would u lke these cheats for action replay max or not dude oh and is there a code to play as axel on kh2 action replay max and can he use reaction commands
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hey there newbie buddy
i live in england so where can i get final mix and wot do u have to do with it thats so different to the normal kindom hearts ..................do u download stuff on it........i need some details please someone?????????
its a good balde but its got crap looks
ive got the cheats for action replay max is that ok do u want them buddy
that would be cool,,,,,,why dont those corporate jerks makes the funkin film alreddy......now i really want them to make one grrrrrrr im angy
i like the keyblades that have a good look to them....and ones that have something sharp or pointy on the end,,,,i dont like the decisive pupmkin coz its just a curly candy cane the follow the wind has an axe which makes it look cool and he oathkeepers looks freakin awesome with its points and sharp edges
the one tht turns u into kh1 sora???? there is a code and i think its called limit form ....it lets u use all the old attacks n stuff lke ragnarok can someone help pleez
if they made a film it would follow the plot from the game with its own twists and their wouldnt be much fighting in it but the last fights like xemnas woulb be epic and then the 3rd one would come out............dont u think tht wud be awesome
does he......i thought he used the inverted kingdom key.......or on the new kingdom hearts he holds the star keeper
wouldnt it be totally awsome if they turned the kingdom hearts stories into animation films with awesome fighting graphics and stuff and choreography
does anyone here no this code for action replay max ....................stop ignoring me grgrgrgr:yelling: i think its how many posts u put up or how much reputation other people give u anyways im not bein pushy but can we stick to the subject or this will get closed :D:D:D:D:D:D:D
is there a code for kh2 bthat lets you drive into kh1 sora
ill ask people to join
i just love all of you
hellooooooo.....does anyone no the unlimited jump code for kh2 that actually works oh and what is the cheat for kh1 sora as a form for kh2...........or is it just for kh2 final mix
i agree...there were too many zippers but they looked so awesome on the characters
ye.....that one is awesome
is tht the ninja one???