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  1. Cuttlefish
    Sozen heard his lieutenant Zenata ask him if he was ready. He looked a him and was about to question him when he saw the hell butterfly flying towards him. He sighed and then nodded. "All right lets go, then I'll race you." He smiled at Zenata then spoke one word. "Go." Sozen flashed step out of view towards the meeting. Thinking he could have some fun on the way there.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Cuttlefish
    Liao looked at the map, and saw an island. The king explain the tale behind the island, and it location. She understood the king but why call the Avatar selfish, he had reasons. "I'm in but I want to bring Mi Mo, if I go." She looked at the king hoping he would agree. "And out of curiosity, how long is our training going to take." Liao stood legs shoulder lenght apart, and arms crossed waiting for a reply.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 7, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Cuttlefish
    Liao stood there listening to the King, she wanted to respond but didn't interupt him. After the king told them they needed more training, Liao sighed, then asked the king "So who's the leader of our so called Resistance, and how are the groupds going to be divided?" She spoke thinking that she would end up as a healer to the smaller groups rather than a fight. "Some of us are better fighters than healer, I don't wanna be put in a group that only needs me for healing them when they are injured, thats not who I am." There she went again running her mouth with out thinking, she thought to herself, "I gotta stop doing that........why must I continued to show my Arrogance." She looked at the King with eye of sorrow for acting this way, she even new better and yet she continued to do it.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 5, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. Cuttlefish
    Liao stared at Draco, then asked, " So the Resistance doesn't exsist, you told me that it did," she paused taking a deep breath, then continued. "And how is an idea going to defeat the FNA, it will give them an idea that people are starting to arise, then the FNA will get tougher on the city they already conquered, and crush these ideas of hope." She was not happy with Draco's idea. She turn to the Southern Water Tribe boy, Kota and said "An ideas doesn't save people, Strenght does, and the mass people will help too," She turn to the king and gave the impression that she needed more convincing. "Your Majesty, instead of creating idea, why not make the resistance real also?" Liao stopped to think, she usually bit off more than she could chew. Thinking now she was going to be hated for her actions.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Cuttlefish
    Sozen watch his friend dissapear into the distance. He turn around and look around the room, he paused then thought to him self,"Where 's my lieutenant," He started picking up the papers and hear someone behind him. It was another one of his subordinate, he smiled and order him to help clean up the mess, but mostly be him picking it up as Sozen wandered around the barracks looking for his lieutenant.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 4, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Cuttlefish
    I own, if i can remember.....

    Gears of wars
    Monster Hunter
    Little Big Planet
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 3, 2012 in forum: Gaming
  7. Cuttlefish
    I know that but didn't michael and her turn back human, how are they still a vampire and a hybrid?
    It left off them looking for Michael, and the little girl was vicious, and the lycans pretty much controlled everything,
    Soo confused on how the turned back is all.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 3, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  8. Cuttlefish
    I wonder if Sokka had kids and if so will they make an apearance, and Zuko and Mai made an awesome couple i think the whole depressed emo thing worked for them.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 3, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  9. Cuttlefish
    I've seen the movie and wasn't all that impressed like I don't know where this movie falls into the timline.
    And not he alive but has no major roll in this movie just bit of piece.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 3, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  10. Cuttlefish
    I saw it and was amazed, I've seen it twice and i still couldn't count all of them. And the world really does need some chaos, just saying.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 3, 2012 in forum: Movies & Media
  11. Cuttlefish
    Liao was startled when her wrist was grabbed, but it was only Draco. She stared at his facial expressions, he looked worried. "The FNA soldiers are gone or being push out of the city, and the King is fine he didn't get that title for nothing trust me." Liao said then reach for his hand and slowly cupped it. "Everything is going to be okay, you need to get as much rest as you can, we need a leader for the resistance." Liao said calmly, then a gong sound went off. She turn her head then back to Draco, "What was that?" She was startled by the sound think maybe the FNA was back. A bead of sweat rolled down her forehead, in fear that she wasn't ready for another attack just yet.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 3, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Cuttlefish
    Sozen looked at his friend and answered. "I did have them all done, but now its a mess and I'm not cleaning it up." He looked at Mugi, he put his lazy smile away and asked Mugi in his serious face that he had. "What are we to do about the current events, its seems like we might be in over our heads with this chaos that showed up ......" He waited for his friend to respond to his statement. He looked passed Mugi, eye's were set on the tree just flowing in the wind, wondering if this was Soul Society last days.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Cuttlefish
    Liao walked to the rooms where Draco was staying. She sat next to his bed and looked closely at him."Your and airbender..... Sweet.... Never meet an airbender." She thought as a smiled creeped up on her face. She leaned on the chair until she comfortable, then passed out.Liao started dreaming of her pass and her best friend, it was a good dream of them practicing the waterbending and laughing having a fun time. His face was very vivid she remember every detail of his face even the scar across his right eye, that she tries to forget. A smile appeared on her face, she like making him work, and teasing him about his imperfect techniques. She was happy the happiest she has been in a while, but then she remembered this was still a dream, and the smile disappeared as soon as it was there.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 2, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Cuttlefish
    Liao walked the city smelling the burnt house. She continued to walk around the town helping put out the fire that were still on some house. She put out 4 house and realized she was out of water and exaushted. Liao looked around and started to get light-headed, she kneel down to get a hold of her self. Liao stood up and slowly walked abck to the palace, "Wow never thought i would ever be this tired again, gotta try and break this point so it doesn't happen." She though to herself. "GOD WHY CAN"T I BE STRONGER, AAAAAHHHHHHHHH....." She screamed wondering why she could protect everyone, she reach the palace doors, she nodded at the gaurds and went in.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, May 1, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Cuttlefish
    Liao walked out of the palace with Rolan. she sat next to Rolan where he was resting, she did what could in healing his wounds. She sat there poundering some ways out of this place. She walked up to the gaurds and told them "I'm going for a walk to clear my head, keep and eye on Rolan, Please and thank you." The guard nodded, and went in the room. Laio walk out of the room and started wandering the streets of Ba sing Se.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, Apr 30, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Cuttlefish
    Liao followed Rolan all the way up to the earth king palace. She stood and watched at the Fire lord's daughter, and Rolan start their agni kai. She watched the old man get out smarted by the girl firey spirit, as soon as it started it was over, thanks to the Eath king. Liao stood stun on how quickly he moved to the metal bending, to imprisoned them.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, Apr 29, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Cuttlefish
    Liao replied "Ok I got it." She motioned the water around one of the fire benders feet then froze it. The fire bender was stuck, tugging at his leg, he didn't realiz what was coming next. Liao iced the tips of her fingers, then threw them at the fire bender piecing his throat. "One left Rolan you want him or can I have him?"
    Post by: Cuttlefish, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Cuttlefish
    Sozen used one hand and flipped up and over the desk while it was moving backwards. He sat on the desk after it stopped moving.

    "What, why did wake me up?"

    He looked behind him and saw all his hard work now all over the place. He laughed and said.

    "Well it was done....."
    Post by: Cuttlefish, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Cuttlefish
    Liao took off running, after Rolan. They ran straight to the palace. Liao laughed and said.

    "I never had so much fun,.... By the way my name is Liao."

    Liao tried to steady her breathing as she ran with the old man. he was quick to for being old. She could feel the soot filling her lungs. It was getting hard to breath but she would bear threw it.
    Post by: Cuttlefish, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Cuttlefish
    Liao laugh at the old man.

    "So what your name?"

    She waited then said.

    "I can help but I can't fight alone, theres too many for me to handle, but you can help me wanna make it a deal?"
    Post by: Cuttlefish, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Retirement Home