if you join like the marines or army then ya it'll be somewhat hard but the air force is sinchy!
eh its not bad :)
yup all of that was me training for my job in the military :P
lol no its ok i know what you ment :P but ya i actually didnt go to colledge i came into the millitary right after school
lol mabe i should have been a mechanic! i had the grades for that!!! and ya everything will work out always does :P
lol not even but ya the earlier you start the better you know do good in shool apply for scholarships and what not. man know i feel older.....
ya thats what i didnt do :P its good o plan ahead
i do though... but ya i remember i hated being trapped in a room for an ectended period of time but it was still cool. i know this will sound old...
lol whats not possible
hm i feel like an old person...saying i wish i was back in highschool :P
lol thats sucks enjoy your last few days :D
Hehe lol but ya what you been up to still just school?
Ya im excited im going to visit my bf this weekend! I can't wait
NNot so muchbut ya im finally done with my training so ya I have more time now :)
Non exsistant I've been in training and work :P
lol nope :)
Hm that's actually the only one I haven't played
Ya idk if ima get it though
lol im super excited for the new kh game coming out :)
things are starting to look up for me, i met a nice guy im doing good in my training and ya :)