sieben die nacht schzu pancht tanato die leben
hey i got bored and needed summet to talk about so i made say i lke the improved version of the basic heartless and im probarbly most like them 2
when i put this code on the action replay max it says it is 4 another game...................somebody please help me out
OMG people hoo understand thts exactly how i feel how did u no tht
i thought he was a dorky little squirt with a squeeky voice then i looked at the bak and realized he was 14 i thought he was lke 10
hello will u be my fwend i need mor rep
hey there dude
no 1 tlks 2 me grrrr
evry1 luvs cookies yaaaaaay
helloooo gud buddy
hey there ......
hey there are u actually emo?????
hey there do u have a coder disc or owt yet 4 kingdom hrtz
i alwys use the sleeping lion coz it luks cool and is quite good in strength and magic and it is long the handle also looks like the original kingdom key which just makes it awesome
theyve gone abit far with the clothes on some characters lke kairi and namine theyre pretty revealing u can even see kairis underwear lolz
ye being lazy roks u no if this cheat actually works and do i have to do owt special to make it work
He looks dorky in kh1 for sum reason i lke leons clothes
yes im really into fantasy as if ive got a world of my own
i was playing as king mickey lke 2 mins ago and i dont wana be nasty or rude but his clothed luk note lke soras actually they are quite similar judge 4 urself with this pik
it would be cool if u cud turn into a form with the organization cloak on sora i think he would look ok in and it wud be cool if the cloak gev sora some special nobody powers or summet