i think he only actually has them on his vestcoat thing or wotever it is the organisations robes are amazing rite??
these threads arnt so pointless or no one would be on it now would they ill bak u up hppever started this thread no offence to anyone
im thinking about wen my bros gonna come off the ps2 and let me on kh2 with my action replay codes
donald has one on his hat going all way round it 4 gods sake lolz:):):)
wudnt it be awesome if we could step into kingdom hearts ourselves and be sora and make our own epic adventure rather than having to follow a specific story imagine wielding the keyblade for real and gaining experiece becoming better at moves using magic and drives its like a neverendin virtual reality
and wen u first start playing as sora on kh2 and he still has them on tehe he luks like a rate dork dont he
im not gettin angry i jst sayin i lke his clothes do u prefer his kh1 clothes or kh2 clothes
i no wot u meen but no i dont think hes emo hes a lot more mature tho still
ive got the dw roxas code but i need him to do reactions is there one tht lets dw roxas turn into drive forms
i love soras new outfit and his forms rok especialy wisdom i lke it coz of the flames on his legs and arms and the final form just luks awesum anyway
just about anywhere i got mine off ebay for 3 quid used but in perfect condition or argos does good deals the official site to buy them on is www.codejunkies.com
dont everyones clothes on kh2 luk totally awesum for example roxas hes got style and i love his wristbands and have you noticed tht kh2 characters have got zips just about everywhere on their clothes theyre awesum
its lke roxas is really strict if u get wot i meen whereas sora luvs to have a laff and joke arround more he duz takesaving the world seriously but hes not very keen to show it its lke hes in it for the fun of just killing heartless and nobodies
hey guys made this thread so i can just find people to talk to who share the same intrests as me and want to talk about kingdom hearts and stuff
this site i stil loooooovveee it but i dont no wot to do next
wots an RC fix
same old stuff now gettin kinda bored
it dont matter i worked it out thnx anyway
i 4got how to start a new thread
hm wierd oh well