I've been looking for this type of resistance for a while and only heard for rumors." She stare at the boy, and Mi Mo started growling. "I need to know for sure, I don't have time to play games!"
Tye looked over at Zack and said. "All right, lets get some Sparing in, what do you say?" Tye threw down his kicking bag and picked up his gloves, put them on and smiled . "Let's do this!"
Liao Pei saw some papers floating through the air and walk up to one that just landed on the ground and picked it up. She read it and her eyes widden, the resistance, she has been looking for. She walked around trying to find the person hanging out fliers, so she walked around with her polar bear dog, Mi Mo. She passed a woman who waved at some earth benders and thought "Maybe they might know where the resistance is being held." She walked up to the earth benders ask them... "Hey do you guys know where the resistance is being held?" She smiled hoping that they could give a straight answer.
Username:Cuttlefish Character Name:Liao Pei Gender:Female Appearance: (Description or image. Preferably image.) Spoiler http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs14/i/2007/113/9/5/Akitla___Avatar_OC_by_Freaky_Darling.jpg Age:19 Personality:Hot-headed, easily angered, confident, will protect her friends at any cost and like washing her hair. Weapon: (If any)Katana Spoiler http://www.kaswords.com/productimages/s/SK712-385_2.jpg Nation of Birth: The Northern Water Tribe Current Whereabouts/Residency:As of right now: Ba Sing Se Bender: Yes, Almost expert lvl, but has alittle trouble with healing parts of water, and almost none with the defense and offense of fighting. Background: She was water bending at the age of 8, she wasn't much for healing but she tried. She had a friend that taught her how to fight, but only did this in secrecy. She learned quick, the day when her friend went missing she lost it. She questioned a bunch of people about where her friend went. She a eventually found a guy that knew where her friend was but he wouldn't tell her, until she started blood-bendening. She was only able to do it that once but tries to figure out how she did it, and is still look for her friend, last she heard the Fire Nation Army had him locked up. Current Life:She is currently living in Ba Sing Se, becuase she heard about a Resistance that will fight the Fire Nation. She is looking for both her friend and this resistance, while working on her fighting; getting better and better with each day. Pet:Polar bear dog Pet's name: Mi Mo
Sozen looked around then yawned. All he had left was to sign the last paper and the paper work was done for today, possibly. He signed it and put it in its proper place. He felt like 7 hours went by so he check the time, only 30 minutes went by. Sozen then frowned and thought to himself, "What a waste of time, but now that its done no one has to worry any more." Then he set his head on the desk then pasted out. "Why am I so tried....?" He thought, "Maybe because I has Zenata do the work, He more suited to do it than me." Then he was offically out for the time being.
Captain Sozen yelled thanks to is Lieutenant, then he look over at his office where Zenata was working then decided he would do it until they returned. Sozen started organizing the paper work, categorizing them, and signing what was necessary. He sighed, then continued working. He thoughts on how long it could take him to do most of this would be roughly 2 hours if he kept his mind to it and on task, which was rare for him. He peered out the front door looking at the lawn and wondering about the later task at hand.
Tye just smiled at him. "Sure, Sure..... Now start kicking!" Tye would switch side, left right, left left, right left right, trying to keep his buddy focused and alert on direction. When Tye was about to make him do a couple more,Zack kicked him by mistake. Zack kicked him smooth in the ribs. "OOOWWWWWWA........Come on man focus!!!!" Then they started back up again.
Captain Sozen laid about on the 2nd divisions barracks' roof top. He was staring off into clouds, wondering if there was anything to do for fun. His eyes kinda widden, then realized he hasn't messed with Mugi in a while. He sat up and frowned, he didn't even know where Mugi or any of the Captains were at. He stood up and jumped off the roof top in a flash step. He saw his Lieutenant, Zenata. He smiled, "Lucky me" he thought. "Zenata can you do me a favor and find Captain Mugi, for me? I have a wonderful idea for today, an event for fun, boost morale around here, what do you say?"
Tye picke up the kicking bag and walked over to Zack. He smiled at him and said.. "I see you wrapped your ankles again, I remember when you broke your foot..... let's try not to do it again...." He nodded at Zack. " Ready?"
Squid was still standing in the door frame, thought to himself. "I wonder what my brother was so upset about.... He may have a thing for Chie then." He shock his head, getting his brother out of his mind. He walked over to Sakura and started up a conversation. "So what's up with teacher?"
Squid was in awe that someone thought the same about cell fones. "I like her take on cell phones... I really do."
Squid looked over at the girl an smirked. "Hi I'm Cuttlefish, but Squid works just fine."
Tye looked at Zack, then smirked. "Let's work on your kicks first, then we will spar with the new kicks, how's that ? He felt alittle winded then stood striaght up then caught his balance. He looks at Zack telling him he's fine. "Been out of it for a week but I'm fine really, let's start though kicks."
"He tough and he will be fine, he always sleeps like that makes him a good test subject for over niters." Squid turn his head And smiled at his brother. He looked over at Plums and said. "So what's up teache.....?"